Project import generated by Copybara.

GitOrigin-RevId: 63746295f1a5ab5a619056791995793d65529e62
diff --git a/src/lib/fpdf-easytable/easyTable.php b/src/lib/fpdf-easytable/easyTable.php
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..7a3840a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/lib/fpdf-easytable/easyTable.php
@@ -0,0 +1,1017 @@
+ /*********************************************************************
+ * FPDF easyTable                                                     *
+ *                                                                    *
+ * Version: 2.0                                                       *
+ * Date:    12-10-2017                                                *
+ * Author:  Dan Machado                                               *
+ * Require  exFPDF v2.0                                              *
+ **********************************************************************/
+class easyTable{
+   const LP=0.4;
+   const XPadding=1;
+   const YPadding=1;
+   const IMGPadding=0.5;
+   const PBThreshold=30;
+   static private $table_counter=false;
+   static private $style=array('width'=>false, 'border'=>false, 'border-color'=>false,
+   'border-width'=>false, 'line-height'=>false,
+   'align'=>'', 'valign'=>'', 'bgcolor'=>false, 'split-row'=>false, 'l-margin'=>false,
+   'font-family'=>false, 'font-style'=>false,'font-size'=>false, 'font-color'=>false,
+   'paddingX'=>false, 'paddingY'=>false);
+   private $pdf_obj;
+   private $document_style;
+   private $table_style;
+   private $col_num;
+   private $col_width;
+   private $baseX;
+   private $row_style_def;
+   private $row_style;
+   private $row_heights;
+   private $row_data;
+   private $rows;
+   private $total_rowspan;
+   private $col_counter;
+   private $grid;
+   private $blocks;
+   private $overflow;
+   private $header_row;
+   private $new_table;
+   private function get_available($colspan, $rowspan){
+      static $k=0;
+      if(count($this->grid)==0){
+         $k=0;
+      }
+      while(isset($this->grid[$k])){
+         $k++;
+      }
+      for($i=0; $i<=$colspan; $i++){
+         for($j=0; $j<=$rowspan; $j++){
+            $this->grid[$k+$i+$j*$this->col_num]=true;
+         }
+      }
+      return $k;
+   }
+   private function get_style($str, $c){
+      $result=self::$style;
+      if($c=='C'){
+         $result['colspan']=0;
+         $result['rowspan']=0;
+         $result['img']=false;
+      }
+      if($c=='C' || $c=='R'){
+         unset($result['width']);
+         unset($result['border-width']);
+         unset($result['split-row']);
+         unset($result['l-margin']);
+      }
+      if($c=='R' || $c=='T'){
+         if($c=='R'){
+            $result['c-align']=array_pad(array(), $this->col_num, 'L');
+         }
+         else{
+            $result['c-align']=array();
+         }
+      }
+      if($c=='R'){
+         $result['min-height']=false;
+      }
+      $tmp=explode(';', $str);
+      foreach($tmp as $x){
+         if($x && strpos($x,':')>0){
+            $r=explode(':',$x);
+            $r[0]=trim($r[0]);
+            $r[1]=trim($r[1]);
+            if(isset($result[$r[0]])){
+               $result[$r[0]]=$r[1];
+            }
+         }
+      }
+      return $result;
+   }
+   private function inherating(&$sty, $setting, $c){
+      if($c=='C'){
+         $sty[$setting]=$this->row_style[$setting];
+      }
+      elseif($c=='R'){
+         $sty[$setting]=$this->table_style[$setting];
+      }
+      else{
+         $sty[$setting]=$this->document_style[$setting];
+      }
+   }
+   private function conv_units($x)
+   {
+      if($this->pdf_obj->get_scale_factor()==72/25.4)
+      {
+         return $x;
+      }
+      if($this->pdf_obj->get_scale_factor()==72/2.54)
+      {
+         return $x/10;
+      }
+      if($this->pdf_obj->get_scale_factor()==72)
+      {
+         return $x/25.4;
+      }
+      return $x/0.3527777778;
+   }
+   private function set_style($str, $c, $pos=''){
+      $sty=$this->get_style($str, $c);
+      if($c=='T'){
+         if(is_numeric($sty['width'])){
+            $sty['width']=min(abs($sty['width']),$this->document_style['document_width']);
+            if($sty['width']==0){
+               $sty['width']=$this->document_style['document_width'];
+            }
+         }
+         else{
+            $x=strpos($sty['width'], '%');
+            if($x!=false){
+               $x=min(abs(substr($sty['width'], 0, $x)), 100);
+               if($x){
+                  $sty['width']=$x*$this->document_style['document_width']/100.0;
+               }
+               else{
+                  $sty['width']=$this->document_style['document_width'];
+               }
+            }
+            else{
+               $sty['width']=$this->document_style['document_width'];
+            }
+         }
+         if(!is_numeric($sty['l-margin'])){
+            $sty['l-margin']=0;
+         }
+         else{
+            $sty['l-margin']=abs($sty['l-margin']);
+         }
+         if(is_numeric($sty['border-width'])){
+            $sty['border-width']=abs($sty['border-width']);
+         }
+         else{
+            $sty['border-width']=false;
+         }
+         if($sty['split-row']=='false'){
+            $sty['split-row']=false;
+         }
+         elseif($sty['split-row']!==false){
+            $sty['split-row']=true;
+         }
+      }
+      if($c=='R'){
+         if(!is_numeric($sty['min-height']) || $sty['min-height']<0){
+            $sty['min-height']=0;
+         }
+      }
+      if(!is_numeric($sty['paddingX'])){
+         if($c=='C' || $c=='R'){
+            $this->inherating($sty, 'paddingX', $c);
+         }
+         else{
+            $sty['paddingX']=$this->conv_units(self::XPadding);
+         }
+      }
+      $sty['paddingX']=abs($sty['paddingX']);
+      if(!is_numeric($sty['paddingY'])){
+         if($c=='C' || $c=='R'){
+            $this->inherating($sty, 'paddingY', $c);
+         }
+         else{
+            $sty['paddingY']=$this->conv_units(self::YPadding);
+         }
+      }
+      $sty['paddingY']=abs($sty['paddingY']);
+      if($sty['border']===false && ($c=='C' || $c=='R')){
+         $this->inherating($sty, 'border', $c);
+      }
+      else{
+         $border=array('T'=>1, 'R'=>1, 'B'=>1, 'L'=>1);
+         if(!(is_numeric($sty['border']) && $sty['border']==1)){
+            foreach($border as $k=>$v){
+               $border[$k]=0;
+               if(strpos($sty['border'], $k)!==false){
+                  $border[$k]=1;
+               }
+            }
+         }
+         $sty['border']=$border;
+      }
+      $color_settings=array('bgcolor', 'font-color', 'border-color');
+      foreach($color_settings as $setting){
+         if($sty[$setting]===false || !($this->pdf_obj->is_hex($sty[$setting]) || $this->pdf_obj->is_rgb($sty[$setting]))){
+            if($c=='C' || $c=='R'){
+               $this->inherating($sty, $setting, $c);
+            }
+            elseif($setting=='font-color'){
+               $sty[$setting]=$this->document_style[$setting];
+            }
+         }
+         else{
+            $sty[$setting]=$sty[$setting];
+         }
+      }
+      $font_settings=array('font-family', 'font-style', 'font-size');
+      foreach($font_settings as $setting){
+         if($sty[$setting]===false){
+            $this->inherating($sty, $setting, $c);
+         }
+      }
+      if(is_numeric($sty['line-height'])){
+         $sty['line-height']=$this->conv_units(self::LP)*abs($sty['line-height']);
+      }
+      else{
+         if($c=='C' || $c=='R'){
+            $this->inherating($sty,'line-height', $c);
+         }
+         else{
+            $sty['line-height']=$this->conv_units(self::LP);
+         }
+      }
+      if($c=='C'){
+         if($sty['img']){
+            $tmp=explode(',', $sty['img']);
+            if(file_exists($tmp[0])){
+               $sty['img']=array('path'=>'', 'h'=>0, 'w'=>0);
+               $img=@ getimagesize($tmp[0]);
+               $sty['img']['path']=$tmp[0];
+               for($i=1; $i<3; $i++){
+                  if(isset($tmp[$i])){
+                     $tmp[$i]=trim(strtolower($tmp[$i]));
+                     if($tmp[$i][0]=='w' || $tmp[$i][0]=='h'){
+                        $t=substr($tmp[$i],1);
+                        if(is_numeric($t)){
+                           $sty['img'][$tmp[$i][0]]=abs($t);
+                        }
+                     }
+                  }
+               }
+               $ration=$img[0]/$img[1];
+               if($sty['img']['w']+$sty['img']['h']==0){
+                  $sty['img']['w']=$img[0];
+                  $sty['img']['h']=$img[1];
+               }
+               elseif($sty['img']['w']==0){
+                  $sty['img']['w']=$sty['img']['h']*$ration;
+               }
+               elseif($sty['img']['h']==0){
+                  $sty['img']['h']=$sty['img']['w']/$ration;
+               }
+            }
+            else{
+               $sty['img']='failed to open stream: file ' . $tmp[0] .' does not exist';
+            }
+         }
+         if(is_numeric($sty['colspan']) && $sty['colspan']>0){
+            $sty['colspan']--;
+         }
+         else{
+            $sty['colspan']=0;
+         }
+         if(is_numeric($sty['rowspan']) && $sty['rowspan']>0){
+            $sty['rowspan']--;
+         }
+         else{
+            $sty['rowspan']=0;
+         }
+         if($sty['valign']==false && ($sty['rowspan']>0 || $sty['img']!==false)){
+            $sty['valign']='M';
+         }
+         if($sty['align']==false && $sty['img']!==false){
+            $sty['align']='C';
+         }
+      }
+      if($c=='T' || $c=='R'){
+         $tmp=explode('{',$sty['align']);
+         if($c=='T'){
+            $sty['align']=trim($tmp[0]);
+         }
+         if(isset($tmp[1])){
+            $tmp[1]=trim($tmp[1], '}');
+            if(strlen($tmp[1])){
+               for($i=0; $i<strlen($tmp[1]); $i++){
+                  if(preg_match("/[LCRJ]/", $tmp[1][$i])!=0){
+                     $sty['c-align'][$i]=$tmp[1][$i];
+                  }
+                  else{
+                     $sty['c-align'][$i]='L';
+                  }
+               }
+            }
+            if($c=='R'){
+               $sty['align']='L';
+               $sty['c-align']=array_slice($sty['c-align'],0,$this->col_num);
+            }
+         }
+      }
+      if($sty['align']!='L' && $sty['align']!='C' && $sty['align']!='R' && $sty['align']!='J'){
+         if($c=='C'){
+            $sty['align']=$this->row_style['c-align'][$pos];
+         }
+         elseif($c=='R'){
+            $sty['align']='L';
+            $sty['c-align']=$this->table_style['c-align'];
+         }
+         else{
+            $sty['align']='C';
+         }
+      }
+      elseif($c=='T' && $sty['align']=='J'){
+         $sty['align']='C';
+      }
+      if($sty['valign']!='T' && $sty['valign']!='M' && $sty['valign']!='B'){
+         if($c=='C' || $c=='R'){
+            $this->inherating($sty, 'valign', $c);
+         }
+         else{
+            $sty['valign']='T';
+         }
+      }
+      return $sty;
+   }
+   private function row_content_loop($counter, $f){
+      $t=0;
+      if($counter>0){
+         $t=$this->rows[$counter-1];
+      }
+      for($index=$t; $index<$this->rows[$counter]; $index++){
+         $f($index);
+      }
+   }
+   private function mk_border($i, $y, $split){
+      $w=$this->row_data[$i][2];
+      $h=$this->row_data[$i][5];
+      if($split){
+         $h=$this->pdf_obj->PageBreak()-$y;
+      }
+      if($this->row_data[$i][1]['border-color']!=false){
+         $this->pdf_obj->resetColor($this->row_data[$i][1]['border-color'], 'D');
+      }
+      $a=array(1, 1, 1, 0);
+      $borders=array('L'=>3, 'T'=>0, 'R'=>1, 'B'=>2);
+      foreach($borders as $border=>$j){
+         if($this->row_data[$i][1]['border'][$border]){
+            if($border=='B'){
+               if($split==0){
+                  $this->pdf_obj->Line($this->row_data[$i][6]+(1+$a[($j+2)%4])%2*$w, $y+(1+$a[($j+1)%4])%2 * $h, $this->row_data[$i][6]+$a[$j%4]*$w, $y+($a[($j+3)%4])%2 *$h);
+               }
+            }
+            else{
+               $this->pdf_obj->Line($this->row_data[$i][6]+(1+$a[($j+2)%4])%2*$w, $y+(1+$a[($j+1)%4])%2 * $h, $this->row_data[$i][6]+$a[$j%4]*$w, $y+($a[($j+3)%4])%2 *$h);
+            }
+         }
+      }
+      if($this->row_data[$i][1]['border-color']!=false){
+         $this->pdf_obj->resetColor($this->document_style['bgcolor'], 'D');
+      }
+      if($split){
+         $this->pdf_obj->row_data[$i][1]['border']['T']=0;
+      }
+   }
+   private function print_text($i, $y, $split){
+      $padding=$this->row_data[$i][1]['padding-y'];
+      $k=$padding;
+      if($this->row_data[$i][1]['img']!==false){
+         if($this->row_data[$i][1]['valign']=='B'){
+            $k+=$this->row_data[$i][1]['img']['h']+$this->conv_units(self::IMGPadding);
+         }
+      }
+      $l=0;
+      if(count($this->row_data[$i][0])){
+         $x=$this->row_data[$i][6]+$this->row_data[$i][1]['paddingX'];
+         $xpadding=2*$this->row_data[$i][1]['paddingX'];
+         $l=count($this->row_data[$i][0])* $this->row_data[$i][1]['line-height']*$this->row_data[$i][1]['font-size'];
+         $this->pdf_obj->SetXY($x, $y+$k);
+         $this->pdf_obj->CellBlock($this->row_data[$i][2]-$xpadding, $this->row_data[$i][1]['line-height'], $this->row_data[$i][0], $this->row_data[$i][1]['align']);
+         $this->pdf_obj->resetFont($this->document_style['font-family'], $this->document_style['font-style'], $this->document_style['font-size']);
+         $this->pdf_obj->resetColor($this->document_style['font-color'], 'T');
+      }
+      if($this->row_data[$i][1]['img']!==false ){
+         $x=$this->row_data[$i][6];
+         $k=$padding;
+         if($this->row_data[$i][1]['valign']!='B'){
+            $k+=$l+$this->conv_units(self::IMGPadding);
+         }
+         if($this->imgbreak($i, $y)==0 && $y+$k+$this->row_data[$i][1]['img']['h']<$this->pdf_obj->PageBreak()){
+            $x+=$this->row_data[$i][1]['paddingX'];
+            if($this->row_data[$i][2]>$this->row_data[$i][1]['img']['w']){
+               if($this->row_data[$i][1]['align']=='C'){
+                  $x-=$this->row_data[$i][1]['paddingX'];
+                  $x+=($this->row_data[$i][2]-$this->row_data[$i][1]['img']['w'])/2;
+               }
+               elseif($this->row_data[$i][1]['align']=='R'){
+                  $x+=$this->row_data[$i][2]-$this->row_data[$i][1]['img']['w'];
+                  $x-=2*$this->row_data[$i][1]['paddingX'];
+               }
+            }
+            $this->pdf_obj->Image($this->row_data[$i][1]['img']['path'], $x, $y+$k, $this->row_data[$i][1]['img']['w'], $this->row_data[$i][1]['img']['h']);
+         	$this->row_data[$i][1]['img']=false;
+         }
+      }
+   }
+   private function mk_bg($i, $T, $split){
+      $h=$this->row_data[$i][5];
+      if($split){
+         $h=$this->pdf_obj->PageBreak()-$T;
+      }
+      if($this->row_data[$i][1]['bgcolor']!=false){
+         $this->pdf_obj->resetColor($this->row_data[$i][1]['bgcolor']);
+         $this->pdf_obj->Rect($this->row_data[$i][6], $T, $this->row_data[$i][2], $h, 'F');
+         $this->pdf_obj->resetColor($this->document_style['bgcolor']);
+      }
+   }
+   private function printing_loop($swap=false){
+      $this->swap_data($swap);
+      $y=$this->pdf_obj->GetY();
+      $tmp=array();
+      $rw=array();
+      $ztmp=array();
+      $total_cells=count($this->row_data);
+      while(count($tmp)!=$total_cells){
+         $a=count($this->rows);
+         $h=0;
+         $y=$this->pdf_obj->GetY();
+         for($j=0; $j<count($this->rows); $j++){
+            $T=$y+$h;
+            if($T<$this->pdf_obj->PageBreak()){
+                  $this->row_content_loop($j, function($index)use($T, $tmp){
+                  if(!isset($tmp[$index])){
+                     $split_cell=$this->scan_for_breaks($index,$T, false);
+                     $this->mk_bg($index, $T, $split_cell);
+                  }
+               });
+               if(!isset($rw[$j])){
+                  if($this->pdf_obj->PageBreak()-($T+$this->row_heights[$j])>=0){
+                     $h+=$this->row_heights[$j];
+                  }
+                  else{
+                     $a=$j+1;
+                     break;
+                  }
+               }
+            }
+            else{
+               $a=$j+1;
+               break;
+            }
+         }
+         $h=0;
+         for($j=0; $j<$a; $j++){
+            $T=$y+$h;
+            if($T<$this->pdf_obj->PageBreak()){
+                  $this->row_content_loop($j, function($index)use($T, &$tmp, &$ztmp){
+                  if(!isset($tmp[$index])){
+                     $split_cell=$this->scan_for_breaks($index,$T);
+                     $this->mk_border($index, $T, $split_cell);
+                     $this->print_text($index, $T, $split_cell);
+                     if($split_cell==0){
+                        $tmp[$index]=$index;
+                     }
+                     else{
+                        $ztmp[]=$index;
+                     }
+                  }
+               });
+               if(!isset($rw[$j])){
+                  $tw=$this->pdf_obj->PageBreak()-($T+$this->row_heights[$j]);
+                  if($tw>=0){
+                     $h+=$this->row_heights[$j];
+                     $rw[$j]=$j;
+                  }
+                  else{
+                     $this->row_heights[$j]=$this->overflow-$tw;
+                  }
+               }
+            }
+         }
+         if(count($tmp)!=$total_cells){
+            foreach($ztmp as $index){
+               $this->row_data[$index][5]=$this->row_data[$index][7]+$this->overflow;
+               if(isset($this->row_data[$index][8])){
+                  $this->row_data[$index][1]['padding-y']=$this->row_data[$index][8];
+                  unset($this->row_data[$index][8]);
+               }
+            }
+            $this->overflow=0;
+            $ztmp=array();
+            $this->pdf_obj->addPage($this->document_style['orientation'], $this->pdf_obj->get_page_size(), $this->pdf_obj->get_rotation());
+         }
+         else{
+            $y+=$h;
+         }
+      }
+      $this->pdf_obj->SetXY($this->baseX, $y);
+      $this->swap_data($swap);
+   }
+   private function imgbreak($i, $y){
+      $li=$y+$this->row_data[$i][1]['padding-y'];
+      $ls=$this->row_data[$i][1]['img']['h'];
+      if($this->row_data[$i][1]['valign']=='B'){
+         $ls+=$li;
+      }
+      else{
+         $li+=$this->row_data[$i][3]-$this->row_data[$i][1]['img']['h'];
+         $ls+=$li;
+      }
+      $result=0;
+      if($li<$this->pdf_obj->PageBreak() && $this->pdf_obj->PageBreak()<$ls){
+         $result=$this->pdf_obj->PageBreak()-$li;
+      }
+      return $result;
+   }
+   private function scan_for_breaks($index, $H, $l=true){
+      $print_cell=0;
+      $h=($H+$this->row_data[$index][5])-$this->pdf_obj->PageBreak();
+      if($h>0){
+         if($l){
+            $rr=$this->pdf_obj->PageBreak()-($H+$this->row_data[$index][1]['padding-y']);
+            if($rr>0){
+               $mx=0;
+               if(count($this->row_data[$index][0]) && $this->row_data[$index][1]['img']!==false){
+                  $mx=$this->imgbreak($index, $H);
+                  if($mx==0){
+                     if($this->row_data[$index][1]['valign']=='B'){
+                        $rr-=$this->row_data[$index][1]['img']['h'];
+                     }
+                  }
+               }
+               $nh=0;
+               $keys=array_keys($this->row_data[$index][0]);
+               foreach($keys as $i){
+                  $nh+=$this->row_data[$index][0][$i]['height'];
+               }
+               $nh*=$this->row_data[$index][1]['line-height'];
+               if($mx==0){
+               	if($rr<$nh && $rr>0){
+                     $nw=0;
+                     foreach($keys as $i){
+                        $nw+=$this->row_data[$index][0][$i]['height']*$this->row_data[$index][1]['line-height'];
+                        if($nw>$rr){
+                           $nw-=$this->row_data[$index][0][$i]['height']*$this->row_data[$index][1]['line-height'];
+                	         $mx=$rr-$nw;
+                           break;
+                        }
+                     }
+               	}
+                  else{
+                     if($rr< $this->row_data[$index][1]['img']['h']){
+                        $mx=$this->row_data[$index][1]['img']['h'];
+                     }
+                  }
+               }
+               $this->overflow=max($this->overflow, $mx);
+               $this->row_data[$index][8]=1;
+            }
+            else{
+               $this->row_data[$index][8]=-1*$rr;
+            }
+            $this->row_data[$index][7]=$h;
+         }
+         $print_cell=1;
+      }
+      return $print_cell;
+   }
+   private function swap_data($swap){
+      if($swap==false){
+         return;
+      }
+      static $data=array();
+      if(count($data)==0){
+         $data=array('header_data'=>$this->header_row['row_data'], 'row_heights'=>&$this->row_heights, 'row_data'=>&$this->row_data, 'rows'=>&$this->rows);
+         unset($this->row_heights, $this->row_data, $this->rows);
+         $this->row_heights=&$this->header_row['row_heights'];
+         $this->row_data=&$this->header_row['row_data'];
+         $this->rows=&$this->header_row['rows'];
+      }
+      else{
+         $this->header_row['row_data']=$data['header_data'];
+         unset($this->row_heights, $this->row_data, $this->rows);
+         $this->row_heights=$data['row_heights'];
+         $this->row_data=$data['row_data'];
+         $this->rows=$data['rows'];
+         $data=array();
+      }
+   }
+   /********************************************************************
+   function __construct( FPDF-object $fpdf_obj, Mix $num_cols[, string $style = '' ])
+   -----------------------------------------------------
+   Description:
+   Constructs an easyTable object
+   Parameters:
+   fpdf_obj
+   the current FPDF object (constructed with the FPDF library)
+   that is being used to write the current PDF document
+   num_cols
+   this parameter can be a positive integer (the number of columns)
+   or a string of the following form
+   I) a positive integer, the number of columns for the table. The width
+   of every column will be equal to the width of the table (given by the width property)
+   divided by the number of columns ($num_cols)
+   II) a string of the form '{c1, c2, c3,... cN}'. In this case every
+   element in the curly brackets is a positive numeric value that represent
+   the width of a column. Thus, the n-th numeric value is the width
+   of the n-th colum. If the sum of all the width of the columns is bigger than
+   the width of the table but less than the width of the document, the table
+   will stretch to the sum of the columns width. However, if the sum of the
+   columns is bigger than the width of the document, the width of every column
+   will be reduce proportionally to make the total sum equal to the width of the document.
+   III) a string of the form '%{c1, c2, c3,... cN}'. Similar to the previous case, but
+   this time every element represents a percentage of the width of the table.
+   In this case it the sum of this percentages is bigger than 100, the execution will
+   be terminated.
+   style
+   the global style for the table (see documentation)
+   a semicolon-separated string of attribute values that defines the
+   default layout of the table and all the cells and their contents
+   (see Documentation section in
+   Examples:
+   $table= new easyTable($fpdf, 3);
+   $table= new easyTable($fpdf, '{35, 45, 55}', 'width:135;');
+   $table= new easyTable($fpdf, '%{35, 45, 55}', 'width:190;');
+   Return value:
+   An easyTable object
+   ***********************************************************************/
+   public function __construct($fpdf_obj, $num_cols, $style=''){
+      if(self::$table_counter){
+         error_log('Please use the end_table method to terminate the last table');
+         exit();
+      }
+      self::$table_counter=true;
+      $this->pdf_obj=&$fpdf_obj;
+      $this->document_style['bgcolor']=$this->pdf_obj->get_color('fill');
+      $this->document_style['font-family']=$this->pdf_obj->current_font('family');
+      $this->document_style['font-style']=$this->pdf_obj->current_font('style');
+      $this->document_style['font-size']=$this->pdf_obj->current_font('size');
+      $this->document_style['font-color']=$this->pdf_obj->get_color('text');
+      $this->document_style['document_width']=$this->pdf_obj->GetPageWidth()-$this->pdf_obj->get_margin('l')-$this->pdf_obj->get_margin('r');
+      $this->document_style['orientation']=$this->pdf_obj->get_orientation();
+      $this->document_style['line-width']=$this->pdf_obj->get_linewidth();
+      $this->table_style=$this->set_style($style, 'T');
+      $this->col_num=false;
+      $this->col_width=array();
+      if(is_int($num_cols) && $num_cols!=0){
+         $this->col_num=abs($num_cols);
+         $this->col_width=array_pad(array(), abs($num_cols), $this->table_style['width']/abs($num_cols));
+      }
+      elseif(is_string($num_cols)){
+         $num_cols=trim($num_cols, '}, ');
+         if($num_cols[0]!='{' && $num_cols[0]!='%'){
+            error_log('Bad format for columns in Table constructor');
+            exit();
+         }
+         $tmp=explode('{', $num_cols);
+         $tp=trim($tmp[0]);
+         $num_cols=explode(',', $tmp[1]);
+         $w=0;
+         foreach($num_cols as $c){
+            if(!is_numeric($c)){
+               error_log('Bad parameter format for columns in Table constructor');
+               exit();
+            }
+            if(abs($c)){
+               $w+=abs($c);
+               $this->col_width[]=abs($c);
+            }
+            else{
+               error_log('Column width can not be zero');
+            }
+         }
+         $this->col_num=count($this->col_width);
+         if($tp=='%'){
+            if($w!=100){
+               error_log('The sum of the percentages of the columns is not 100');
+               exit();
+            }
+            foreach($this->col_width as $i=>$c){
+               $this->col_width[$i]=$c*$this->table_style['width']/100;
+            }
+         }
+         elseif($w!=$this->table_style['width'] && $w){
+            if($w<$this->document_style['document_width']){
+               $this->table_style['width']=$w;
+            }
+            else{
+               $this->table_style['width']=$this->document_style['document_width'];
+               $d=$this->table_style['width']/$w;
+               for($i=0; $i<count($num_cols); $i++){
+                  $this->col_width[$i]*=$d;
+               }
+            }
+         }
+      }
+      if($this->col_num==false){
+         error_log('Unspecified number of columns in Table constructor');
+         exit();
+      }
+      $this->table_style['c-align']=array_pad($this->table_style['c-align'], $this->col_num, 'L');
+      if($this->table_style['l-margin']){
+         $this->baseX=$this->pdf_obj->get_margin('l')+min($this->table_style['l-margin'],$this->document_style['document_width']-$this->table_style['width']);
+      }
+      else{
+         if($this->table_style['align']=='L'){
+            $this->baseX=$this->pdf_obj->get_margin('l');
+         }
+         elseif($this->table_style['align']=='R'){
+            $this->baseX=$this->pdf_obj->get_margin('l')+$this->document_style['document_width']-$this->table_style['width'];
+         }
+         else{
+            $this->baseX=$this->pdf_obj->get_margin('l')+($this->document_style['document_width']-$this->table_style['width'])/2;
+         }
+      }
+      $this->row_style_def=$this->set_style('', 'R');
+      $this->row_style=$this->row_style_def;
+      $this->row_heights=array();
+      $this->row_data=array();
+      $this->rows=array();
+      $this->total_rowspan=0;
+      $this->col_counter=0;
+      $this->grid=array();
+      $this->blocks=array();
+      $this->overflow=0;
+      if($this->table_style['border-width']!=false){
+         $this->pdf_obj->SetLineWidth($this->table_style['border-width']);
+      }
+      $this->header_row=array();
+      $this->new_table=true;
+   }
+   /***********************************************************************
+   function rowStyle( string $style )
+   -------------------------------------------------------------
+   Description:
+   Set or overwrite the style for all the cells in the current row.
+   Parameters:
+   style
+   a semicolon-separated string of attribute values that defines the
+   layout of all the cells and its content in the current row
+   (see Documentation section in
+   Return values
+   Void
+   Notes:
+   This function should be called before the first cell of the current row
+   ***********************************************************************/
+   public function rowStyle($style){
+      $this->row_style=$this->set_style($style, 'R');
+   }
+   /***********************************************************************
+   function easyCell( string $data [, string $style = '' ])
+   ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+   Description:
+   Makes a cell in the table
+   Parameters:
+   data
+   the content of the respective cell
+   style (optional)
+   a semicolon-separated string of attribute values that defines the
+   layout of the cell and its content (see Documentation section in
+   Return value
+   void
+   ***********************************************************************/
+   public function easyCell($data, $style=''){
+      if($this->col_counter<$this->col_num){
+         $sty=$this->set_style($style, 'C', $this->col_counter);
+         $this->col_counter++;
+         $row_number=count($this->rows);
+         $cell_index=count($this->row_data);
+         $cell_pos=$this->get_available($sty['colspan'], $sty['rowspan']);
+         $colm=$cell_pos %$this->col_num;
+         if($sty['img']!=false && $data!='' && $sty['valign']=='M'){
+            $sty['valign']=$this->row_style['valign'];
+         }
+         if($sty['rowspan']){
+            $this->total_rowspan=max($this->total_rowspan, $sty['rowspan']);
+            $this->blocks[$cell_index]=array($cell_index, $row_number, $sty['rowspan']);
+         }
+         $w=$this->col_width[$colm];
+         $r=0;
+         while($r<$sty['colspan'] && $this->col_counter<$this->col_num){
+            $this->col_counter++;
+            $colm++;
+            $w+=$this->col_width[$colm];
+            $r++;
+         }
+         $w-=2*$sty['paddingX'];
+         if($sty['img']!==false && is_string($sty['img'])){
+            $data=$sty['img'];
+            $sty['img']=false;
+         }
+         $data=& $this->pdf_obj->extMultiCell($sty['font-family'], $sty['font-style'], $sty['font-size'], $sty['font-color'], $w, $data);
+         $h=0;
+         $rn=count($data);
+         for($ri=0; $ri<$rn; $ri++){
+            $h+=$data[$ri]['height']*$sty['line-height'];
+         }
+         if($sty['img']){
+            if($sty['img']['w']>$w){
+               $sty['img']['h']=$w*$sty['img']['h']/$sty['img']['w'];
+               $sty['img']['w']=$w;
+            }
+            if($h){
+               $h+=$this->conv_units(self::IMGPadding);
+            }
+            $h+=$sty['img']['h'];
+         }
+         $w+=2*$sty['paddingX'];
+         $posx=$this->baseX;
+         $d=$cell_pos %$this->col_num;
+         for($k=0; $k<$d; $k++){
+            $posx+=$this->col_width[$k];
+         }
+         $this->row_data[$cell_index]=array($data, $sty, $w, $h, $cell_pos, 0, $posx, 0);
+      }
+   }
+   /***********************************************************************
+   function printRow ( [ bool $setAsHeader = false ] )
+   ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+   Description:
+   This function indicates the end of the current row.
+   Parameters:
+   setAsHeader (optional)
+   Optional. When it is set as true, it sets the current row as the header
+   for the table; this means that the current row will be printed as the first
+   row of the table (table header) on every page that the table splits on.
+   Remark: 1. In order to work, the table attribute split-row should set as true.
+   2. Just the first row where this parameter is set as true will be
+   used as header any other will printed as a normal row.
+   Return values
+   Void
+   Note:
+   This function will print the current row as far as the following holds:
+   total_rowspan=0
+   where total_rowspan is set as
+   total_rowspan=max(total_rowspan, max(rowspan of cell in the current row))-1;
+   ***********************************************************************/
+   public function printRow($setAsHeader=false){
+      $this->col_counter=0;
+      $row_number=count($this->rows);
+      $this->rows[$row_number]=count($this->row_data);
+      $mx=$this->row_style['min-height'];
+         $this->row_content_loop($row_number, function($index)use(&$mx){
+         if($this->row_data[$index][1]['rowspan']==0){
+            $mx=max($mx, $this->row_data[$index][3]+2*$this->row_data[$index][1]['paddingY']);
+         }
+      });
+      $this->row_heights[$row_number]=$mx;
+      if($this->total_rowspan>0){
+         $this->total_rowspan--;
+      }
+      else{
+         $row_number=count($this->rows);
+         if(count($this->blocks)>0){
+            foreach($this->blocks as $bk_id=>$block){
+               $h=0;
+               for($i=$block[1]; $i<=$block[1]+$block[2]; $i++){
+                  $h+=$this->row_heights[$i];
+               }
+               $t=$this->row_data[$block[0]][3]+2*$this->row_data[$block[0]][1]['paddingY'];
+               if($h>0 && $h<$t){
+                  for($i=$block[1]; $i<=$block[1]+$block[2]; $i++){
+                     $this->row_heights[$i]*=$t/$h;
+                  }
+               }
+            }
+            foreach($this->blocks as $j=>$block){
+               $h=0;
+               for($i=$block[1]; $i<=$block[1]+$block[2]; $i++){
+                  $h+=$this->row_heights[$i];
+               }
+               $this->row_data[$j][5]=$h;
+            }
+         }
+         $block_height=0;
+         for($j=0; $j<$row_number; $j++){
+               $this->row_content_loop($j, function($index)use($j, $block_height){
+               if($this->row_data[$index][1]['rowspan']==0){
+                  $this->row_data[$index][5]=$this->row_heights[$j];
+               }
+               $this->row_data[$index][1]['padding-y']=$this->row_data[$index][1]['paddingY'];
+               if($this->row_data[$index][1]['valign']=='M' || ($this->row_data[$index][1]['img'] && count($this->row_data[$index][0]))){
+                  $this->row_data[$index][1]['padding-y']=($this->row_data[$index][5]-$this->row_data[$index][3])/2;
+               }
+               elseif($this->row_data[$index][1]['valign']=='B'){
+                  $this->row_data[$index][1]['padding-y']=$this->row_data[$index][5]-($this->row_data[$index][3]+$this->row_data[$index][1]['paddingY']);
+               }
+            });
+            $block_height+=$this->row_heights[$j];
+         }
+			$rowIsHeader=1+(count($this->header_row)>0);
+         if($setAsHeader===true){
+            if(count($this->header_row)==0){
+               $this->header_row['row_heights']=$this->row_heights;
+               $this->header_row['row_data']=$this->row_data;
+               $this->header_row['rows']=$this->rows;
+            }
+         }
+         if($this->table_style['split-row']==false && $this->pdf_obj->PageBreak()<$this->pdf_obj->GetY()+max($block_height,$this->row_heights[0])){
+            $this->pdf_obj->addPage($this->document_style['orientation'], $this->pdf_obj->get_page_size(), $this->pdf_obj->get_rotation());
+            if(count($this->header_row)>0){
+               $this->printing_loop(true);
+               $rowIsHeader--;
+            }
+         }
+         if($this->new_table){
+            if(count($this->header_row)>0){
+               $r=$this->pdf_obj->PageBreak()-($this->pdf_obj->GetY()+$block_height);
+               if($r<0 || $r<$this->conv_units(self::PBThreshold)){
+                  $this->pdf_obj->addPage($this->document_style['orientation'], $this->pdf_obj->get_page_size(), $this->pdf_obj->get_rotation());
+               }
+            }
+            $this->new_table=false;
+         }
+         if($rowIsHeader>0){
+				$this->printing_loop();
+			}
+         $this->grid=array();
+         $this->row_data=array();
+         $this->rows=array();
+         $this->row_heights=array();
+         $this->blocks=array();
+         $this->overflow=0;
+         $this->new_table=false;
+      }
+      $this->row_style=$this->row_style_def;
+   }
+   /***********************************************************************
+   function endTable( [int $bottomMargin=2])
+   ------------------------------------------
+   Description:
+   Unset all the data members of the easyTable object
+   Parameters:
+   bottomMargin (optional)
+   Optional. Specify the number of white lines left after
+   the last row of the table. Default 2.
+   If it is negative, the vertical position will be set before
+   the end of the table.
+   Return values
+   Void
+   ***********************************************************************/
+   public function endTable($bottomMargin=2){
+      self::$table_counter=false;
+      if($this->table_style['border-width']!=false){
+         $this->pdf_obj->SetLineWidth($this->document_style['line-width']);
+      }
+      $this->pdf_obj->SetX($this->pdf_obj->get_margin('l'));
+      $this->pdf_obj->Ln($bottomMargin);
+      $this->pdf_obj->resetStaticData();
+      unset($this->pdf_obj);
+      unset($this->document_style);
+      unset($this->table_style);
+      unset($this->col_num);
+      unset($this->col_width);
+      unset($this->baseX);
+      unset($this->row_style_def);
+      unset($this->row_style);
+      unset($this->row_heights);
+      unset($this->row_data);
+      unset($this->rows);
+      unset($this->total_rowspan);
+      unset($this->col_counter);
+      unset($this->grid);
+      unset($this->blocks);
+      unset($this->overflow);
+      unset($this->header_row);
+   }