Flatten threads: add UI components to messages

- A quote is added to messages to show which was the previous message in
  the reply chain.
- A "reply" button is added to messages to allow users to compose a
  comment which is added at the end of the reply chain.
- A bug is fixed in calculating the parent reply ID in the extra info
  object. Now parent reply means the first message in a reply chain,
  while previous reply means the previous message in the reply chain.

Bug: twpowertools:153
Change-Id: I699507ade52e80287dd634e61f835d53af6a904d
diff --git a/src/static/css/thread_toolbar.css b/src/static/css/thread_toolbar.css
index cd1ac48..4c1b35f 100644
--- a/src/static/css/thread_toolbar.css
+++ b/src/static/css/thread_toolbar.css
@@ -4,6 +4,28 @@
 /* Hide reply button when a thread is flattened, since it might not work correctly */
-body.TWPT-flattenthreads-enabled ec-thread sc-tailwind-thread-message-message-list:last-child .scTailwindThreadMessageMessagecardsub-content {
-  display: none;
+@supports selector(:has(div)) {
+  body.TWPT-flattenthreads-enabled ec-thread sc-tailwind-thread-message-message-list:last-child .scTailwindThreadMessageMessagecardsub-content:not(:has(.scTailwindThreadMessageMessagecardreply-editor)) {
+    display: none;
+  }
+/* Fallback support for browsers which do not support :has(...) */
+@supports not selector(:has(div)) {
+  body.TWPT-flattenthreads-enabled ec-thread sc-tailwind-thread-message-message-list:last-child .scTailwindThreadMessageMessagecardsub-content .scTailwindThreadMessageMessagecardaction {
+    padding: 0;
+  }
+  body.TWPT-flattenthreads-enabled ec-thread sc-tailwind-thread-message-message-list:last-child .scTailwindThreadMessageMessagecardsub-content .scTailwindThreadMessageMessagecardaction .scTailwindThreadMessageMessagecardadd-comment {
+    display: none;
+  }
+  body.TWPT-flattenthreads-enabled ec-thread sc-tailwind-thread-message-message-list:last-child .scTailwindThreadMessageMessagecardsub-content .scTailwindThreadMessageMessagecardaction .scTailwindThreadMessageMessagecardreply-editor {
+    margin: 0.5rem;
+  }
+  @media (min-width: 37.5rem) {
+    body.TWPT-flattenthreads-enabled ec-thread sc-tailwind-thread-message-message-list:last-child .scTailwindThreadMessageMessagecardsub-content .scTailwindThreadMessageMessagecardaction .scTailwindThreadMessageMessagecardreply-editor {
+      margin: 0.5rem 3.5rem;
+    }
+  }