| var mutationObserver, intersectionObserver, intersectionOptions, options, |
| authuser; |
| |
| function removeChildNodes(node) { |
| while (node.firstChild) { |
| node.removeChild(node.firstChild); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| function getNParent(node, n) { |
| if (n <= 0) return node; |
| if (!('parentNode' in node)) return null; |
| return getNParent(node.parentNode, n - 1); |
| } |
| |
| function parseUrl(url) { |
| var forum_a = url.match(/forum\/([0-9]+)/i); |
| var thread_a = url.match(/thread\/([0-9]+)/i); |
| |
| if (forum_a === null || thread_a === null) { |
| return false; |
| } |
| |
| return { |
| 'forum': forum_a[1], |
| 'thread': thread_a[1], |
| }; |
| } |
| |
| function createExtBadge() { |
| var badge = document.createElement('div'); |
| badge.classList.add('TWPT-badge'); |
| badge.setAttribute( |
| 'title', chrome.i18n.getMessage('inject_extension_badge_helper', [ |
| chrome.i18n.getMessage('appName') |
| ])); |
| |
| var badgeI = document.createElement('i'); |
| badgeI.classList.add('material-icon-i', 'material-icons-extended'); |
| badgeI.textContent = 'repeat'; |
| |
| badge.append(badgeI); |
| return badge; |
| } |
| |
| function addProfileHistoryLink(node, type, query) { |
| var urlpart = encodeURIComponent('query=' + query); |
| var authuserpart = |
| (authuser == '0' ? '' : '?authuser=' + encodeURIComponent(authuser)); |
| var container = document.createElement('div'); |
| container.style.margin = '3px 0'; |
| |
| var link = document.createElement('a'); |
| link.setAttribute( |
| 'href', |
| 'https://support.google.com/s/community/search/' + urlpart + |
| authuserpart); |
| link.innerText = chrome.i18n.getMessage('inject_previousposts_' + type); |
| |
| container.appendChild(link); |
| node.appendChild(container); |
| } |
| |
| function applyDragAndDropFix(node) { |
| console.debug('Adding link drag&drop fix to ', node); |
| node.addEventListener('drop', e => { |
| if (e.dataTransfer.types.includes('text/uri-list')) { |
| e.stopImmediatePropagation(); |
| console.debug('Stopping link drop event propagation.'); |
| } |
| }, true); |
| } |
| |
| function nodeIsReadToggleBtn(node) { |
| return ('tagName' in node) && node.tagName == 'MATERIAL-BUTTON' && |
| node.getAttribute('debugid') !== null && |
| (node.getAttribute('debugid') == 'mark-read-button' || |
| node.getAttribute('debugid') == 'mark-unread-button') && |
| ('parentNode' in node) && node.parentNode !== null && |
| ('parentNode' in node.parentNode) && |
| node.parentNode.querySelector('[debugid="batchlock"]') === null && |
| node.parentNode.parentNode !== null && |
| ('tagName' in node.parentNode.parentNode) && |
| node.parentNode.parentNode.tagName == 'EC-BULK-ACTIONS'; |
| } |
| |
| function injectDarkModeButton(rightControl) { |
| var darkThemeSwitch = document.createElement('material-button'); |
| darkThemeSwitch.classList.add('TWPT-dark-theme', 'TWPT-btn--with-badge'); |
| darkThemeSwitch.setAttribute('button', ''); |
| darkThemeSwitch.setAttribute( |
| 'title', chrome.i18n.getMessage('inject_ccdarktheme_helper')); |
| |
| darkThemeSwitch.addEventListener('click', e => { |
| chrome.storage.sync.get(null, currentOptions => { |
| currentOptions.ccdarktheme_switch_status = |
| !options.ccdarktheme_switch_status; |
| chrome.storage.sync.set(currentOptions, _ => { |
| location.reload(); |
| }); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| var switchContent = document.createElement('div'); |
| switchContent.classList.add('content'); |
| |
| var icon = document.createElement('material-icon'); |
| |
| var i = document.createElement('i'); |
| i.classList.add('material-icon-i', 'material-icons-extended'); |
| i.textContent = 'brightness_4'; |
| |
| icon.appendChild(i); |
| switchContent.appendChild(icon); |
| darkThemeSwitch.appendChild(switchContent); |
| |
| var badgeContent = createExtBadge(); |
| |
| darkThemeSwitch.appendChild(badgeContent); |
| |
| rightControl.style.width = |
| (parseInt(window.getComputedStyle(rightControl).width) + 58) + 'px'; |
| rightControl.insertAdjacentElement('afterbegin', darkThemeSwitch); |
| } |
| |
| function addBatchLockBtn(readToggle) { |
| var clone = readToggle.cloneNode(true); |
| clone.setAttribute('debugid', 'batchlock'); |
| clone.classList.add('TWPT-btn--with-badge'); |
| clone.setAttribute('title', chrome.i18n.getMessage('inject_lockbtn')); |
| clone.querySelector('material-icon').setAttribute('icon', 'lock'); |
| clone.querySelector('i.material-icon-i').textContent = 'lock'; |
| |
| var badge = createExtBadge(); |
| clone.append(badge); |
| |
| clone.addEventListener('click', function() { |
| var modal = document.querySelector('.pane[pane-id="default-1"]'); |
| |
| var dialog = document.createElement('material-dialog'); |
| dialog.setAttribute('role', 'dialog'); |
| dialog.setAttribute('aria-modal', 'true'); |
| dialog.classList.add('TWPT-dialog'); |
| |
| var header = document.createElement('header'); |
| header.setAttribute('role', 'presentation'); |
| header.classList.add('TWPT-dialog-header'); |
| |
| var title = document.createElement('div'); |
| title.classList.add('TWPT-dialog-header--title', 'title'); |
| title.textContent = chrome.i18n.getMessage('inject_lockbtn'); |
| |
| header.append(title); |
| |
| var main = document.createElement('main'); |
| main.setAttribute('role', 'presentation'); |
| main.classList.add('TWPT-dialog-main'); |
| |
| var p = document.createElement('p'); |
| p.textContent = chrome.i18n.getMessage('inject_lockdialog_desc'); |
| |
| main.append(p); |
| |
| dialog.append(header, main); |
| |
| var footers = [['lock', 'unlock', 'cancel'], ['reload', 'close']]; |
| |
| for (var i = 0; i < footers.length; ++i) { |
| var footer = document.createElement('footer'); |
| footer.setAttribute('role', 'presentation'); |
| footer.classList.add('TWPT-dialog-footer'); |
| footer.setAttribute('data-footer-id', i); |
| |
| if (i > 0) footer.classList.add('is-hidden'); |
| |
| footers[i].forEach(action => { |
| var btn = document.createElement('material-button'); |
| btn.setAttribute('role', 'button'); |
| btn.classList.add('TWPT-dialog-footer-btn'); |
| if (i == 1) btn.classList.add('is-disabled'); |
| |
| switch (action) { |
| case 'lock': |
| case 'unlock': |
| btn.addEventListener('click', _ => { |
| if (btn.classList.contains('is-disabled')) return; |
| var message = { |
| action, |
| prefix: 'TWPT-batchlock', |
| }; |
| window.postMessage(message, '*'); |
| }); |
| break; |
| |
| case 'cancel': |
| case 'close': |
| btn.addEventListener('click', _ => { |
| if (btn.classList.contains('is-disabled')) return; |
| modal.classList.remove('visible'); |
| modal.style.display = 'none'; |
| removeChildNodes(modal); |
| }); |
| break; |
| |
| case 'reload': |
| btn.addEventListener('click', _ => { |
| if (btn.classList.contains('is-disabled')) return; |
| window.location.reload() |
| }); |
| break; |
| } |
| |
| var content = document.createElement('div'); |
| content.classList.add('content', 'TWPT-dialog-footer-btn--content'); |
| content.textContent = |
| chrome.i18n.getMessage('inject_lockdialog_btn_' + action); |
| |
| btn.append(content); |
| footer.append(btn); |
| }); |
| |
| var clear = document.createElement('div'); |
| clear.style.clear = 'both'; |
| |
| footer.append(clear); |
| dialog.append(footer); |
| } |
| |
| removeChildNodes(modal); |
| modal.append(dialog); |
| modal.classList.add('visible', 'modal'); |
| modal.style.display = 'flex'; |
| }); |
| readToggle.parentNode.insertBefore( |
| clone, (readToggle.nextSibling || readToggle)); |
| } |
| |
| // TODO(avm99963): This is a prototype. DON'T FORGET TO ADD ERROR HANDLING. |
| function injectAvatars(node) { |
| var header = node.querySelector( |
| 'ec-thread-summary .main-header .panel-description a.header'); |
| if (header === null) return; |
| |
| var link = parseUrl(header.href); |
| if (link === false) return; |
| |
| var APIRequestUrl = 'https://support.google.com/s/community/api/ViewThread' + |
| (authuser == '0' ? '' : '?authuser=' + encodeURIComponent(authuser)); |
| |
| fetch(APIRequestUrl, { |
| 'headers': { |
| 'content-type': 'text/plain; charset=utf-8', |
| }, |
| 'body': JSON.stringify({ |
| 1: link.forum, |
| 2: link.thread, |
| 3: { |
| 1: {2: 15}, |
| 3: true, |
| 5: true, |
| 10: true, |
| 16: true, |
| 18: true, |
| } |
| }), |
| 'method': 'POST', |
| 'mode': 'cors', |
| 'credentials': 'omit', |
| }) |
| .then(res => { |
| if (res.status == 200 || res.status == 400) { |
| return res.json().then(data => ({ |
| status: res.status, |
| body: data, |
| })); |
| } else { |
| throw new Error('Status code ' + res.status + ' was not expected.'); |
| } |
| }) |
| .then(res => { |
| if (res.status == 400) { |
| throw new Error( |
| res.body[4] || |
| ('Response status: 400. Error code: ' + res.body[2])); |
| } |
| |
| return res.body; |
| }) |
| .then(data => { |
| if (!('1' in data) || !('8' in data['1'])) return false; |
| |
| var messages = data['1']['8']; |
| if (messages == 0) return; |
| |
| var avatarUrls = []; |
| |
| if (!('3' in data['1'])) return false; |
| for (var m of data['1']['3']) { |
| if (!('3' in m) || !('1' in m['3']) || !('2' in m['3']['1'])) |
| continue; |
| |
| var url = m['3']['1']['2']; |
| |
| if (!avatarUrls.includes(url)) avatarUrls.push(url); |
| |
| if (avatarUrls.length == 3) break; |
| } |
| |
| var avatarsContainer = document.createElement('div'); |
| avatarsContainer.classList.add('TWPT-avatars'); |
| |
| var count = Math.floor(Math.random() * 4); |
| |
| for (var i = 0; i < avatarUrls.length; ++i) { |
| var avatar = document.createElement('div'); |
| avatar.classList.add('TWPT-avatar'); |
| avatar.style.backgroundImage = 'url(\'' + avatarUrls[i] + '\')'; |
| avatarsContainer.appendChild(avatar); |
| } |
| |
| header.appendChild(avatarsContainer); |
| }); |
| } |
| |
| var autoRefresh = { |
| isLookingForUpdates: false, |
| isUpdatePromptShown: false, |
| lastTimestamp: null, |
| filter: null, |
| path: null, |
| snackbar: null, |
| interval: null, |
| firstCallTimeout: null, |
| intervalMs: 3 * 60 * 1000, // 3 minutes |
| firstCallDelayMs: 3 * 1000, // 3 seconds |
| getStartupData() { |
| return JSON.parse( |
| document.querySelector('html').getAttribute('data-startup')); |
| }, |
| isOrderedByTimestampDescending() { |
| var startup = this.getStartupData(); |
| // Returns orderOptions.by == TIMESTAMP && orderOptions.desc == true |
| return ( |
| startup?.[1]?.[1]?.[3]?.[14]?.[1] == 1 && |
| startup?.[1]?.[1]?.[3]?.[14]?.[2] == true); |
| }, |
| getCustomFilter(path) { |
| var searchRegex = /^\/s\/community\/search\/([^\/]*)/; |
| var matches = path.match(searchRegex); |
| if (matches !== null && matches.length > 1) { |
| var search = decodeURIComponent(matches[1]); |
| var params = new URLSearchParams(search); |
| return params.get('query') || ''; |
| } |
| |
| return ''; |
| }, |
| filterHasOverride(filter, override) { |
| var escapedOverride = override.replace(/([^\w\d\s])/gi, '\\$1'); |
| var regex = new RegExp('[^a-zA-Z0-9]?' + escapedOverride + ':'); |
| return regex.test(filter); |
| }, |
| getFilter(path) { |
| var query = this.getCustomFilter(path); |
| |
| // Note: This logic has been copied and adapted from the |
| // _buildQuery$1$threadId function in the Community Console |
| var conditions = ''; |
| var startup = this.getStartupData(); |
| |
| // TODO(avm99963): if the selected forums are changed without reloading the |
| // page, this will get the old selected forums. Fix this. |
| var forums = startup?.[1]?.[1]?.[3]?.[8] ?? []; |
| if (!this.filterHasOverride(query, 'forum') && forums !== null && |
| forums.length > 0) |
| conditions += ' forum:(' + forums.join(' | ') + ')'; |
| |
| var langs = startup?.[1]?.[1]?.[3]?.[5] ?? []; |
| if (!this.filterHasOverride(query, 'lang') && langs !== null && |
| langs.length > 0) |
| conditions += ' lang:(' + langs.map(l => '"' + l + '"').join(' | ') + ')'; |
| |
| if (query.length !== 0 && conditions.length !== 0) |
| return '(' + query + ')' + conditions; |
| return query + conditions; |
| }, |
| getLastTimestamp() { |
| var APIRequestUrl = 'https://support.google.com/s/community/api/ViewForum' + |
| (authuser == '0' ? '' : '?authuser=' + encodeURIComponent(authuser)); |
| |
| return fetch(APIRequestUrl, { |
| 'headers': { |
| 'content-type': 'text/plain; charset=utf-8', |
| }, |
| 'body': JSON.stringify({ |
| 1: '0', // TODO: Change, when only a forum is selected, it |
| // should be set here |
| 2: { |
| 1: { |
| 2: 2, |
| }, |
| 2: { |
| 1: 1, |
| 2: true, |
| }, |
| 12: this.filter, |
| }, |
| }), |
| 'method': 'POST', |
| 'mode': 'cors', |
| 'credentials': 'include', |
| }) |
| .then(res => { |
| if (res.status == 200 || res.status == 400) { |
| return res.json().then(data => ({ |
| status: res.status, |
| body: data, |
| })); |
| } else { |
| throw new Error('Status code ' + res.status + ' was not expected.'); |
| } |
| }) |
| .then(res => { |
| if (res.status == 400) { |
| throw new Error( |
| res.body[4] || |
| ('Response status: 400. Error code: ' + res.body[2])); |
| } |
| |
| return res.body; |
| }) |
| .then(body => { |
| var timestamp = body?.[1]?.[2]?.[0]?.[2]?.[17]; |
| if (timestamp === undefined) |
| throw new Error( |
| 'Unexpected body of response (' + |
| (body?.[1]?.[2]?.[0] === undefined ? |
| 'no threads were returned' : |
| 'the timestamp value is not present in the first thread') + |
| ').'); |
| |
| return timestamp; |
| }); |
| // TODO(avm99963): Add retry mechanism (sometimes thread lists are empty, |
| // but when loading the next page the thread appears). |
| // |
| // NOTE(avm99963): It seems like loading the first 2 threads instead of only |
| // the first one fixes this (empty lists are now rarely returned). |
| }, |
| unregister() { |
| console.debug('autorefresh_list: unregistering'); |
| |
| if (!this.isLookingForUpdates) return; |
| |
| window.clearTimeout(this.firstCallTimeout); |
| window.clearInterval(this.interval); |
| this.isUpdatePromptShown = false; |
| this.isLookingForUpdates = false; |
| }, |
| showUpdatePrompt() { |
| this.snackbar.classList.remove('TWPT-hidden'); |
| document.title = '[!!!] ' + document.title.replace('[!!!] ', ''); |
| this.isUpdatePromptShown = true; |
| }, |
| hideUpdatePrompt() { |
| this.snackbar.classList.add('TWPT-hidden'); |
| document.title = document.title.replace('[!!!] ', ''); |
| this.isUpdatePromptShown = false; |
| }, |
| injectUpdatePrompt() { |
| var pane = document.createElement('div'); |
| pane.classList.add('TWPT-pane-for-snackbar'); |
| |
| var snackbar = document.createElement('material-snackbar-panel'); |
| snackbar.classList.add('TWPT-snackbar'); |
| snackbar.classList.add('TWPT-hidden'); |
| |
| var ac = document.createElement('div'); |
| ac.classList.add('TWPT-animation-container'); |
| |
| var nb = document.createElement('div'); |
| nb.classList.add('TWPT-notification-bar'); |
| |
| var ft = document.createElement('focus-trap'); |
| |
| var content = document.createElement('div'); |
| content.classList.add('TWPT-focus-content-wrapper'); |
| |
| var badge = createExtBadge(); |
| |
| var message = document.createElement('div'); |
| message.classList.add('TWPT-message'); |
| message.textContent = |
| chrome.i18n.getMessage('inject_autorefresh_list_snackbar_message'); |
| |
| var action = document.createElement('div'); |
| action.classList.add('TWPT-action'); |
| action.textContent = |
| chrome.i18n.getMessage('inject_autorefresh_list_snackbar_action'); |
| |
| action.addEventListener('click', e => { |
| this.hideUpdatePrompt(); |
| document.querySelector('.app-title-button').click(); |
| }); |
| |
| content.append(badge, message, action); |
| ft.append(content); |
| nb.append(ft); |
| ac.append(nb); |
| snackbar.append(ac); |
| pane.append(snackbar); |
| document.getElementById('default-acx-overlay-container').append(pane); |
| this.snackbar = snackbar; |
| }, |
| checkUpdate() { |
| if (location.pathname != this.path) { |
| this.unregister(); |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| if (this.isUpdatePromptShown) return; |
| |
| console.debug('Checking for update at: ', new Date()); |
| |
| this.getLastTimestamp() |
| .then(timestamp => { |
| if (timestamp != this.lastTimestamp) this.showUpdatePrompt(); |
| }) |
| .catch( |
| err => console.error( |
| 'Coudln\'t get last timestamp (while updating): ', err)); |
| }, |
| firstCall() { |
| console.debug( |
| 'autorefresh_list: now performing first call to finish setup (filter: [' + |
| this.filter + '])'); |
| |
| if (location.pathname != this.path) { |
| this.unregister(); |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| this.getLastTimestamp() |
| .then(timestamp => { |
| this.lastTimestamp = timestamp; |
| var checkUpdateCallback = this.checkUpdate.bind(this); |
| this.interval = |
| window.setInterval(checkUpdateCallback, this.intervalMs); |
| }) |
| .catch( |
| err => console.error( |
| 'Couldn\'t get last timestamp (while setting up): ', err)); |
| }, |
| setUp() { |
| if (!this.isOrderedByTimestampDescending()) return; |
| |
| this.unregister(); |
| |
| console.debug('autorefresh_list: starting set up...'); |
| |
| if (this.snackbar === null) this.injectUpdatePrompt(); |
| this.isLookingForUpdates = true; |
| this.path = location.pathname; |
| this.filter = this.getFilter(this.path); |
| |
| var firstCall = this.firstCall.bind(this); |
| this.firstCallTimeout = window.setTimeout(firstCall, this.firstCallDelayMs); |
| }, |
| }; |
| |
| function injectPreviousPostsLinks(nameElement) { |
| var mainCardContent = getNParent(nameElement, 3); |
| if (mainCardContent === null) { |
| console.error( |
| '[previousposts] Couldn\'t find |.main-card-content| element.'); |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| var forumId = location.href.split('/forum/')[1].split('/')[0] || '0'; |
| |
| var nameTag = |
| (nameElement.tagName == 'EC-DISPLAY-NAME-EDITOR' ? |
| nameElement.querySelector('.top-section > span') ?? nameElement : |
| nameElement); |
| var name = escapeUsername(nameTag.textContent); |
| var query1 = encodeURIComponent( |
| '(creator:"' + name + '" | replier:"' + name + '") forum:' + forumId); |
| var query2 = encodeURIComponent( |
| '(creator:"' + name + '" | replier:"' + name + '") forum:any'); |
| |
| var container = document.createElement('div'); |
| container.classList.add('TWPT-previous-posts'); |
| |
| var badge = createExtBadge(); |
| container.appendChild(badge); |
| |
| var linkContainer = document.createElement('div'); |
| linkContainer.classList.add('TWPT-previous-posts--links'); |
| |
| addProfileHistoryLink(linkContainer, 'forum', query1); |
| addProfileHistoryLink(linkContainer, 'all', query2); |
| |
| container.appendChild(linkContainer); |
| |
| mainCardContent.appendChild(container); |
| } |
| |
| const watchedNodesSelectors = [ |
| // App container (used to set up the intersection observer and inject the dark |
| // mode button) |
| 'ec-app', |
| |
| // Load more bar (for the "load more"/"load all" buttons) |
| '.load-more-bar', |
| |
| // Username span/editor inside ec-user (user profile view) |
| 'ec-user .main-card .header > .name > span', |
| 'ec-user .main-card .header > .name > ec-display-name-editor', |
| |
| // Rich text editor |
| 'ec-movable-dialog', |
| 'ec-rich-text-editor', |
| |
| // Read/unread bulk action in the list of thread, for the batch lock feature |
| 'ec-bulk-actions material-button[debugid="mark-read-button"]', |
| 'ec-bulk-actions material-button[debugid="mark-unread-button"]', |
| |
| // Thread list items (used to inject the avatars) |
| 'li', |
| |
| // Thread list (used for the autorefresh feature) |
| 'ec-thread-list', |
| ]; |
| |
| function handleCandidateNode(node) { |
| if (typeof node.classList !== 'undefined') { |
| if (('tagName' in node) && node.tagName == 'EC-APP') { |
| // Set up the intersectionObserver |
| if (typeof intersectionObserver === 'undefined') { |
| var scrollableContent = node.querySelector('.scrollable-content'); |
| if (scrollableContent !== null) { |
| intersectionOptions = { |
| root: scrollableContent, |
| rootMargin: '0px', |
| threshold: 1.0, |
| }; |
| |
| intersectionObserver = new IntersectionObserver( |
| intersectionCallback, intersectionOptions); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| // Inject the dark mode button |
| if (options.ccdarktheme && options.ccdarktheme_mode == 'switch') { |
| var rightControl = node.querySelector('header .right-control'); |
| if (rightControl !== null) injectDarkModeButton(rightControl); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| // Start the intersectionObserver for the "load more"/"load all" buttons |
| // inside a thread |
| if ((options.thread || options.threadall) && |
| node.classList.contains('load-more-bar')) { |
| if (typeof intersectionObserver !== 'undefined') { |
| if (options.thread) |
| intersectionObserver.observe(node.querySelector('.load-more-button')); |
| if (options.threadall) |
| intersectionObserver.observe(node.querySelector('.load-all-button')); |
| } else { |
| console.warn( |
| '[infinitescroll] ' + |
| 'The intersectionObserver is not ready yet.'); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| // Show the "previous posts" links |
| // Here we're selecting the 'ec-user > div' element (unique child) |
| if (options.history && |
| (node.matches('ec-user .main-card .header > .name > span') || |
| node.matches( |
| 'ec-user .main-card .header > .name > ec-display-name-editor'))) { |
| injectPreviousPostsLinks(node); |
| } |
| |
| // Fix the drag&drop issue with the rich text editor |
| // |
| // We target both tags because in different contexts different |
| // elements containing the text editor get added to the DOM structure. |
| // Sometimes it's a EC-MOVABLE-DIALOG which already contains the |
| // EC-RICH-TEXT-EDITOR, and sometimes it's the EC-RICH-TEXT-EDITOR |
| // directly. |
| if (options.ccdragndropfix && ('tagName' in node) && |
| (node.tagName == 'EC-MOVABLE-DIALOG' || |
| node.tagName == 'EC-RICH-TEXT-EDITOR')) { |
| applyDragAndDropFix(node); |
| } |
| |
| // Inject the batch lock button in the thread list |
| if (options.batchlock && nodeIsReadToggleBtn(node)) { |
| addBatchLockBtn(node); |
| } |
| |
| // Inject avatar links to threads in the thread list |
| if (options.threadlistavatars && ('tagName' in node) && |
| (node.tagName == 'LI') && |
| node.querySelector('ec-thread-summary') !== null) { |
| injectAvatars(node); |
| } |
| |
| // Set up the autorefresh list feature |
| if (options.autorefreshlist && ('tagName' in node) && |
| node.tagName == 'EC-THREAD-LIST') { |
| autoRefresh.setUp(); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| function handleRemovedNode(node) { |
| // Remove snackbar when exiting thread list view |
| if ('tagName' in node && node.tagName == 'EC-THREAD-LIST') { |
| autoRefresh.hideUpdatePrompt(); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| function mutationCallback(mutationList, observer) { |
| mutationList.forEach((mutation) => { |
| if (mutation.type == 'childList') { |
| mutation.addedNodes.forEach(function(node) { |
| handleCandidateNode(node); |
| }); |
| |
| mutation.removedNodes.forEach(function(node) { |
| handleRemovedNode(node); |
| }); |
| } |
| }); |
| } |
| |
| function intersectionCallback(entries, observer) { |
| entries.forEach(entry => { |
| if (entry.isIntersecting) { |
| entry.target.click(); |
| } |
| }); |
| }; |
| |
| var observerOptions = { |
| childList: true, |
| subtree: true, |
| }; |
| |
| chrome.storage.sync.get(null, function(items) { |
| options = items; |
| |
| var startup = |
| JSON.parse(document.querySelector('html').getAttribute('data-startup')); |
| authuser = startup[2][1] || '0'; |
| |
| // Before starting the mutation Observer, check whether we missed any |
| // mutations by manually checking whether some watched nodes already |
| // exist. |
| var cssSelectors = watchedNodesSelectors.join(','); |
| document.querySelectorAll(cssSelectors) |
| .forEach(node => handleCandidateNode(node)); |
| |
| mutationObserver = new MutationObserver(mutationCallback); |
| mutationObserver.observe(document.body, observerOptions); |
| |
| if (options.fixedtoolbar) { |
| injectStyles( |
| 'ec-bulk-actions{position: sticky; top: 0; background: var(--TWPT-primary-background, #fff); z-index: 96;}'); |
| } |
| |
| if (options.increasecontrast) { |
| injectStyles( |
| '.thread-summary.read:not(.checked){background: var(--TWPT-thread-read-background, #ecedee)!important;}'); |
| } |
| |
| if (options.stickysidebarheaders) { |
| injectStyles( |
| 'material-drawer .main-header{background: var(--TWPT-drawer-background, #fff)!important; position: sticky; top: 0; z-index: 1;}'); |
| } |
| |
| if (options.enhancedannouncementsdot) { |
| injectStylesheet( |
| chrome.runtime.getURL('injections/enhanced_announcements_dot.css')); |
| } |
| |
| if (options.repositionexpandthread) { |
| injectStylesheet( |
| chrome.runtime.getURL('injections/reposition_expand_thread.css')); |
| } |
| |
| if (options.ccforcehidedrawer) { |
| var drawer = document.querySelector('material-drawer'); |
| if (drawer !== null && drawer.classList.contains('mat-drawer-expanded')) { |
| document.querySelector('.material-drawer-button').click(); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| if (options.batchlock) { |
| injectScript(chrome.runtime.getURL('injections/batchlock_inject.js')); |
| } |
| |
| if (options.threadlistavatars) { |
| injectStylesheet( |
| chrome.runtime.getURL('injections/thread_list_avatars.css')); |
| } |
| |
| if (options.autorefreshlist) { |
| injectStylesheet(chrome.runtime.getURL('injections/autorefresh_list.css')); |
| } |
| }); |