Project import generated by Copybara.

GitOrigin-RevId: 63746295f1a5ab5a619056791995793d65529e62
diff --git a/src/lib/WebAuthn/Attestation/Format/Tpm.php b/src/lib/WebAuthn/Attestation/Format/Tpm.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..338cd45
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/lib/WebAuthn/Attestation/Format/Tpm.php
@@ -0,0 +1,180 @@
+namespace lbuchs\WebAuthn\Attestation\Format;
+use lbuchs\WebAuthn\Attestation\AuthenticatorData;
+use lbuchs\WebAuthn\WebAuthnException;
+use lbuchs\WebAuthn\Binary\ByteBuffer;
+class Tpm extends FormatBase {
+    private $_TPM_GENERATED_VALUE = "\xFF\x54\x43\x47";
+    private $_TPM_ST_ATTEST_CERTIFY = "\x80\x17";
+    private $_alg;
+    private $_signature;
+    private $_pubArea;
+    private $_x5c;
+    /**
+     * @var ByteBuffer
+     */
+    private $_certInfo;
+    public function __construct($AttestionObject, AuthenticatorData $authenticatorData) {
+        parent::__construct($AttestionObject, $authenticatorData);
+        // check packed data
+        $attStmt = $this->_attestationObject['attStmt'];
+        if (!\array_key_exists('ver', $attStmt) || $attStmt['ver'] !== '2.0') {
+            throw new WebAuthnException('invalid tpm version: ' . $attStmt['ver'], WebAuthnException::INVALID_DATA);
+        }
+        if (!\array_key_exists('alg', $attStmt) || $this->_getCoseAlgorithm($attStmt['alg']) === null) {
+            throw new WebAuthnException('unsupported alg: ' . $attStmt['alg'], WebAuthnException::INVALID_DATA);
+        }
+        if (!\array_key_exists('sig', $attStmt) || !\is_object($attStmt['sig']) || !($attStmt['sig'] instanceof ByteBuffer)) {
+            throw new WebAuthnException('signature not found', WebAuthnException::INVALID_DATA);
+        }
+        if (!\array_key_exists('certInfo', $attStmt) || !\is_object($attStmt['certInfo']) || !($attStmt['certInfo'] instanceof ByteBuffer)) {
+            throw new WebAuthnException('certInfo not found', WebAuthnException::INVALID_DATA);
+        }
+        if (!\array_key_exists('pubArea', $attStmt) || !\is_object($attStmt['pubArea']) || !($attStmt['pubArea'] instanceof ByteBuffer)) {
+            throw new WebAuthnException('pubArea not found', WebAuthnException::INVALID_DATA);
+        }
+        $this->_alg = $attStmt['alg'];
+        $this->_signature = $attStmt['sig']->getBinaryString();
+        $this->_certInfo = $attStmt['certInfo'];
+        $this->_pubArea = $attStmt['pubArea'];
+        // certificate for validation
+        if (\array_key_exists('x5c', $attStmt) && \is_array($attStmt['x5c']) && \count($attStmt['x5c']) > 0) {
+            // The attestation certificate attestnCert MUST be the first element in the array
+            $attestnCert = array_shift($attStmt['x5c']);
+            if (!($attestnCert instanceof ByteBuffer)) {
+                throw new WebAuthnException('invalid x5c certificate', WebAuthnException::INVALID_DATA);
+            }
+            $this->_x5c = $attestnCert->getBinaryString();
+            // certificate chain
+            foreach ($attStmt['x5c'] as $chain) {
+                if ($chain instanceof ByteBuffer) {
+                    $this->_x5c_chain[] = $chain->getBinaryString();
+                }
+            }
+        } else {
+            throw new WebAuthnException('no x5c certificate found', WebAuthnException::INVALID_DATA);
+        }
+    }
+    /*
+     * returns the key certificate in PEM format
+     * @return string|null
+     */
+    public function getCertificatePem() {
+        if (!$this->_x5c) {
+            return null;
+        }
+        return $this->_createCertificatePem($this->_x5c);
+    }
+    /**
+     * @param string $clientDataHash
+     */
+    public function validateAttestation($clientDataHash) {
+        return $this->_validateOverX5c($clientDataHash);
+    }
+    /**
+     * validates the certificate against root certificates
+     * @param array $rootCas
+     * @return boolean
+     * @throws WebAuthnException
+     */
+    public function validateRootCertificate($rootCas) {
+        if (!$this->_x5c) {
+            return false;
+        }
+        $chainC = $this->_createX5cChainFile();
+        if ($chainC) {
+            $rootCas[] = $chainC;
+        }
+        $v = \openssl_x509_checkpurpose($this->getCertificatePem(), -1, $rootCas);
+        if ($v === -1) {
+            throw new WebAuthnException('error on validating root certificate: ' . \openssl_error_string(), WebAuthnException::CERTIFICATE_NOT_TRUSTED);
+        }
+        return $v;
+    }
+    /**
+     * validate if x5c is present
+     * @param string $clientDataHash
+     * @return bool
+     * @throws WebAuthnException
+     */
+    protected function _validateOverX5c($clientDataHash) {
+        $publicKey = \openssl_pkey_get_public($this->getCertificatePem());
+        if ($publicKey === false) {
+            throw new WebAuthnException('invalid public key: ' . \openssl_error_string(), WebAuthnException::INVALID_PUBLIC_KEY);
+        }
+        // Concatenate authenticatorData and clientDataHash to form attToBeSigned.
+        $attToBeSigned = $this->_authenticatorData->getBinary();
+        $attToBeSigned .= $clientDataHash;
+        // Validate that certInfo is valid:
+        // Verify that magic is set to TPM_GENERATED_VALUE.
+        if ($this->_certInfo->getBytes(0, 4) !== $this->_TPM_GENERATED_VALUE) {
+            throw new WebAuthnException('tpm magic not TPM_GENERATED_VALUE', WebAuthnException::INVALID_DATA);
+        }
+        // Verify that type is set to TPM_ST_ATTEST_CERTIFY.
+        if ($this->_certInfo->getBytes(4, 2) !== $this->_TPM_ST_ATTEST_CERTIFY) {
+            throw new WebAuthnException('tpm type not TPM_ST_ATTEST_CERTIFY', WebAuthnException::INVALID_DATA);
+        }
+        $offset = 6;
+        $qualifiedSigner = $this->_tpmReadLengthPrefixed($this->_certInfo, $offset);
+        $extraData = $this->_tpmReadLengthPrefixed($this->_certInfo, $offset);
+        $coseAlg = $this->_getCoseAlgorithm($this->_alg);
+        // Verify that extraData is set to the hash of attToBeSigned using the hash algorithm employed in "alg".
+        if ($extraData->getBinaryString() !== \hash($coseAlg->hash, $attToBeSigned, true)) {
+            throw new WebAuthnException('certInfo:extraData not hash of attToBeSigned', WebAuthnException::INVALID_DATA);
+        }
+        // Verify the sig is a valid signature over certInfo using the attestation
+        // public key in aikCert with the algorithm specified in alg.
+        return \openssl_verify($this->_certInfo->getBinaryString(), $this->_signature, $publicKey, $coseAlg->openssl) === 1;
+    }
+    /**
+     * returns next part of ByteBuffer
+     * @param ByteBuffer $buffer
+     * @param int $offset
+     * @return ByteBuffer
+     */
+    protected function _tpmReadLengthPrefixed(ByteBuffer $buffer, &$offset) {
+        $len = $buffer->getUint16Val($offset);
+        $data = $buffer->getBytes($offset + 2, $len);
+        $offset += (2 + $len);
+        return new ByteBuffer($data);
+    }