Add flattenthreads experiment

This experiment allows users to flatten the replies in threads, so they
are shown linearly in a chronological way instead of nested.

When the option is enabled, a switch is added to the thread page which
lets the user switch between flattening replies and not flattening them.

Some UI is still missing (see the design document[1]).


Bug: twpowertools:153
Change-Id: I43f94442cadc12b752700f0e8d974522be621d3e
diff --git a/src/injections/litComponentsInject.js b/src/injections/litComponentsInject.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f4d59bd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/injections/litComponentsInject.js
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+// This file imports necessary web components used for several features which
+// use LitElement (and thus custom web elements). This is done by injecting this
+// javascript file instead of placing this code directly in the content script
+// because `window.customElements` doesn't exist in content scripts.
+import '../contentScripts/communityConsole/workflows/components/index.js';
+import '../contentScripts/communityConsole/threadToolbar/components/index.js';
+import {injectStylesheet} from '../common/contentScriptsUtils.js';
+// Also, we import Material Icons since the Community Console uses "Google
+// Material Icons" instead of "Material Icons". This is necessary for the MD3
+// components.
diff --git a/src/injections/workflowComponentsInject.js b/src/injections/workflowComponentsInject.js
deleted file mode 100644
index d7e788e..0000000
--- a/src/injections/workflowComponentsInject.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-// This file imports necessary web components used for the workflows feature.
-// This is done by injecting this javascript file instead of placing this code
-// directly in the content script because `window.customElements` doesn't exist
-// in content scripts.
-import '../contentScripts/communityConsole/workflows/components/index.js';
-import {injectStylesheet} from '../common/contentScriptsUtils.js';
-// Also, we import Material Icons since the Community Console uses "Google
-// Material Icons" instead of "Material Icons". This is necessary for the MD3
-// components.