Add profile indicator feature

This experimental feature adds an indicator dot next to the OP's
username in order to indicate whether the OP has participated in more
threads in the same forum.

The dot can indicate the following states:
* Blue: the OP has only participated in the current thread.
* Orange: the OP has participated in other threads, but at least the
last 5 ones have been read by the user.
* Red: the OP has participated in other threads, some of which haven't
yet been read by the user.

Change-Id: Ib358d88dacfe0e713247d7757cf7eea1a2b4f8e9
diff --git a/src/_locales/en/messages.json b/src/_locales/en/messages.json
index e958010..f5c5cde 100644
--- a/src/_locales/en/messages.json
+++ b/src/_locales/en/messages.json
@@ -67,6 +67,10 @@
     "message": "Increase contrast between read and unread threads in the Community Console.",
     "description": "Feature checkbox in the options page"
+  "options_profileindicator": {
+    "message": "Show in the Community Console <span class=\"help\" title=\"If the OP has participated in other threads, a red dot will be shown next to their username. If the OP's most recent posts have been read, an orange dot will be shown instead. You can hover the dot with your mouse in order to show the meaning of its color.\">whether the OP has participated in other threads</span>.",
+    "description": "Feature checkbox in the options page"
+  },
   "options_save": {
     "message": "Save",
     "description": "Button in the options page to save the settings"
@@ -82,5 +86,21 @@
   "inject_previousposts": {
     "message": "Previous posts",
     "description": "Link shown in a user profile (in TW and the Community Console) which points to a search showing the user's posts and messages"
+  },
+  "inject_profileindicator_loading": {
+    "message": "Loading...",
+    "description": "Tooltip for the profile indicator dot."
+  },
+  "inject_profileindicator_first_post": {
+    "message": "This is the first thread created by the OP in this forum.",
+    "description": "Tooltip for the profile indicator dot."
+  },
+  "inject_profileindicator_other_posts_read": {
+    "message": "The OP participated in other threads in this forum, but you've read the 5 most recent ones.",
+    "description": "Tooltip for the profile indicator dot."
+  },
+  "inject_profileindicator_other_posts_unread": {
+    "message": "The OP participated in other threads in this forum, some of which you haven't read.",
+    "description": "Tooltip for the profile indicator dot."