blob: 5bd0bda0de55f98c0a445bd42d5d44543891f4be [file] [log] [blame]
Copybara botbe50d492023-11-30 00:16:42 +01001<?php
Adrià Vilanova Martínez5af86512023-12-02 20:44:16 +01002/*
3 * hores
4 * Copyright (c) 2023 Adrià Vilanova Martínez
5 *
6 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
7 * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
8 * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
9 * License, or (at your option) any later version.
10 *
11 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
12 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
14 * GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
15 *
16 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public
17 * License along with this program.
18 * If not, see
19 */
Copybara botbe50d492023-11-30 00:16:42 +010021class incidentsView {
22 public static $limitOptions = [10, 15, 20, 30, 40, 50];
24 public static $incidentsMsgs = [
25 ["added", "Se ha añadido la incidencia correctamente."],
26 ["modified", "Se ha modificado la incidencia correctamente."],
27 ["removed", "Se ha eliminado la incidencia correctamente."],
28 ["invalidated", "Se ha invalidado la incidencia correctamente."],
29 ["empty", "Faltan datos por introducir en el formulario."],
30 ["unexpected", "Ha ocurrido un error inesperado. Inténtelo de nuevo en unos segundos."],
31 ["cannotmodify", "No se pueden modificar la incidencia porque ya ha sido registrada o se ha invalidado manualmente."],
32 ["verified1", "Se ha verificado la incidencia correctamente."],
33 ["verified0", "Se ha rechazado la incidencia correctamente."],
34 ["overlap", "La incidencia no se ha añadido porque se solapa con otra incidencia del mismo trabajador."],
35 ["order", "La hora de inicio debe ser anterior a la hora de fin."],
36 ["addedemailnotsent", "La incidencia se ha añadido, pero no se ha podido enviar un correo de notificación a los responsables de la categoría del trabajador. Por favor, notifica a estas personas manualmente."],
37 ["filesize", "El tamaño del archivo adjunto es demasiado grande (el límite es de ".files::READABLE_MAX_SIZE.")"],
38 ["filetype", "El formato del archivo no está soportado."],
39 ["attachmentadded", "Se ha añadido el archivo adjunto correctamente."],
40 ["attachmentdeleted", "Se ha eliminado el archivo adjunto correctamente."],
41 ["addedrecurring", "Se han añadido todas las incidencias pertinentes correctamente."],
42 ["unexpectedrecurring", "Ha habido algún problema añadiendo alguna(s) o todas las incidencias que se tenían que crear."],
43 ["addednotautovalidated", "La incidencia se ha añadido, pero no se ha podido autovalidar."],
44 ["deleteincidentsbulksuccess", "Las incidencias se han eliminado/invalidado correctamente."],
45 ["deleteincidentsbulkpartialsuccess", "Algunas incidencias (o todas) no se han podido eliminar/invalidar. Por favor, comprueba el resultado de la acción."]
46 ];
48 public static function renderIncidents(&$incidents, &$companies, $scrollable = false, $showPersonAndCompany = true, $isForWorker = false, $isForValidationView = false, $isForMassEdit = false, $continueUrl = "incidents.php") {
49 global $conf, $renderIncidentsAutoIncremental;
50 if (!isset($renderIncidentsAutoIncremental)) $renderIncidentsAutoIncremental = 0;
51 $menu = "";
53 $safeContinueUrl = security::htmlsafe(urlencode($continueUrl));
55 if ($isForMassEdit) {
56 ?>
57 <div class="left-actions">
58 <button id="deleteincidentsbulk" class="mdl-button mdl-js-button mdl-button--icon mdl-js-ripple-effect"><i class="material-icons icon">delete</i></button>
59 </div>
60 <?php
61 }
62 ?>
63 <div class="mdl-shadow--2dp overflow-wrapper incidents-wrapper<?=($scrollable ? " incidents-wrapper--scrollable" : "")?>">
64 <table class="incidents">
65 <?php
66 if ($isForValidationView || $isForMassEdit) {
67 ?>
68 <tr class="artificial-height">
69 <?php if ($conf["debug"]) echo "<td></td>"; ?>
70 <td class="icon-cell has-checkbox">
71 <label for="checkboxall_i_<?=$renderIncidentsAutoIncremental?>" class="mdl-checkbox mdl-js-checkbox mdl-js-ripple-effect" data-check-all="true">
72 <input type="checkbox" id="checkboxall_i_<?=$renderIncidentsAutoIncremental?>" class="mdl-checkbox__input" autocomplete="off">
73 </label>
74 </td>
75 <?php if ($conf["debug"]) echo "<td></td>"; ?>
76 <td></td>
77 <?php if (!$isForValidationView) echo "<td></td>"; ?>
78 <td></td>
79 <?php if ($showPersonAndCompany) echo "<td></td><td></td>"; ?>
80 <td></td>
81 </tr>
82 <?php
83 }
85 foreach ($incidents as $incident) {
86 $id = (int)$incident["id"]."_".(int)$renderIncidentsAutoIncremental;
87 $canEdit = (!$isForWorker && !in_array($incident["state"], incidents::$cannotEditStates)) || ($isForWorker && in_array($incident["state"], incidents::$workerCanEditStates));
88 $canRemove = (!$isForWorker && in_array($incident["state"], incidents::$canRemoveStates)) || ($isForWorker && in_array($incident["state"], incidents::$workerCanRemoveStates));
89 $canInvalidate = !$isForWorker && in_array($incident["state"], incidents::$canInvalidateStates);
90 $attachments = count(incidents::getAttachmentsFromIncident($incident));
91 ?>
92 <tr<?=(in_array($incident["state"], incidents::$invalidStates) ? ' class="mdl-color-text--grey-700 line-through"' : '')?>>
93 <?php if ($conf["debug"]) { ?><td><?=(int)$incident["id"]?></td><?php } ?>
94 <?php
95 if ($isForValidationView || $isForMassEdit) {
96 ?>
97 <td class="icon-cell has-checkbox">
98 <label for="checkbox_i_<?=$id?>" class="mdl-checkbox mdl-js-checkbox mdl-js-ripple-effect">
99 <input type="checkbox" id="checkbox_i_<?=$id?>" data-incident="<?=(int)$incident["id"]?>" class="mdl-checkbox__input"<?=($isForMassEdit && !in_array($incident["state"], incidents::$canRemoveStates) && !in_array($incident["state"], incidents::$canInvalidateStates) ? " disabled" : "")?> autocomplete="off">
100 </label>
101 </td>
102 <?php
103 }
105 if (!$isForValidationView) {
106 ?>
107 <td class="icon-cell">
108 <i id="state<?=$id?>" class="material-icons <?=security::htmlsafe(incidents::$stateIconColors[$incident["state"]])?>"><?=security::htmlsafe(incidents::$stateIcons[$incident["state"]])?></i>
109 </td>
110 <?php
111 visual::addTooltip("state".$id, security::htmlsafe(incidents::$stateTooltips[$incident["state"]]));
112 }
113 ?>
114 <td class="can-strike"><?=security::htmlsafe($incident["typename"])?></td>
115 <?php if ($showPersonAndCompany) {
116 ?>
117 <td class="can-strike"><span data-dyndialog-href="dynamic/user.php?id=<?=(int)$incident["personid"]?>"><?=security::htmlsafe($incident["workername"])?></span></td>
118 <td class="can-strike"><?=security::htmlsafe($companies[$incident["companyid"]])?></td>
119 <?php
120 }
121 ?>
Adrià Vilanova Martínezeaee4a92023-12-03 21:07:21 +0100122 <td class="can-strike"><?=date::getShortDate($incident["day"])." ".security::htmlsafe($incident["allday"] ? "(todo el día)" : schedules::sec2time($incident["begins"])."-".schedules::sec2time($incident["ends"]))?></td>
Copybara botbe50d492023-11-30 00:16:42 +0100123 <td>
124 <a href="dynamic/editincidentcomment.php?id=<?=(int)$incident["id"]?>&continue=<?=$safeContinueUrl?>" data-dyndialog-href="dynamic/editincidentcomment.php?id=<?=(int)$incident["id"]?>&continue=<?=$safeContinueUrl?>" class="mdl-button mdl-js-button mdl-button--icon mdl-js-ripple-effect" title="Ver/editar las observaciones"><i class="material-icons icon"><?=(empty($incident["details"]) && empty($incident["workerdetails"]) ? "mode_" : "")?>comment</i></a>
125 <span<?=($attachments > 0 ? ' class="mdl-badge mdl-badge--overlap" data-badge="'.$attachments.'"' : '')?>><a href="dynamic/incidentattachments.php?id=<?=(int)$incident["id"]?>&continue=<?=$safeContinueUrl?>" data-dyndialog-href="dynamic/incidentattachments.php?id=<?=(int)$incident["id"]?>&continue=<?=$safeContinueUrl?>" class="mdl-button mdl-js-button mdl-button--icon mdl-js-ripple-effect" title="Ver/gestionar los archivos adjuntos"><i class="material-icons icon">attach_file</i></a></span>
126 <button id="actions<?=$id?>" class="mdl-button mdl-js-button mdl-button--icon mdl-js-ripple-effect custom-actions-btn"><i class="material-icons icon">more_vert</i></button>
127 <?php
128 $menu .= '<ul class="mdl-menu mdl-menu--unaligned mdl-js-menu mdl-js-ripple-effect" for="actions'.$id.'">';
130 if ($canEdit) $menu .= '<a href="dynamic/editincident.php?id='.(int)$incident["id"].'&continue='.$safeContinueUrl.'" data-dyndialog-href="dynamic/editincident.php?id='.(int)$incident["id"].'&continue='.$safeContinueUrl.'"><li class="mdl-menu__item">Editar</li></a>';
132 if ($canRemove) $menu .= '<a href="dynamic/deleteincident.php?id='.(int)$incident["id"].'&continue='.$safeContinueUrl.'" data-dyndialog-href="dynamic/deleteincident.php?id='.(int)$incident["id"].'&continue='.$safeContinueUrl.'"><li class="mdl-menu__item">Eliminar</li></a>';
134 if ($canInvalidate) $menu .= '<a href="dynamic/invalidateincident.php?id='.(int)$incident["id"].'&continue='.$safeContinueUrl.'" data-dyndialog-href="dynamic/invalidateincident.php?id='.(int)$incident["id"].'&continue='.$safeContinueUrl.'"><li class="mdl-menu__item">Invalidar</li></a>';
136 $menu .= '<a href="dynamic/authorsincident.php?id='.(int)$incident["id"].'&continue='.$safeContinueUrl.'" data-dyndialog-href="dynamic/authorsincident.php?id='.(int)$incident["id"].'&continue='.$safeContinueUrl.'"><li class="mdl-menu__item">Autoría</li></a></ul>';
138 if ($incident["state"] == incidents::STATE_UNVERIFIED && !$isForWorker) {
139 ?>
140 <form action="doverifyincident.php" method="POST" class="verification-actions">
141 <input type="hidden" name="id" value="<?=(int)$incident["id"]?>">
142 <?php visual::addContinueInput($continueUrl); ?>
143 <button name="value" value="1" class="mdl-button mdl-js-button mdl-button--icon mdl-js-ripple-effect"><i class="material-icons mdl-color-text--green">check</i></button><button name="value" value="0" class="mdl-button mdl-js-button mdl-button--icon mdl-js-ripple-effect"><i class="material-icons mdl-color-text--red">close</i></button>
144 </form>
145 <?php
146 }
147 ?>
148 </td>
149 </tr>
150 <?php
151 $renderIncidentsAutoIncremental++;
152 }
153 ?>
154 </table>
155 <?php echo $menu; ?>
156 </div>
157 <?php
158 }
160 public static function renderIncidentForm(&$workers, $valueFunction, $textFunction, &$companies, $isForWorker = false, $recurrent = false, $continueUrl = false) {
161 $prefix = ($recurrent ? "recurring" : "");
162 ?>
163 <script>
164 window.addEventListener("load", e1 => {
165 document.getElementById("<?=$prefix?>allday").addEventListener("change", e => {
166 var partialtime = document.getElementById("<?=$prefix?>partialtime");
167 if ( {
168 partialtime.classList.add("notvisible");
169 } else {
170 partialtime.classList.remove("notvisible");
171 }
172 });
173 <?php
174 if ($recurrent) {
175 ?>
176 var defaultFields = [
177 {
178 "name": "day",
179 "min": 0,
180 "max": 4
181 },
182 {
183 "name": "type",
184 "min": 1,
185 "max": 2
186 }
187 ];
189 defaultFields.forEach(field => {
190 for (var i = field.min; i <= field.max; i++) {
191 document.querySelector("[for=\"""-"+i+"\"]").MaterialCheckbox.check();
193 var checkbox = document.getElementById("-"+i);
194 checkbox.checked = true;
195 if ("createEvent" in document) {
196 var evt = document.createEvent("HTMLEvents");
197 evt.initEvent("change", false, true);
198 checkbox.dispatchEvent(evt);
199 }
200 }
201 });
202 <?php
203 }
204 ?>
205 });
206 </script>
207 <dialog class="mdl-dialog" id="add<?=$prefix?>incident">
208 <form action="doadd<?=$prefix?>incident.php" method="POST" autocomplete="off">
209 <?php
210 if ($continueUrl !== false) visual::addContinueInput($continueUrl);
211 helpView::renderHelpButton(help::PLACE_INCIDENT_FORM, true, true);
212 ?>
213 <h4 class="mdl-dialog__title">Añade una incidencia<?=($recurrent ? " recurrente" : "")?></h4>
214 <div class="mdl-dialog__content">
215 <div class="mdlext-selectfield mdlext-js-selectfield mdlext-selectfield--floating-label">
216 <select name="worker" id="<?=$prefix?>worker" class="mdlext-selectfield__select" data-required>
217 <option></option>
218 <?php
219 foreach ($workers as $worker) {
220 if ($worker["hidden"] == 1) continue;
221 echo '<option value="'.security::htmlsafe($valueFunction($worker, $companies)).'">'.security::htmlsafe($textFunction($worker, $companies)).'</option>';
222 }
223 ?>
224 </select>
225 <label for="<?=$prefix?>worker" class="mdlext-selectfield__label">Trabajador</label>
226 </div>
227 <br>
228 <div class="mdlext-selectfield mdlext-js-selectfield mdlext-selectfield--floating-label">
229 <select name="type" id="<?=$prefix?>type" class="mdlext-selectfield__select" data-required>
230 <option></option>
231 <?php
232 foreach (incidents::getTypesForm($isForWorker) as $i) {
233 echo '<option value="'.(int)$i["id"].'">'.security::htmlsafe($i["name"]).'</option>';
234 }
235 ?>
236 </select>
237 <label for="<?=$prefix?>type" class="mdlext-selectfield__label">Tipo</label>
238 </div>
240 <?php
241 if ($isForWorker) {
242 echo "<p>Para usar un tipo de incidencia que no esté en la lista, debes ponerte en contacto con RRHH para que rellenen ellos la incidencia manualmente.</p>";
243 }
244 ?>
246 <?php
247 if ($recurrent) {
248 ?>
249 <h5>Recurrencia</h5>
250 <div class="mdl-textfield mdl-js-textfield mdl-textfield--floating-label">
251 <input class="mdl-textfield__input" type="date" name="firstday" id="<?=$prefix?>firstday" autocomplete="off" data-required>
252 <label class="mdl-textfield__label always-focused" for="<?=$prefix?>firstday">Día de inicio</label>
253 </div>
254 <br>
255 <div class="mdl-textfield mdl-js-textfield mdl-textfield--floating-label">
256 <input class="mdl-textfield__input" type="date" name="lastday" id="<?=$prefix?>lastday" autocomplete="off" data-required>
257 <label class="mdl-textfield__label always-focused" for="<?=$prefix?>lastday">Día de fin</label>
258 </div>
259 <br>
260 <div class="mdlext-selectfield mdlext-js-selectfield mdlext-selectfield--floating-label">
261 <div id="dayMenu" class="mdlext-selectfield__select mdl-custom-selectfield__select" tabindex="0">-</div>
262 <ul class="mdl-menu mdl-menu--bottom mdl-js-menu mdl-custom-multiselect mdl-custom-multiselect-js" for="dayMenu">
263 <?php
264 foreach (calendars::$days as $id => $day) {
265 ?>
266 <li class="mdl-menu__item mdl-custom-multiselect__item">
267 <label class="mdl-checkbox mdl-js-checkbox" for="day-<?=(int)$id?>">
268 <input type="checkbox" id="day-<?=(int)$id?>" name="day[]" value="<?=(int)$id?>" data-value="<?=(int)$id?>" class="mdl-checkbox__input">
269 <span class="mdl-checkbox__label"><?=security::htmlsafe($day)?></span>
270 </label>
271 </li>
272 <?php
273 }
274 ?>
275 </ul>
276 <label for="day" class="mdlext-selectfield__label always-focused mdl-color-text--primary">Día de la semana</label>
277 </div>
278 <br>
279 <div class="mdlext-selectfield mdlext-js-selectfield mdlext-selectfield--floating-label">
280 <div id="dayType" class="mdlext-selectfield__select mdl-custom-selectfield__select" tabindex="0">-</div>
281 <ul class="mdl-menu mdl-menu--bottom mdl-js-menu mdl-custom-multiselect mdl-custom-multiselect-js" for="dayType">
282 <?php
283 foreach (calendars::$types as $id => $type) {
284 if ($id == calendars::TYPE_FESTIU) continue;
285 ?>
286 <li class="mdl-menu__item mdl-custom-multiselect__item">
287 <label class="mdl-checkbox mdl-js-checkbox" for="type-<?=(int)$id?>">
288 <input type="checkbox" id="type-<?=(int)$id?>" name="daytype[]" value="<?=(int)$id?>" data-value="<?=(int)$id?>" class="mdl-checkbox__input">
289 <span class="mdl-checkbox__label"><?=security::htmlsafe($type)?></span>
290 </label>
291 </li>
292 <?php
293 }
294 ?>
295 </ul>
296 <label for="day" class="mdlext-selectfield__label always-focused mdl-color-text--primary">Tipo de día</label>
297 </div>
298 <h5>Afectación</h5>
299 <?php
300 } else {
301 ?>
302 <h5>Afectación</h5>
303 <div class="mdl-textfield mdl-js-textfield mdl-textfield--floating-label">
304 <input class="mdl-textfield__input" type="date" name="day" id="<?=$prefix?>day" autocomplete="off" data-required>
305 <label class="mdl-textfield__label always-focused" for="<?=$prefix?>day">Día</label>
306 </div>
307 <br>
308 <?php
309 }
310 ?>
311 <p>
312 <label class="mdl-switch mdl-js-switch mdl-js-ripple-effect" for="<?=$prefix?>allday">
313 <input type="checkbox" id="<?=$prefix?>allday" name="allday" value="1" class="mdl-switch__input">
314 <span class="mdl-switch__label">Día entero</span>
315 </label>
316 </p>
317 <div id="<?=$prefix?>partialtime">De <input type="time" name="begins"> a <input type="time" name="ends"></div>
319 <h5>Detalles adicionales</h5>
320 <div class="mdl-textfield mdl-js-textfield mdl-textfield--floating-label">
321 <textarea class="mdl-textfield__input" name="details" id="<?=$prefix?>details"></textarea>
322 <label class="mdl-textfield__label" for="<?=$prefix?>details">Observaciones (opcional)</label>
323 </div>
324 <?php
325 if (!$isForWorker && !$recurrent) {
326 ?>
327 <p>
328 <label class="mdl-switch mdl-js-switch mdl-js-ripple-effect" for="<?=$prefix?>autoverify">
329 <input type="checkbox" id="<?=$prefix?>autoverify" name="autoverify" value="1" class="mdl-switch__input" checked>
330 <span class="mdl-switch__label">Saltar la cola de revisión</span>
331 </label>
332 </p>
333 <?php
334 }
336 if (!$isForWorker) echo "<p>Las observaciones aparecerán en los PDFs que se exporten.</p>";
337 else echo "<p>Las observaciones serán únicamente visibles para los administradores del sistema.</p><p>Al añadir la incidencia, se guardará tu <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">dirección IP</a> y la fecha y hora actual para autovalidar la incidencia.</p>";
338 if (!$recurrent) echo '<p>Después de crear la incidencia podrás añadir archivos adjuntos haciendo clic en el botón <i class="material-icons" style="vertical-align: middle;">attach_file</i>.</p>';
339 ?>
340 </div>
341 <div class="mdl-dialog__actions">
342 <button type="submit" class="mdl-button mdl-js-button mdl-js-ripple-effect mdl-button--accent">Añadir</button>
343 <button onclick="event.preventDefault(); document.querySelector('#add<?=$prefix?>incident').close();" class="mdl-button mdl-js-button mdl-js-ripple-effect cancel">Cancelar</button>
344 </div>
345 </form>
346 </dialog>
347 <?php
348 }
350 public static function renderFilterDialog($select) {
351 global $_GET;
352 ?>
353 <style>
354 #filter {
355 max-width: 300px;
356 width: auto;
357 }
359 #filter .mdl-checkbox {
360 height: auto;
361 }
362 </style>
363 <dialog class="mdl-dialog" id="filter">
364 <form action="incidents.php" method="GET" enctype="multipart/form-data">
365 <h4 class="mdl-dialog__title">Filtrar lista</h4>
366 <div class="mdl-dialog__content">
367 <h5>Por fecha</h5>
368 <div class="mdl-textfield mdl-js-textfield mdl-textfield--floating-label">
369 <input class="mdl-textfield__input" type="date" name="begins" id="begins" autocomplete="off" <?=$select["enabled"]["begins"] ? " value=\"".security::htmlsafe($select["selected"]["begins"])."\"" : ""?>>
370 <label class="mdl-textfield__label always-focused" for="begins">Fecha inicio (opcional)</label>
371 </div>
372 <br>
373 <div class="mdl-textfield mdl-js-textfield mdl-textfield--floating-label">
374 <input class="mdl-textfield__input" type="date" name="ends" id="ends" autocomplete="off" <?=$select["enabled"]["ends"] ? " value=\"".security::htmlsafe($select["selected"]["ends"])."\"" : ""?>>
375 <label class="mdl-textfield__label always-focused" for="ends">Fecha fin (opcional)</label>
376 </div>
377 <h5>Por estado <i id="tt_incidentstatusnotpaginated" class="material-icons help">info</i></h5>
378 <div class="mdl-tooltip" for="tt_incidentstatusnotpaginated">Al filtrar por estado, la página de resultados no estará paginada y saldrán todos los resultados en una misma página. La acción podría consumir bastantes recursos y tomar más tiempo del habitual.</div>
379 <?php
380 foreach (incidents::$statesOrderForFilters as $id) {
381 ?>
382 <label class="mdl-checkbox mdl-js-checkbox mdl-js-ripple-effect" for="state<?=(int)$id?>">
383 <input type="checkbox" id="state<?=(int)$id?>" name="states[<?=(int)$id?>]" class="mdl-checkbox__input" value="1"<?=(($select["enabled"]["states"] && in_array($id, $select["selected"]["states"])) ? " checked" : "")?>>
384 <span class="mdl-checkbox__label"><?=security::htmlsafe(incidents::$stateTooltips[$id])?></span>
385 </label>
386 <?php
387 }
388 ?>
389 <h5>Por tipo</h5>
390 <?php
391 $types = incidents::getTypes();
392 if ($types !== false) {
393 foreach ($types as $type) {
394 ?>
395 <label class="mdl-checkbox mdl-js-checkbox mdl-js-ripple-effect" for="type<?=(int)$type["id"]?>">
396 <input type="checkbox" id="type<?=(int)$type["id"]?>" name="types[<?=(int)$type["id"]?>]" class="mdl-checkbox__input" value="1"<?=(($select["enabled"]["types"] && in_array($type["id"], $select["selected"]["types"])) ? " checked" : "")?>>
397 <span class="mdl-checkbox__label"><?=security::htmlsafe($type["name"])?></span>
398 </label>
399 <?php
400 }
401 }
402 ?>
403 <h5>Miscelánea</h5>
404 <?php
405 foreach (incidents::$filtersSwitchHelper as $f => $helper) {
406 foreach (incidents::$filtersSwitchOptions as $value => $option) {
407 ?>
408 <label class="mdl-checkbox mdl-js-checkbox mdl-js-ripple-effect" for="<?=security::htmlsafe($f).(int)$value?>">
409 <input type="checkbox" id="<?=security::htmlsafe($f).(int)$value?>" name="<?=security::htmlsafe($f)?>[<?=(int)$value?>]" class="mdl-checkbox__input" value="1"<?=(($select["enabled"][$f] && in_array($value, $select["selected"][$f])) ? " checked" : "")?>>
410 <span class="mdl-checkbox__label"><?=security::htmlsafe($option." ".$helper)?></span>
411 </label>
412 <?php
413 }
414 }
415 ?>
416 </div>
417 <div class="mdl-dialog__actions">
418 <button type="submit" class="mdl-button mdl-js-button mdl-js-ripple-effect mdl-button--accent">Filtrar</button>
419 <button onclick="event.preventDefault(); document.querySelector('#filter').close();" class="mdl-button mdl-js-button mdl-js-ripple-effect cancel">Cancelar</button>
420 </div>
421 </form>
422 </dialog>
423 <?php
424 }
426 public static function buildSelect() {
427 global $select, $_GET;
429 $select = array("showPendingQueue" => false, "isAnyEnabled" => false, "pageUrl" => "", "pageUrlHasParameters" => false, "showResultsPaginated" => true, "enabled" => [], "selected" => []);
431 $parameters = [];
433 foreach (incidents::$filters as $f) {
434 $fType = incidents::$filtersType[$f];
436 switch ($fType) {
437 case incidents::FILTER_TYPE_ARRAY:
438 $select["enabled"][$f] = isset($_GET[$f]);
439 break;
441 case incidents::FILTER_TYPE_INT:
442 $select["enabled"][$f] = isset($_GET[$f]) && $_GET[$f] !== "";
443 break;
445 case incidents::FILTER_TYPE_STRING:
446 $select["enabled"][$f] = isset($_GET[$f]) && !empty($_GET[$f]);
447 break;
448 }
450 if ($select["enabled"][$f]) {
451 switch ($fType) {
452 case incidents::FILTER_TYPE_ARRAY:
453 $select["selected"][$f] = (isset($_GET[$f]) ? array_keys($_GET[$f]) : []);
454 foreach ($select["selected"][$f] as $value) {
455 $parameters[] = urlencode($f)."[".urlencode($value)."]=1";
456 }
457 break;
459 case incidents::FILTER_TYPE_INT:
460 $select["selected"][$f] = (int)$_GET[$f];
461 $parameters[] = urlencode($f)."=".(int)$_GET[$f];
462 break;
464 case incidents::FILTER_TYPE_STRING:
465 $select["selected"][$f] = $_GET[$f];
466 $parameters[] = urlencode($f)."=".urlencode($_GET[$f]);
467 break;
468 }
469 }
470 }
472 foreach ($select["enabled"] as $enabled) {
473 if ($enabled) {
474 $select["isAnyEnabled"] = true;
475 break;
476 }
477 }
479 if (!$select["isAnyEnabled"] || (isset($_GET["forceQueue"]) && $_GET["forceQueue"] == "1")) $select["showPendingQueue"] = true;
481 $select["pageUrlHasParameters"] = (count($parameters) > 0);
482 $select["pageUrl"] = "incidents.php".($select["pageUrlHasParameters"] ? "?".implode("&", $parameters) : "");
483 $select["showResultsPaginated"] = !$select["enabled"]["states"];
484 }
486 public static function handleIncidentShortcuts() {
487 global $_GET;
488 if (isset($_GET["goTo"])) {
489 switch ($_GET["goTo"]) {
490 case "today":
491 security::go("incidents.php?page=".(int)incidents::todayPage());
492 break;
493 }
494 }
495 }