blob: 72a4ab96c4c9f08c970e2448843214c8b3d97201 [file] [log] [blame]
Copybara botbe50d492023-11-30 00:16:42 +01001(function (global, factory) {
2 typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined' ? module.exports = factory() :
3 typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define(factory) :
4 (global = global || self, global.dialogPolyfill = factory());
5}(this, function () { 'use strict';
7 // nb. This is for IE10 and lower _only_.
8 var supportCustomEvent = window.CustomEvent;
9 if (!supportCustomEvent || typeof supportCustomEvent === 'object') {
10 supportCustomEvent = function CustomEvent(event, x) {
11 x = x || {};
12 var ev = document.createEvent('CustomEvent');
13 ev.initCustomEvent(event, !!x.bubbles, !!x.cancelable, x.detail || null);
14 return ev;
15 };
16 supportCustomEvent.prototype = window.Event.prototype;
17 }
19 /**
20 * @param {Element} el to check for stacking context
21 * @return {boolean} whether this el or its parents creates a stacking context
22 */
23 function createsStackingContext(el) {
24 while (el && el !== document.body) {
25 var s = window.getComputedStyle(el);
26 var invalid = function(k, ok) {
27 return !(s[k] === undefined || s[k] === ok);
28 };
30 if (s.opacity < 1 ||
31 invalid('zIndex', 'auto') ||
32 invalid('transform', 'none') ||
33 invalid('mixBlendMode', 'normal') ||
34 invalid('filter', 'none') ||
35 invalid('perspective', 'none') ||
36 s['isolation'] === 'isolate' ||
37 s.position === 'fixed' ||
38 s.webkitOverflowScrolling === 'touch') {
39 return true;
40 }
41 el = el.parentElement;
42 }
43 return false;
44 }
46 /**
47 * Finds the nearest <dialog> from the passed element.
48 *
49 * @param {Element} el to search from
50 * @return {HTMLDialogElement} dialog found
51 */
52 function findNearestDialog(el) {
53 while (el) {
54 if (el.localName === 'dialog') {
55 return /** @type {HTMLDialogElement} */ (el);
56 }
57 el = el.parentElement;
58 }
59 return null;
60 }
62 /**
63 * Blur the specified element, as long as it's not the HTML body element.
64 * This works around an IE9/10 bug - blurring the body causes Windows to
65 * blur the whole application.
66 *
67 * @param {Element} el to blur
68 */
69 function safeBlur(el) {
70 if (el && el.blur && el !== document.body) {
71 el.blur();
72 }
73 }
75 /**
76 * @param {!NodeList} nodeList to search
77 * @param {Node} node to find
78 * @return {boolean} whether node is inside nodeList
79 */
80 function inNodeList(nodeList, node) {
81 for (var i = 0; i < nodeList.length; ++i) {
82 if (nodeList[i] === node) {
83 return true;
84 }
85 }
86 return false;
87 }
89 /**
90 * @param {HTMLFormElement} el to check
91 * @return {boolean} whether this form has method="dialog"
92 */
93 function isFormMethodDialog(el) {
94 if (!el || !el.hasAttribute('method')) {
95 return false;
96 }
97 return el.getAttribute('method').toLowerCase() === 'dialog';
98 }
100 /**
101 * @param {!HTMLDialogElement} dialog to upgrade
102 * @constructor
103 */
104 function dialogPolyfillInfo(dialog) {
105 this.dialog_ = dialog;
106 this.replacedStyleTop_ = false;
107 this.openAsModal_ = false;
109 // Set a11y role. Browsers that support dialog implicitly know this already.
110 if (!dialog.hasAttribute('role')) {
111 dialog.setAttribute('role', 'dialog');
112 }
114 =;
115 dialog.showModal = this.showModal.bind(this);
116 dialog.close = this.close.bind(this);
118 if (!('returnValue' in dialog)) {
119 dialog.returnValue = '';
120 }
122 if ('MutationObserver' in window) {
123 var mo = new MutationObserver(this.maybeHideModal.bind(this));
124 mo.observe(dialog, {attributes: true, attributeFilter: ['open']});
125 } else {
126 // IE10 and below support. Note that DOMNodeRemoved etc fire _before_ removal. They also
127 // seem to fire even if the element was removed as part of a parent removal. Use the removed
128 // events to force downgrade (useful if removed/immediately added).
129 var removed = false;
130 var cb = function() {
131 removed ? this.downgradeModal() : this.maybeHideModal();
132 removed = false;
133 }.bind(this);
134 var timeout;
135 var delayModel = function(ev) {
136 if ( !== dialog) { return; } // not for a child element
137 var cand = 'DOMNodeRemoved';
138 removed |= (ev.type.substr(0, cand.length) === cand);
139 window.clearTimeout(timeout);
140 timeout = window.setTimeout(cb, 0);
141 };
142 ['DOMAttrModified', 'DOMNodeRemoved', 'DOMNodeRemovedFromDocument'].forEach(function(name) {
143 dialog.addEventListener(name, delayModel);
144 });
145 }
146 // Note that the DOM is observed inside DialogManager while any dialog
147 // is being displayed as a modal, to catch modal removal from the DOM.
149 Object.defineProperty(dialog, 'open', {
150 set: this.setOpen.bind(this),
151 get: dialog.hasAttribute.bind(dialog, 'open')
152 });
154 this.backdrop_ = document.createElement('div');
155 this.backdrop_.className = 'backdrop';
156 this.backdrop_.addEventListener('click', this.backdropClick_.bind(this));
157 }
159 dialogPolyfillInfo.prototype = {
161 get dialog() {
162 return this.dialog_;
163 },
165 /**
166 * Maybe remove this dialog from the modal top layer. This is called when
167 * a modal dialog may no longer be tenable, e.g., when the dialog is no
168 * longer open or is no longer part of the DOM.
169 */
170 maybeHideModal: function() {
171 if (this.dialog_.hasAttribute('open') && document.body.contains(this.dialog_)) { return; }
172 this.downgradeModal();
173 },
175 /**
176 * Remove this dialog from the modal top layer, leaving it as a non-modal.
177 */
178 downgradeModal: function() {
179 if (!this.openAsModal_) { return; }
180 this.openAsModal_ = false;
181 = '';
183 // This won't match the native <dialog> exactly because if the user set top on a centered
184 // polyfill dialog, that top gets thrown away when the dialog is closed. Not sure it's
185 // possible to polyfill this perfectly.
186 if (this.replacedStyleTop_) {
187 = '';
188 this.replacedStyleTop_ = false;
189 }
191 // Clear the backdrop and remove from the manager.
192 this.backdrop_.parentNode && this.backdrop_.parentNode.removeChild(this.backdrop_);
194 },
196 /**
197 * @param {boolean} value whether to open or close this dialog
198 */
199 setOpen: function(value) {
200 if (value) {
201 this.dialog_.hasAttribute('open') || this.dialog_.setAttribute('open', '');
202 } else {
203 this.dialog_.removeAttribute('open');
204 this.maybeHideModal(); // nb. redundant with MutationObserver
205 }
206 },
208 /**
209 * Handles clicks on the fake .backdrop element, redirecting them as if
210 * they were on the dialog itself.
211 *
212 * @param {!Event} e to redirect
213 */
214 backdropClick_: function(e) {
215 if (!this.dialog_.hasAttribute('tabindex')) {
216 // Clicking on the backdrop should move the implicit cursor, even if dialog cannot be
217 // focused. Create a fake thing to focus on. If the backdrop was _before_ the dialog, this
218 // would not be needed - clicks would move the implicit cursor there.
219 var fake = document.createElement('div');
220 this.dialog_.insertBefore(fake, this.dialog_.firstChild);
221 fake.tabIndex = -1;
222 fake.focus();
223 this.dialog_.removeChild(fake);
224 } else {
225 this.dialog_.focus();
226 }
228 var redirectedEvent = document.createEvent('MouseEvents');
229 redirectedEvent.initMouseEvent(e.type, e.bubbles, e.cancelable, window,
230 e.detail, e.screenX, e.screenY, e.clientX, e.clientY, e.ctrlKey,
231 e.altKey, e.shiftKey, e.metaKey, e.button, e.relatedTarget);
232 this.dialog_.dispatchEvent(redirectedEvent);
233 e.stopPropagation();
234 },
236 /**
237 * Focuses on the first focusable element within the dialog. This will always blur the current
238 * focus, even if nothing within the dialog is found.
239 */
240 focus_: function() {
241 // Find element with `autofocus` attribute, or fall back to the first form/tabindex control.
242 var target = this.dialog_.querySelector('[autofocus]:not([disabled])');
243 if (!target && this.dialog_.tabIndex >= 0) {
244 target = this.dialog_;
245 }
246 if (!target) {
247 // Note that this is 'any focusable area'. This list is probably not exhaustive, but the
248 // alternative involves stepping through and trying to focus everything.
249 var opts = ['button', 'input', 'keygen', 'select', 'textarea'];
250 var query = {
251 return el + ':not([disabled])';
252 });
253 // TODO(samthor): tabindex values that are not numeric are not focusable.
254 query.push('[tabindex]:not([disabled]):not([tabindex=""])'); // tabindex != "", not disabled
255 target = this.dialog_.querySelector(query.join(', '));
256 }
257 safeBlur(document.activeElement);
258 target && target.focus();
259 },
261 /**
262 * Sets the zIndex for the backdrop and dialog.
263 *
264 * @param {number} dialogZ
265 * @param {number} backdropZ
266 */
267 updateZIndex: function(dialogZ, backdropZ) {
268 if (dialogZ < backdropZ) {
269 throw new Error('dialogZ should never be < backdropZ');
270 }
271 = dialogZ;
272 = backdropZ;
273 },
275 /**
276 * Shows the dialog. If the dialog is already open, this does nothing.
277 */
278 show: function() {
279 if (! {
280 this.setOpen(true);
281 this.focus_();
282 }
283 },
285 /**
286 * Show this dialog modally.
287 */
288 showModal: function() {
289 if (this.dialog_.hasAttribute('open')) {
290 throw new Error('Failed to execute \'showModal\' on dialog: The element is already open, and therefore cannot be opened modally.');
291 }
292 if (!document.body.contains(this.dialog_)) {
293 throw new Error('Failed to execute \'showModal\' on dialog: The element is not in a Document.');
294 }
295 if (! {
296 throw new Error('Failed to execute \'showModal\' on dialog: There are too many open modal dialogs.');
297 }
299 if (createsStackingContext(this.dialog_.parentElement)) {
300 console.warn('A dialog is being shown inside a stacking context. ' +
301 'This may cause it to be unusable. For more information, see this link: ' +
302 '');
303 }
305 this.setOpen(true);
306 this.openAsModal_ = true;
308 // Optionally center vertically, relative to the current viewport.
309 if (dialogPolyfill.needsCentering(this.dialog_)) {
310 dialogPolyfill.reposition(this.dialog_);
311 this.replacedStyleTop_ = true;
312 } else {
313 this.replacedStyleTop_ = false;
314 }
316 // Insert backdrop.
317 this.dialog_.parentNode.insertBefore(this.backdrop_, this.dialog_.nextSibling);
319 // Focus on whatever inside the dialog.
320 this.focus_();
321 },
323 /**
324 * Closes this HTMLDialogElement. This is optional vs clearing the open
325 * attribute, however this fires a 'close' event.
326 *
327 * @param {string=} opt_returnValue to use as the returnValue
328 */
329 close: function(opt_returnValue) {
330 if (!this.dialog_.hasAttribute('open')) {
331 throw new Error('Failed to execute \'close\' on dialog: The element does not have an \'open\' attribute, and therefore cannot be closed.');
332 }
333 this.setOpen(false);
335 // Leave returnValue untouched in case it was set directly on the element
336 if (opt_returnValue !== undefined) {
337 this.dialog_.returnValue = opt_returnValue;
338 }
340 // Triggering "close" event for any attached listeners on the <dialog>.
341 var closeEvent = new supportCustomEvent('close', {
342 bubbles: false,
343 cancelable: false
344 });
345 this.dialog_.dispatchEvent(closeEvent);
346 }
348 };
350 var dialogPolyfill = {};
352 dialogPolyfill.reposition = function(element) {
353 var scrollTop = document.body.scrollTop || document.documentElement.scrollTop;
354 var topValue = scrollTop + (window.innerHeight - element.offsetHeight) / 2;
355 = Math.max(scrollTop, topValue) + 'px';
356 };
358 dialogPolyfill.isInlinePositionSetByStylesheet = function(element) {
359 for (var i = 0; i < document.styleSheets.length; ++i) {
360 var styleSheet = document.styleSheets[i];
361 var cssRules = null;
362 // Some browsers throw on cssRules.
363 try {
364 cssRules = styleSheet.cssRules;
365 } catch (e) {}
366 if (!cssRules) { continue; }
367 for (var j = 0; j < cssRules.length; ++j) {
368 var rule = cssRules[j];
369 var selectedNodes = null;
370 // Ignore errors on invalid selector texts.
371 try {
372 selectedNodes = document.querySelectorAll(rule.selectorText);
373 } catch(e) {}
374 if (!selectedNodes || !inNodeList(selectedNodes, element)) {
375 continue;
376 }
377 var cssTop ='top');
378 var cssBottom ='bottom');
379 if ((cssTop && cssTop !== 'auto') || (cssBottom && cssBottom !== 'auto')) {
380 return true;
381 }
382 }
383 }
384 return false;
385 };
387 dialogPolyfill.needsCentering = function(dialog) {
388 var computedStyle = window.getComputedStyle(dialog);
389 if (computedStyle.position !== 'absolute') {
390 return false;
391 }
393 // We must determine whether the top/bottom specified value is non-auto. In
394 // WebKit/Blink, checking == 'auto' is sufficient, but
395 // Firefox returns the used value. So we do this crazy thing instead: check
396 // the inline style and then go through CSS rules.
397 if (( !== 'auto' && !== '') ||
398 ( !== 'auto' && !== '')) {
399 return false;
400 }
401 return !dialogPolyfill.isInlinePositionSetByStylesheet(dialog);
402 };
404 /**
405 * @param {!Element} element to force upgrade
406 */
407 dialogPolyfill.forceRegisterDialog = function(element) {
408 if (window.HTMLDialogElement || element.showModal) {
409 console.warn('This browser already supports <dialog>, the polyfill ' +
410 'may not work correctly', element);
411 }
412 if (element.localName !== 'dialog') {
413 throw new Error('Failed to register dialog: The element is not a dialog.');
414 }
415 new dialogPolyfillInfo(/** @type {!HTMLDialogElement} */ (element));
416 };
418 /**
419 * @param {!Element} element to upgrade, if necessary
420 */
421 dialogPolyfill.registerDialog = function(element) {
422 if (!element.showModal) {
423 dialogPolyfill.forceRegisterDialog(element);
424 }
425 };
427 /**
428 * @constructor
429 */
430 dialogPolyfill.DialogManager = function() {
431 /** @type {!Array<!dialogPolyfillInfo>} */
432 this.pendingDialogStack = [];
434 var checkDOM = this.checkDOM_.bind(this);
436 // The overlay is used to simulate how a modal dialog blocks the document.
437 // The blocking dialog is positioned on top of the overlay, and the rest of
438 // the dialogs on the pending dialog stack are positioned below it. In the
439 // actual implementation, the modal dialog stacking is controlled by the
440 // top layer, where z-index has no effect.
441 this.overlay = document.createElement('div');
442 this.overlay.className = '_dialog_overlay';
443 this.overlay.addEventListener('click', function(e) {
444 this.forwardTab_ = undefined;
445 e.stopPropagation();
446 checkDOM([]); // sanity-check DOM
447 }.bind(this));
449 this.handleKey_ = this.handleKey_.bind(this);
450 this.handleFocus_ = this.handleFocus_.bind(this);
452 this.zIndexLow_ = 100000;
453 this.zIndexHigh_ = 100000 + 150;
455 this.forwardTab_ = undefined;
457 if ('MutationObserver' in window) {
458 this.mo_ = new MutationObserver(function(records) {
459 var removed = [];
460 records.forEach(function(rec) {
461 for (var i = 0, c; c = rec.removedNodes[i]; ++i) {
462 if (!(c instanceof Element)) {
463 continue;
464 } else if (c.localName === 'dialog') {
465 removed.push(c);
466 }
467 removed = removed.concat(c.querySelectorAll('dialog'));
468 }
469 });
470 removed.length && checkDOM(removed);
471 });
472 }
473 };
475 /**
476 * Called on the first modal dialog being shown. Adds the overlay and related
477 * handlers.
478 */
479 dialogPolyfill.DialogManager.prototype.blockDocument = function() {
480 document.documentElement.addEventListener('focus', this.handleFocus_, true);
481 document.addEventListener('keydown', this.handleKey_);
482 this.mo_ && this.mo_.observe(document, {childList: true, subtree: true});
483 };
485 /**
486 * Called on the first modal dialog being removed, i.e., when no more modal
487 * dialogs are visible.
488 */
489 dialogPolyfill.DialogManager.prototype.unblockDocument = function() {
490 document.documentElement.removeEventListener('focus', this.handleFocus_, true);
491 document.removeEventListener('keydown', this.handleKey_);
492 this.mo_ && this.mo_.disconnect();
493 };
495 /**
496 * Updates the stacking of all known dialogs.
497 */
498 dialogPolyfill.DialogManager.prototype.updateStacking = function() {
499 var zIndex = this.zIndexHigh_;
501 for (var i = 0, dpi; dpi = this.pendingDialogStack[i]; ++i) {
502 dpi.updateZIndex(--zIndex, --zIndex);
503 if (i === 0) {
504 = --zIndex;
505 }
506 }
508 // Make the overlay a sibling of the dialog itself.
509 var last = this.pendingDialogStack[0];
510 if (last) {
511 var p = last.dialog.parentNode || document.body;
512 p.appendChild(this.overlay);
513 } else if (this.overlay.parentNode) {
514 this.overlay.parentNode.removeChild(this.overlay);
515 }
516 };
518 /**
519 * @param {Element} candidate to check if contained or is the top-most modal dialog
520 * @return {boolean} whether candidate is contained in top dialog
521 */
522 dialogPolyfill.DialogManager.prototype.containedByTopDialog_ = function(candidate) {
523 while (candidate = findNearestDialog(candidate)) {
524 for (var i = 0, dpi; dpi = this.pendingDialogStack[i]; ++i) {
525 if (dpi.dialog === candidate) {
526 return i === 0; // only valid if top-most
527 }
528 }
529 candidate = candidate.parentElement;
530 }
531 return false;
532 };
534 dialogPolyfill.DialogManager.prototype.handleFocus_ = function(event) {
535 if (this.containedByTopDialog_( { return; }
537 if (document.activeElement === document.documentElement) { return; }
539 event.preventDefault();
540 event.stopPropagation();
541 safeBlur(/** @type {Element} */ (;
543 if (this.forwardTab_ === undefined) { return; } // move focus only from a tab key
545 var dpi = this.pendingDialogStack[0];
546 var dialog = dpi.dialog;
547 var position = dialog.compareDocumentPosition(;
548 if (position & Node.DOCUMENT_POSITION_PRECEDING) {
549 if (this.forwardTab_) {
550 // forward
551 dpi.focus_();
552 } else if ( !== document.documentElement) {
553 // backwards if we're not already focused on <html>
554 document.documentElement.focus();
555 }
556 }
558 return false;
559 };
561 dialogPolyfill.DialogManager.prototype.handleKey_ = function(event) {
562 this.forwardTab_ = undefined;
563 if (event.keyCode === 27) {
564 event.preventDefault();
565 event.stopPropagation();
566 var cancelEvent = new supportCustomEvent('cancel', {
567 bubbles: false,
568 cancelable: true
569 });
570 var dpi = this.pendingDialogStack[0];
571 if (dpi && dpi.dialog.dispatchEvent(cancelEvent)) {
572 dpi.dialog.close();
573 }
574 } else if (event.keyCode === 9) {
575 this.forwardTab_ = !event.shiftKey;
576 }
577 };
579 /**
580 * Finds and downgrades any known modal dialogs that are no longer displayed. Dialogs that are
581 * removed and immediately readded don't stay modal, they become normal.
582 *
583 * @param {!Array<!HTMLDialogElement>} removed that have definitely been removed
584 */
585 dialogPolyfill.DialogManager.prototype.checkDOM_ = function(removed) {
586 // This operates on a clone because it may cause it to change. Each change also calls
587 // updateStacking, which only actually needs to happen once. But who removes many modal dialogs
588 // at a time?!
589 var clone = this.pendingDialogStack.slice();
590 clone.forEach(function(dpi) {
591 if (removed.indexOf(dpi.dialog) !== -1) {
592 dpi.downgradeModal();
593 } else {
594 dpi.maybeHideModal();
595 }
596 });
597 };
599 /**
600 * @param {!dialogPolyfillInfo} dpi
601 * @return {boolean} whether the dialog was allowed
602 */
603 dialogPolyfill.DialogManager.prototype.pushDialog = function(dpi) {
604 var allowed = (this.zIndexHigh_ - this.zIndexLow_) / 2 - 1;
605 if (this.pendingDialogStack.length >= allowed) {
606 return false;
607 }
608 if (this.pendingDialogStack.unshift(dpi) === 1) {
609 this.blockDocument();
610 }
611 this.updateStacking();
612 return true;
613 };
615 /**
616 * @param {!dialogPolyfillInfo} dpi
617 */
618 dialogPolyfill.DialogManager.prototype.removeDialog = function(dpi) {
619 var index = this.pendingDialogStack.indexOf(dpi);
620 if (index === -1) { return; }
622 this.pendingDialogStack.splice(index, 1);
623 if (this.pendingDialogStack.length === 0) {
624 this.unblockDocument();
625 }
626 this.updateStacking();
627 };
629 = new dialogPolyfill.DialogManager();
630 dialogPolyfill.formSubmitter = null;
631 dialogPolyfill.useValue = null;
633 /**
634 * Installs global handlers, such as click listers and native method overrides. These are needed
635 * even if a no dialog is registered, as they deal with <form method="dialog">.
636 */
637 if (window.HTMLDialogElement === undefined) {
639 /**
640 * If HTMLFormElement translates method="DIALOG" into 'get', then replace the descriptor with
641 * one that returns the correct value.
642 */
643 var testForm = document.createElement('form');
644 testForm.setAttribute('method', 'dialog');
645 if (testForm.method !== 'dialog') {
646 var methodDescriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(HTMLFormElement.prototype, 'method');
647 if (methodDescriptor) {
648 // nb. Some older iOS and older PhantomJS fail to return the descriptor. Don't do anything
649 // and don't bother to update the element.
650 var realGet = methodDescriptor.get;
651 methodDescriptor.get = function() {
652 if (isFormMethodDialog(this)) {
653 return 'dialog';
654 }
655 return;
656 };
657 var realSet = methodDescriptor.set;
658 methodDescriptor.set = function(v) {
659 if (typeof v === 'string' && v.toLowerCase() === 'dialog') {
660 return this.setAttribute('method', v);
661 }
662 return, v);
663 };
664 Object.defineProperty(HTMLFormElement.prototype, 'method', methodDescriptor);
665 }
666 }
668 /**
669 * Global 'click' handler, to capture the <input type="submit"> or <button> element which has
670 * submitted a <form method="dialog">. Needed as Safari and others don't report this inside
671 * document.activeElement.
672 */
673 document.addEventListener('click', function(ev) {
674 dialogPolyfill.formSubmitter = null;
675 dialogPolyfill.useValue = null;
676 if (ev.defaultPrevented) { return; } // e.g. a submit which prevents default submission
678 var target = /** @type {Element} */ (;
679 if (!target || !isFormMethodDialog(target.form)) { return; }
681 var valid = (target.type === 'submit' && ['button', 'input'].indexOf(target.localName) > -1);
682 if (!valid) {
683 if (!(target.localName === 'input' && target.type === 'image')) { return; }
684 // this is a <input type="image">, which can submit forms
685 dialogPolyfill.useValue = ev.offsetX + ',' + ev.offsetY;
686 }
688 var dialog = findNearestDialog(target);
689 if (!dialog) { return; }
691 dialogPolyfill.formSubmitter = target;
693 }, false);
695 /**
696 * Replace the native HTMLFormElement.submit() method, as it won't fire the
697 * submit event and give us a chance to respond.
698 */
699 var nativeFormSubmit = HTMLFormElement.prototype.submit;
700 var replacementFormSubmit = function () {
701 if (!isFormMethodDialog(this)) {
702 return;
703 }
704 var dialog = findNearestDialog(this);
705 dialog && dialog.close();
706 };
707 HTMLFormElement.prototype.submit = replacementFormSubmit;
709 /**
710 * Global form 'dialog' method handler. Closes a dialog correctly on submit
711 * and possibly sets its return value.
712 */
713 document.addEventListener('submit', function(ev) {
714 var form = /** @type {HTMLFormElement} */ (;
715 if (!isFormMethodDialog(form)) { return; }
716 ev.preventDefault();
718 var dialog = findNearestDialog(form);
719 if (!dialog) { return; }
721 // Forms can only be submitted via .submit() or a click (?), but anyway: sanity-check that
722 // the submitter is correct before using its value as .returnValue.
723 var s = dialogPolyfill.formSubmitter;
724 if (s && s.form === form) {
725 dialog.close(dialogPolyfill.useValue || s.value);
726 } else {
727 dialog.close();
728 }
729 dialogPolyfill.formSubmitter = null;
731 }, true);
732 }
734 return dialogPolyfill;