Refactor extension to webpack

This change is the biggest in the history of the project. The entire
project has been refactored so it is built with webpack.

This involves:
- Creating webpack and npm config files.
- Fixing some bugs in the code due to the fact that webpack uses strict
- Merging some pieces of code which were shared throughout the codebase
(not exhaustive, more work should be done in this direction).
- Splitting the console_inject.js file into separate files (it had 1000+
- Adapting all the build-related files (Makefile, bash scripts, etc.)
- Changing the docs to explain the new build process.
- Changing the Zuul playbook/roles to adapt to the new build process.

Change-Id: I16476d47825461c3a318b3f1a1eddb06b2df2e89
diff --git a/src/contentScripts/profile.js b/src/contentScripts/profile.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..38894d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/contentScripts/profile.js
@@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
+import {escapeUsername} from '../common/communityConsoleUtils.js';
+var authuser = (new URL(location.href)).searchParams.get('authuser') || '0';
+function getSearchUrl(query) {
+  var urlpart = encodeURIComponent('query=' + encodeURIComponent(query));
+  var authuserpart =
+      (authuser == '0' ? '' : '?authuser=' + encodeURIComponent(authuser));
+  return '' + urlpart +
+      authuserpart;
+function injectPreviousPostsLinksUnifiedProfile() {
+  var nameElement =
+      document.querySelector('.scTailwindUser_profileUsercardname');
+  if (nameElement === null) {
+    console.error('[previousposts] Can\'t find username.');
+    return;
+  }
+  var name = escapeUsername(nameElement.textContent);
+  var filter = '(creator:"' + name + '" | replier:"' + name + '") forum:any';
+  var url = getSearchUrl(filter);
+  var links = document.createElement('div');
+  links.classList.add('TWPT-user-profile__user-links');
+  var a = document.createElement('a');
+  a.classList.add('TWPT-user-profile__user-link', 'TWPT-user-link');
+  a.href = url;
+ = '_parent';
+  a.setAttribute(
+      'data-stats-id', 'user-posts-link--tw-power-tools-by-avm99963');
+  var badge = document.createElement('span');
+  badge.classList.add('TWPT-badge');
+  badge.setAttribute(
+      'title', chrome.i18n.getMessage('inject_extension_badge_helper', [
+        chrome.i18n.getMessage('appName')
+      ]));
+  var badgeImg = document.createElement('img');
+  badgeImg.src =
+      '';
+  badge.appendChild(badgeImg);
+  a.appendChild(badge);
+  var span = document.createElement('span');
+  span.textContent = chrome.i18n.getMessage('inject_previousposts');
+  a.appendChild(span);
+  links.appendChild(a);
+  var userDetailsNode =
+      document.querySelector('.scTailwindUser_profileUsercarddetails');
+  if (userDetailsNode === null) {
+    console.error('[previousposts] Can\'t get user card details div.');
+    return;
+  }
+  userDetailsNode.parentNode.insertBefore(links, userDetailsNode.nextSibling);
+function injectPreviousPostsLinksOldProfile() {
+  if (document.querySelector('.user-profile__user-links') === null) {
+    var nameElement = document.querySelector('.user-profile__user-name');
+    if (nameElement !== null) {
+      var profileLink = document.querySelector('.community-console');
+      if (profileLink === null) {
+        console.error(
+            '[previousposts] ' +
+            'The user is not a PE so we can\'t show the previous posts link.');
+        return;
+      }
+      var profileUrl = profileLink.href || '';
+      var profileUrlSplit = profileUrl.split('/forum/');
+      if (profileUrlSplit.length < 2) {
+        console.error('[previousposts] Can\'t get forum id.');
+        return;
+      }
+      var forumId = profileUrlSplit[1].split('/')[0];
+      var name = escapeUsername(nameElement.textContent);
+      var filter =
+          '(creator:"' + name + '" | replier:"' + name + '") forum:' + forumId;
+      var url = getSearchUrl(filter);
+      var links = document.createElement('div');
+      links.classList.add('user-profile__user-links');
+      var linkTitle = document.createElement('div');
+      linkTitle.classList.add('user-profile__user-link-title');
+      linkTitle.textContent = chrome.i18n.getMessage('inject_links');
+      links.appendChild(linkTitle);
+      var ul = document.createElement('ul');
+      var li = document.createElement('li');
+      li.classList.add('user-profile__user-link');
+      var a = document.createElement('a');
+      a.classList.add('user-profile__user-link', 'TWPT-user-link');
+      a.href = url;
+      a.setAttribute(
+          'data-stats-id', 'user-posts-link--tw-power-tools-by-avm99963');
+      var badge = document.createElement('span');
+      badge.classList.add('TWPT-badge');
+      badge.setAttribute(
+          'title', chrome.i18n.getMessage('inject_extension_badge_helper', [
+            chrome.i18n.getMessage('appName')
+          ]));
+      var badgeImg = document.createElement('img');
+      badgeImg.src =
+          '';
+      badge.appendChild(badgeImg);
+      a.appendChild(badge);
+      var span = document.createElement('span');
+      span.textContent = chrome.i18n.getMessage('inject_previousposts');
+      a.appendChild(span);
+      li.appendChild(a);
+      ul.appendChild(li);
+      links.appendChild(ul);
+      document.querySelector('.user-profile__user-details-container')
+          .appendChild(links);
+    } else {
+      console.error('[previousposts] Can\'t find username.');
+    }
+  }
+, function(items) {
+  if (items.history) {
+    if (document.getElementById('unified-user-profile') !== null)
+      injectPreviousPostsLinksUnifiedProfile();
+    else
+      injectPreviousPostsLinksOldProfile();
+  }