Project import generated by Copybara.
GitOrigin-RevId: 63746295f1a5ab5a619056791995793d65529e62
diff --git a/src/inc/registry.php b/src/inc/registry.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..363968d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/inc/registry.php
@@ -0,0 +1,393 @@
+class registry {
+ public static $stateIcons = [
+ 0 => "check",
+ 1 => "delete_forever",
+ 2 => "verified_user"
+ ];
+ public static $stateIconColors = [
+ 0 => "mdl-color-text--green",
+ 1 => "mdl-color-text--red",
+ 2 => "mdl-color-text--green"
+ ];
+ public static $stateTooltips = [
+ 0 => "Registrado",
+ 1 => "Invalidado manualmente",
+ 2 => "Validado"
+ ];
+ public static $workerPendingWhere = "r.workervalidated = 0";
+ public static $notInvalidatedWhere = "r.invalidated = 0";
+ public static $logsWarnings = "LOCATE('[warning]', logdetails) as warningpos, LOCATE('[error]', logdetails) as errorpos, LOCATE('[fatalerror]', logdetails) as fatalerrorpos";
+ private static function recordLog(&$log, $time, $executedby = -1, $quiet = false) {
+ global $con;
+ $slog = db::sanitize($log);
+ $sday = (int)$time;
+ $srealtime = (int)time();
+ $sexecutedby = (int)$executedby;
+ $status = mysqli_query($con, "INSERT INTO logs (realtime, day, executedby, logdetails) VALUES ($srealtime, $sday, $sexecutedby, '$slog')");
+ if (!$status) {
+ if (!$quiet) echo "[fatalerror] Couldn't record log into the database!\n";
+ return false;
+ } else {
+ if (!$quiet) echo "[success] Log recorded into the database.\n";
+ return mysqli_insert_id($con);
+ }
+ }
+ public static function getLogs($start = 0, $limit = self::LOGS_PAGINATION_LIMIT) {
+ global $con;
+ $query = mysqli_query($con, "SELECT id, realtime, day, executedby, ".self::$logsWarnings." FROM logs ORDER BY id DESC".db::limitPagination($start, $limit));
+ $return = [];
+ while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($query)) {
+ $return[] = $row;
+ }
+ return $return;
+ }
+ public static function getLog($id) {
+ global $con;
+ $sid = (int)$id;
+ $query = mysqli_query($con, "SELECT logdetails, ".self::$logsWarnings." FROM logs WHERE id = $sid");
+ if (!mysqli_num_rows($query)) return false;
+ $row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($query);
+ return $row;
+ }
+ public static function beautifyLog($str) {
+ $str = str_replace("[info]", "<span style='font-weight: bold;' class='mdl-color-text--blue'>[info]</span>", $str);
+ $str = str_replace("[warning]", "<span style='font-weight: bold;' class='mdl-color-text--orange'>[warning]</span>", $str);
+ $str = str_replace("[error]", "<span style='font-weight: bold;' class='mdl-color-text--red'>[error]</span>", $str);
+ $str = str_replace("[fatalerror]", "<span style='font-weight: bold;' class='mdl-color-text--red-900'>[fatalerror]</span>", $str);
+ return $str;
+ }
+ private static function addToLog(&$log, $quiet, $msg) {
+ $log .= $msg;
+ if (!$quiet) echo $msg;
+ }
+ private static function alreadyRegistered($time, $worker) {
+ global $con;
+ $stime = (int)$time;
+ $sworker = (int)$worker;
+ $query = mysqli_query($con, "SELECT id FROM records WHERE worker = $sworker AND day = $stime AND invalidated = 0 LIMIT 1");
+ return (mysqli_num_rows($query) > 0);
+ }
+ private static function register($time, $worker, $schedule, $creator = -1) {
+ global $con;
+ $sworker = (int)$worker;
+ $stime = (int)$time;
+ $srealtime = (int)time();
+ $screator = (int)$creator;
+ $sbeginswork = (int)$schedule["beginswork"];
+ $sendswork = (int)$schedule["endswork"];
+ $sbeginsbreakfast = (int)$schedule["beginsbreakfast"];
+ $sendsbreakfast = (int)$schedule["endsbreakfast"];
+ $sbeginslunch = (int)$schedule["beginslunch"];
+ $sendslunch = (int)$schedule["endslunch"];
+ return mysqli_query($con, "INSERT INTO records (worker, day, created, creator, beginswork, endswork, beginsbreakfast, endsbreakfast, beginslunch, endslunch) VALUES ($sworker, $stime, $srealtime, $screator, $sbeginswork, $sendswork, $sbeginsbreakfast, $sendsbreakfast, $sbeginslunch, $sendslunch)");
+ }
+ public static function getWorkerCategory($id) {
+ global $con;
+ $sid = (int)$id;
+ $query = mysqli_query($con, "SELECT p.category category FROM workers w INNER JOIN people p ON w.person = WHERE = $sid");
+ if ($query === false || !mysqli_num_rows($query)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ $row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($query);
+ return $row["category"];
+ }
+ public static function getDayTypes($time) {
+ global $con;
+ $stime = (int)$time;
+ $query = mysqli_query($con, "SELECT id, category, details FROM calendars WHERE begins <= $stime AND ends >= $stime");
+ if ($query === false) return false;
+ $calendars = [];
+ while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($query)) {
+ $calendar = json_decode($row["details"], true);
+ if (json_last_error() !== JSON_ERROR_NONE) return false;
+ if (!isset($calendar[$time])) return false;
+ $calendars[$row["category"]] = $calendar[$time];
+ }
+ return $calendars;
+ }
+ private static function getApplicableSchedules($time) {
+ global $con;
+ $stime = (int)$time;
+ $query = mysqli_query($con, "SELECT id FROM schedules WHERE begins <= $stime AND ends >= $stime AND active = 1");
+ if ($query === false) return false;
+ $schedules = [];
+ while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($query)) {
+ $schedules[] = $row["id"];
+ }
+ return $schedules;
+ }
+ public static function generateNow($originaltime, &$logId, $quiet = true, $executedby = -1, $workersWhitelist = false) {
+ global $con;
+ $log = "";
+ if ($workersWhitelist !== false) self::addToLog($log, $quiet, "[info] This is a partial registry generation, because a whitelist of workers was passed: [".implode(", ", $workersWhitelist)."]\n");
+ $datetime = new DateTime();
+ $datetime->setTimestamp($originaltime);
+ self::addToLog($log, $quiet, "[info] Time passed: ".$datetime->format("Y-m-d H:i:s")."\n");
+ $rawdate = $datetime->format("Y-m-d")."T00:00:00";
+ self::addToLog($log, $quiet, "[info] Working with this date: $rawdate\n");
+ $date = new DateTime($rawdate);
+ $time = $date->getTimestamp();
+ $dow = (int)$date->format("N") - 1;
+ self::addToLog($log, $quiet, "[info] Final date timestamp: $time, Dow: $dow\n");
+ $days = self::getDayTypes($time);
+ if ($days === false) {
+ self::addToLog($log, $quiet, "[fatalerror] An error occurred while loading the calendars.\n");
+ $logId = self::recordLog($log, $time, $executedby, $quiet);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ $schedules = self::getApplicableSchedules($time);
+ if ($schedules === false) {
+ self::addToLog($log, $quiet, "[fatalerror] An error occurred while loading the active schedules.\n");
+ $logId = self::recordLog($log, $time, $executedby, $quiet);
+ return 2;
+ }
+ self::addToLog($log, $quiet, "[info] Found ".count($schedules)." active schedule(s)\n");
+ foreach ($schedules as $scheduleid) {
+ self::addToLog($log, $quiet, "\n[info] Processing schedule $scheduleid\n");
+ $s = schedules::get($scheduleid);
+ if ($s === false) {
+ self::addToLog($log, $quiet, "[fatalerror] An error ocurred while loading schedule with id $scheduleid (it doesn't exist or there was an error with the SQL query)\n");
+ $logId = self::recordLog($log, $time, $executedby, $quiet);
+ return 3;
+ }
+ if ($workersWhitelist !== false && !in_array($s["worker"], $workersWhitelist)) {
+ self::addToLog($log, $quiet, "[info] This schedule's worker (".$s["worker"].") is not in the whitelist, so skipping\n");
+ continue;
+ }
+ $category = self::getWorkerCategory($s["worker"]);
+ if (isset($days[$category])) {
+ self::addToLog($log, $quiet, "[info] Using worker's (".$s["worker"].") category ($category) calendar\n");
+ $typeday = $days[$category];
+ } else if (isset($days[-1])) {
+ self::addToLog($log, $quiet, "[info] Using default calendar\n");
+ $typeday = $days[-1];
+ } else {
+ self::addToLog($log, $quiet, "[warning] No calendar applies, so skipping this schedule\n");
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (!isset($s["days"][$typeday])) {
+ self::addToLog($log, $quiet, "[info] This schedule doesn't have this type of day ($typeday) set up, so skipping\n");
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (!isset($s["days"][$typeday][$dow])) {
+ self::addToLog($log, $quiet, "[info] This schedule doesn't have a daily schedule for this day of the week ($dow) and type of day ($typeday), so skipping.\n");
+ continue;
+ }
+ self::addToLog($log, $quiet, "[info] Found matching daily schedule. We'll proceed to register it\n");
+ if (self::alreadyRegistered($time, $s["worker"])) {
+ self::addToLog($log, $quiet, "[warning] We're actually NOT going to register it because another registry already exists for this worker at the same day.\n");
+ } else {
+ if (self::register($time, $s["worker"], $s["days"][$typeday][$dow], $executedby)) {
+ self::addToLog($log, $quiet, "[info] Registered with id ".mysqli_insert_id($con)."\n");
+ } else {
+ self::addToLog($log, $quiet, "[error] Couldn't register this schedule because of an unknown error!\n");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $logId = self::recordLog($log, $time, $executedby, $quiet);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ public static function getStatus($row) {
+ if ($row["invalidated"] == 1) return self::STATE_MANUALLY_INVALIDATED;
+ elseif ($row["workervalidated"] == 1) return self::STATE_VALIDATED_BY_WORKER;
+ else return self::STATE_REGISTERED;
+ }
+ private static function magicRecord(&$row) {
+ $row["state"] = self::getStatus($row);
+ }
+ public static function get($id, $magic = false) {
+ global $con;
+ $sid = (int)$id;
+ $query = mysqli_query($con, "SELECT * FROM records WHERE id = $sid LIMIT 1");
+ if (!mysqli_num_rows($query)) return false;
+ $row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($query);
+ if ($magic) self::magicRecord($row);
+ return $row;
+ }
+ public static function getRecords($worker = false, $begins = false, $ends = false, $returnInvalid = false, $includeWorkerInfo = false, $sortByDateDesc = false, $start = 0, $limit = self::REGISTRY_PAGINATION_LIMIT, $treatWorkerAttributeAsUser = false, $onlyWorkerPending = false, $magic = true) {
+ global $con;
+ if ($treatWorkerAttributeAsUser && !$includeWorkerInfo) return false;
+ $where = [];
+ if ($worker !== false) $where[] = ($treatWorkerAttributeAsUser ? "w.person" : "r.worker")." = ".(int)$worker;
+ $dateLimit = ($begins !== false && $ends !== false);
+ if ($dateLimit) {
+ $where[] = " >= ".(int)$begins;
+ $where[] = " <= ".(int)$ends;
+ }
+ if (!$returnInvalid || $onlyWorkerPending) $where[] = self::$notInvalidatedWhere;
+ if ($onlyWorkerPending) $where[] = self::$workerPendingWhere;
+ $query = mysqli_query($con, "SELECT r.*".($includeWorkerInfo ? ", personid, workername, companyid" : "")." FROM records r LEFT JOIN workers w ON r.worker =".($includeWorkerInfo ? " LEFT JOIN people p ON w.person =" : "").(count($where) ? " WHERE ".implode(" AND ", $where) : "")." ORDER BY".($sortByDateDesc ? " DESC, DESC," : "")." id DESC".db::limitPagination($start, $limit));
+ $return = [];
+ while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($query)) {
+ if ($magic) self::magicRecord($row);
+ $return[] = $row;
+ }
+ return $return;
+ }
+ public static function getWorkerRecords($worker, $begins = false, $ends = false, $returnInvalid = false, $onlyWorkerPending = false) {
+ return self::getRecords($worker, $begins, $ends, $returnInvalid, false, true, 0, 0, false, $onlyWorkerPending);
+ }
+ public static function numRows($includingInvalidated = false) {
+ global $con;
+ $query = mysqli_query($con, "SELECT COUNT(*) count FROM records".($includingInvalidated ? "" : " WHERE invalidated = 0"));
+ if (!mysqli_num_rows($query)) return false;
+ $row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($query);
+ return (isset($row["count"]) ? (int)$row["count"] : false);
+ }
+ public static function numRowsUser($user, $includingInvalidated = true) {
+ global $con;
+ $where = [];
+ if (!$includingInvalidated) $where[] = "r.invlidated = 0";
+ $where[] = "w.person = ".(int)$user;
+ $query = mysqli_query($con, "SELECT COUNT(*) count FROM records r LEFT JOIN workers w ON r.worker =".(count($where) ? " WHERE ".implode(" AND ", $where) : ""));
+ if (!mysqli_num_rows($query)) return false;
+ $row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($query);
+ return (isset($row["count"]) ? (int)$row["count"] : false);
+ }
+ public static function checkRecordIsFromPerson($record, $person = "ME", $boolean = false) {
+ global $con;
+ if ($person == "ME") $person = people::userData("id");
+ $srecord = (int)$record;
+ $sperson = (int)$person;
+ $query = mysqli_query($con, "SELECT FROM records r INNER JOIN workers w ON r.worker = INNER JOIN people p ON w.person = WHERE = $sperson AND = $srecord LIMIT 1");
+ if (!mysqli_num_rows($query)) {
+ if ($boolean) return false;
+ security::denyUseMethod(security::METHOD_NOTFOUND);
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ public static function invalidate($id, $invalidatedby = "ME") {
+ global $con;
+ $sid = (int)$id;
+ if ($invalidatedby === "ME") $invalidatedby = people::userData("id");
+ $sinvalidatedby = (int)$invalidatedby;
+ return mysqli_query($con, "UPDATE records SET invalidated = 1, invalidatedby = $sinvalidatedby WHERE id = $sid LIMIT 1");
+ }
+ public static function invalidateAll($id, $beginsRawDate, $endsRawDate, $invalidatedby = "ME") {
+ global $con;
+ $beginsDate = new DateTime($beginsRawDate);
+ $sbegins = (int)$beginsDate->getTimestamp();
+ $endsDate = new DateTime($endsRawDate);
+ $sends = (int)$endsDate->getTimestamp();
+ $sid = (int)$id;
+ if ($invalidatedby === "ME") $invalidatedby = people::userData("id");
+ $sinvalidatedby = (int)$invalidatedby;
+ return mysqli_query($con, "UPDATE records SET invalidated = 1, invalidatedby = $sinvalidatedby WHERE worker = $sid AND invalidated = 0 AND day <= $sends AND day >= $sbegins");
+ }