Set up the development environment

Before starting to develop, you must set up your device. This is what you must do:

  1. Install Go. On Mac, you can install it with Homebrew by running brew install go.
    • This is because the build script uses a Go program to generate the manifest.
  2. Install the genmanifest Go program. In order to do this, run go install
  3. Install PNPM.
  4. Now, you must clone the git repository to your device to retrieve the extension source code. To do that, go here and execute the "clone with commit-msg hook" command listed there (if you sign in you'll see several options: cloning via anonymous HTTP, HTTP, or SSH).
  5. That's it! If you're using a Mac, you're out of luck, because you must perform some more steps.

Mac-specific configuration

On a Mac, you must also follow these steps:

  1. Install Brew if not installed already.
  2. Use Brew to install the following packages: bash, gnu-getopt, and gnu-sed. Basically we want to get an updated bash version, an updated version of the getopt command, and the GNU version of sed.
  3. Set Brew's bash as the default shell (or just make sure to use Brew's bash when compiling the extension).
  4. Include the directories where getopt and gnu-sed were installed to $PATH.