blob: 87b5ed65623f28934e99a6cd24553b6606a7cc65 [file] [log] [blame]
class schedules {
public static $allEvents = ["work", "breakfast", "lunch"];
public static $otherEvents = ["breakfast", "lunch"];
public static $otherEventsDescription = [
"breakfast" => "Desayuno",
"lunch" => "Comida"
public static $workerScheduleStatus = [
0 => "No hay ningún calendario activo",
1 => "Hay un calendario activo pero no está completamente configurado",
2 => "Hay un calendario activo completamente configurado"
public static $workerScheduleStatusShort = [
0 => "No hay un horario activo",
1 => "No está configurado del todo",
2 => "Existe uno configurado"
public static $workerScheduleStatusColors = [
0 => "red",
1 => "orange",
2 => "green"
public static function time2sec($time) {
$e = explode(":", $time);
return ((int)$e[0]*60 + (int)$e[1])*60;
public static function sec2time($sec, $autoShowSeconds = true) {
$min = floor($sec/60);
$secr = $sec % 60;
return visual::padNum(floor($min/60), 2).":".visual::padNum(($min % 60), 2).($autoShowSeconds && $secr != 0 ? ":".visual::padNum($secr, 2) : "");
public static function addTemplate($name, $ibegins, $iends) {
global $con;
$sname = db::sanitize($name);
$begins = new DateTime($ibegins);
$sbegins = (int)$begins->getTimestamp();
$ends = new DateTime($iends);
$sends = (int)$ends->getTimestamp();
if (!intervals::wellFormed([$sbegins, $sends])) return 2;
return (mysqli_query($con, "INSERT INTO scheduletemplates (name, begins, ends) VALUES ('$sname', $sbegins, $sends)") ? 0 : 1);
private static function _addDaysToReturn(&$return, $stableDays, $sfieldSchedule, $sid) {
global $con;
$return["days"] = [];
$query2 = mysqli_query($con, "SELECT * FROM $stableDays WHERE $sfieldSchedule = $sid ORDER BY typeday ASC, day ASC");
while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($query2)) {
if (!isset($return["days"][$row["typeday"]]))
$return["days"][$row["typeday"]] = [];
$return["days"][$row["typeday"]][$row["day"]] = $row;
private static function _get($id, $table, $tableDays, $fieldSchedule) {
global $con;
$sid = (int)$id;
$stable = preg_replace("/[^A-Za-z0-9 ]/", '', $table);
$stableDays = preg_replace("/[^A-Za-z0-9 ]/", '', $tableDays);
$sfieldSchedule = preg_replace("/[^A-Za-z0-9 ]/", '', $fieldSchedule);
$query = mysqli_query($con, "SELECT * FROM $stable WHERE id = $sid");
if ($query === false || !mysqli_num_rows($query)) return false;
$return = mysqli_fetch_assoc($query);
self::_addDaysToReturn($return, $stableDays, $sfieldSchedule, $sid);
return $return;
public static function getTemplate($id) {
return self::_get($id, "scheduletemplates", "scheduletemplatesdays", "template");
public static function getTemplates() {
global $con, $conf;
$query = mysqli_query($con, "SELECT * FROM scheduletemplates ORDER BY ".($conf["debug"] ? "id" : "name")." ASC");
$templates = [];
while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($query)) {
$templates[] = $row;
return $templates;
public static function editTemplate($id, $name, $ibegins, $iends) {
global $con;
$sid = (int)$id;
$sname = db::sanitize($name);
$begins = new DateTime($ibegins);
$sbegins = (int)$begins->getTimestamp();
$ends = new DateTime($iends);
$sends = (int)$ends->getTimestamp();
if (!intervals::wellFormed([$sbegins, $sends])) return 2;
return (mysqli_query($con, "UPDATE scheduletemplates SET name = '$sname', begins = $sbegins, ends = $sends WHERE id = $sid LIMIT 1") ? 0 : 1);
public static function _remove($id, $table, $tableDays, $fieldSchedule) {
global $con;
$sid = (int)$id;
$stable = preg_replace("/[^A-Za-z0-9 ]/", '', $table);
$stableDays = preg_replace("/[^A-Za-z0-9 ]/", '', $tableDays);
$sfieldSchedule = preg_replace("/[^A-Za-z0-9 ]/", '', $fieldSchedule);
return (mysqli_query($con, "DELETE FROM $stable WHERE id = $sid LIMIT 1") && mysqli_query($con, "DELETE FROM $stableDays WHERE $fieldSchedule = $sid"));
public static function removeTemplate($id) {
return self::_remove($id, "scheduletemplates", "scheduletemplatesdays", "template");
private static function _exists($id, $table) {
global $con;
$sid = (int)$id;
$stable = preg_replace("/[^A-Za-z0-9 ]/", '', $table);
$query = mysqli_query($con, "SELECT id FROM $stable WHERE id = ".(int)$id);
return (mysqli_num_rows($query) > 0);
public static function templateExists($id) {
return self::_exists($id, "scheduletemplates");
public static function checkAddDayGeneric($begins, $ends, $beginsb, $endsb, $beginsl, $endsl) {
global $con;
$times = [];
$times["work"] = [$begins, $ends];
$times["breakfast"] = [$beginsb, $endsb];
$times["lunch"] = [$beginsl, $endsl];
foreach ($times as $time) {
if (intervals::wellFormed($time) === false) return 1;
if (intervals::measure($times["work"]) == 0) return 4;
if ((!intervals::isSubset($times["breakfast"], $times["work"]) && intervals::measure($times["breakfast"]) != 0) || (!intervals::isSubset($times["lunch"], $times["work"]) && intervals::measure($times["lunch"]) != 0)) return 2;
if (intervals::overlaps($times["breakfast"], $times["lunch"]) && intervals::measure($times["breakfast"]) != 0 && intervals::measure($times["lunch"]) != 0) return 3;
return 0;
private static function _checkAddDayParticular($id, $dow, $typeday, $table, $fieldSchedule) {
global $con;
$sid = (int)$id;
$sdow = (int)$dow;
$stypeday = (int)$typeday;
$stable = preg_replace("/[^A-Za-z0-9 ]/", '', $table);
$sfieldSchedule = preg_replace("/[^A-Za-z0-9 ]/", '', $fieldSchedule);
$query = mysqli_query($con, "SELECT id FROM $stable WHERE $fieldSchedule = $sid AND day = $sdow AND typeday = $stypeday");
return (!mysqli_num_rows($query));
public static function checkAddDay2TemplateParticular($id, $dow, $typeday) {
return self::_checkAddDayParticular($id, $dow, $typeday, "scheduletemplatesdays", "template");
private static function _addDay($id, $dow, $typeday, $begins, $ends, $beginsb, $endsb, $beginsl, $endsl, $table, $fieldSchedule) {
global $con;
$sid = (int)$id;
$sdow = (int)$dow;
$stypeday = (int)$typeday;
$sbegins = (int)$begins;
$sends = (int)$ends;
$sbeginsb = (int)$beginsb;
$sendsb = (int)$endsb;
$sbeginsl = (int)$beginsl;
$sendsl = (int)$endsl;
$stable = preg_replace("/[^A-Za-z0-9 ]/", '', $table);
$sfieldSchedule = preg_replace("/[^A-Za-z0-9 ]/", '', $fieldSchedule);
return mysqli_query($con, "INSERT INTO $stable ($sfieldSchedule, day, typeday, beginswork, endswork, beginsbreakfast, endsbreakfast, beginslunch, endslunch) VALUES ($sid, $sdow, $stypeday, $sbegins, $sends, $sbeginsb, $sendsb, $sbeginsl, $sendsl)");
public static function addDay2Template($id, $dow, $typeday, $begins, $ends, $beginsb, $endsb, $beginsl, $endsl) {
return self::_addDay($id, $dow, $typeday, $begins, $ends, $beginsb, $endsb, $beginsl, $endsl, "scheduletemplatesdays", "template");
public static function _getDay($id, $table) {
global $con;
$sid = (int)$id;
$stable = preg_replace("/[^A-Za-z0-9 ]/", '', $table);
$query = mysqli_query($con, "SELECT * FROM $stable WHERE id = $sid");
if (!mysqli_num_rows($query)) return false;
return mysqli_fetch_assoc($query);
public static function getTemplateDay($id) {
return self::_getDay($id, "scheduletemplatesdays");
global $con;
private static function _editDay($id, $begins, $ends, $beginsb, $endsb, $beginsl, $endsl, $table) {
global $con;
$sid = (int)$id;
$sbegins = (int)$begins;
$sends = (int)$ends;
$sbeginsb = (int)$beginsb;
$sendsb = (int)$endsb;
$sbeginsl = (int)$beginsl;
$sendsl = (int)$endsl;
$stable = preg_replace("/[^A-Za-z0-9 ]/", '', $table);
return mysqli_query($con, "UPDATE $stable SET beginswork = $sbegins, endswork = $sends, beginsbreakfast = $sbeginsb, endsbreakfast = $sendsb, beginslunch = $sbeginsl, endslunch = $sendsl WHERE id = $sid LIMIT 1");
public static function editTemplateDay($id, $begins, $ends, $beginsb, $endsb, $beginsl, $endsl) {
return self::_editDay($id, $begins, $ends, $beginsb, $endsb, $beginsl, $endsl, "scheduletemplatesdays");
private static function _removeDay($id, $table) {
global $con;
$sid = (int)$id;
$stable = preg_replace("/[^A-Za-z0-9 ]/", '', $table);
return mysqli_query($con, "DELETE FROM $stable WHERE id = $sid LIMIT 1");
public static function removeTemplateDay($id) {
return self::_removeDay($id, "scheduletemplatesdays");
private static function _dayExists($id, $table) {
global $con;
$sid = (int)$id;
$stable = preg_replace("/[^A-Za-z0-9 ]/", '', $table);
$query = mysqli_query($con, "SELECT id FROM $stable WHERE id = $sid");
return (mysqli_num_rows($query) > 0);
public static function templateDayExists($id) {
return self::_dayExists($id, "scheduletemplatesdays");
public static function checkOverlap($worker, $begins, $ends, $sans = 0) {
global $con;
$sworker = (int)$worker;
$sbegins = (int)$begins;
$sends = (int)$ends;
$ssans = (int)$sans;
$query = mysqli_query($con, "SELECT * FROM schedules WHERE begins <= $sends AND ends >= $sbegins AND worker = $sworker".($sans == 0 ? "" : " AND id <> $ssans")." LIMIT 1");
return (mysqli_num_rows($query) > 0);
public static function get($id) {
return self::_get($id, "schedules", "schedulesdays", "schedule");
public static function getAll($id, $showNotActive = true) {
global $con, $conf;
$sid = (int)$id;
$query = mysqli_query($con, "SELECT * FROM schedules WHERE worker = $sid".($showNotActive ? "" : " AND active = 1")." ORDER BY ".($conf["debug"] ? "id ASC" : "begins DESC"));
$schedules = [];
while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($query)) {
$schedules[] = $row;
return $schedules;
public static function getCurrent($id = "ME", $isWorker = false) {
global $con;
if ($id == "ME") $id = people::userData("id");
$sid = (int)$id;
$date = new DateTime(date("Y-m-d")."T00:00:00");
$timestamp = (int)$date->getTimestamp();
$query = mysqli_query($con, "SELECT s.* FROM schedules s ".($isWorker ? "WHERE s.worker = $sid" : "LEFT JOIN workers w ON s.worker = WHERE w.person = $sid")." AND = 1 AND s.begins <= $timestamp AND s.ends >= $timestamp");
$return = [];
while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($query)) {
self::_addDaysToReturn($row, "schedulesdays", "schedule", $row["id"]);
$return[] = $row;
return $return;
public static function getWorkerScheduleStatus($id) {
$currentSchedules = self::getCurrent($id, true);
if ($currentSchedules === false || !count($currentSchedules)) return ["status" => self::STATUS_NO_ACTIVE_SCHEDULE];
$schedule =& $currentSchedules[0];
foreach (calendars::$workingTypes as $type) {
if (!isset($schedule["days"][$type]) || !count($schedule["days"][$type])) return ["status" => self::STATUS_HALFWAY_CONFIGURED_SCHEDULE, "schedule" => $schedule["id"]];
return ["status" => self::STATUS_ACTIVE_SCHEDULE, "schedule" => $schedule["id"]];
public static function add($worker, $ibegins, $iends, $active = 0, $alreadyTimestamp = false) {
global $con;
$sworker = (int)$worker;
$sactive = (int)$active;
if ($alreadyTimestamp) {
$sbegins = (int)$ibegins;
$sends = (int)$iends;
} else {
$begins = new DateTime($ibegins);
$sbegins = (int)$begins->getTimestamp();
$ends = new DateTime($iends);
$sends = (int)$ends->getTimestamp();
if (!intervals::wellFormed([$sbegins, $sends])) return 3;
if (self::checkOverlap($worker, $sbegins, $sends)) {
return 1;
return (mysqli_query($con, "INSERT INTO schedules (worker, begins, ends, active) VALUES ('$sworker', $sbegins, $sends, $sactive)") ? 0 : 2);
public static function edit($id, $ibegins, $iends) {
global $con;
$sid = (int)$id;
$begins = new DateTime($ibegins);
$sbegins = (int)$begins->getTimestamp();
$ends = new DateTime($iends);
$sends = (int)$ends->getTimestamp();
if (!intervals::wellFormed([$sbegins, $sends])) return 3;
$actual = self::get($sid);
if ($actual === false) return 4;
if (self::checkOverlap($actual["worker"], $sbegins, $sends, $sid)) {
return 1;
return (mysqli_query($con, "UPDATE schedules SET begins = $sbegins, ends = $sends WHERE id = $sid LIMIT 1") ? 0 : 2);
public static function remove($id) {
return self::_remove($id, "schedules", "schedulesdays", "schedule");
public static function switchActive($id, $value) {
global $con;
$sid = (int)$id;
$svalue = (int)$value;
if ($svalue > 1 || $svalue < 0) return false;
return mysqli_query($con, "UPDATE schedules SET active = $svalue WHERE id = $sid LIMIT 1");
public static function exists($id) {
return self::_exists($id, "schedules");
public static function checkAddDay2ScheduleParticular($id, $dow, $typeday) {
return self::_checkAddDayParticular($id, $dow, $typeday, "schedulesdays", "schedule");
public static function addDay2Schedule($id, $dow, $typeday, $begins, $ends, $beginsb, $endsb, $beginsl, $endsl) {
return self::_addDay($id, $dow, $typeday, $begins, $ends, $beginsb, $endsb, $beginsl, $endsl, "schedulesdays", "schedule");
public static function getDay($id) {
return self::_getDay($id, "schedulesdays");
global $con;
public static function editDay($id, $begins, $ends, $beginsb, $endsb, $beginsl, $endsl) {
return self::_editDay($id, $begins, $ends, $beginsb, $endsb, $beginsl, $endsl, "schedulesdays");
public static function dayExists($id) {
return self::_dayExists($id, "schedulesdays");
public static function removeDay($id) {
return self::_removeDay($id, "schedulesdays");
public static function copyTemplate($template, $worker, $active) {
global $con;
$template = self::getTemplate($template);
if ($template === false) return 1;
$status = self::add($worker, $template["begins"], $template["ends"], $active, true);
if ($status != 0) return ($status + 1);
$id = mysqli_insert_id($con);
foreach ($template["days"] as $typeday) {
foreach ($typeday as $day) {
$status2 = self::addDay2Schedule($id, $day["day"], $day["typeday"], $day["beginswork"], $day["endswork"], $day["beginsbreakfast"], $day["endsbreakfast"], $day["beginslunch"], $day["endslunch"]);
if (!$status2) return -1;
return 0;