Project import generated by Copybara.

GitOrigin-RevId: 63746295f1a5ab5a619056791995793d65529e62
diff --git a/src/inc/recurringIncidents.php b/src/inc/recurringIncidents.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b07bf66
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/inc/recurringIncidents.php
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+class recurringIncidents {
+  /*public static function oldAdd($worker, $type, $details, $ifirstday, $ilastday, $begins, $ends, $creator = "ME", $typedays, $days, $alreadyTimestamp = false) {
+    global $con, $conf;
+    $sworker = (int)$worker;
+    $workerDetails = workers::get($sworker);
+    if ($workerDetails === false) return 1;
+    if ($creator === "ME") $creator = people::userData("id");
+    $screator = (int)$creator;
+    if (!security::isAllowed(security::ADMIN) && $workerDetails["person"] != $creator) return 5;
+    $stype = (int)$type;
+    $sverified = (int)$verified;
+    $sdetails = db::sanitize($details);
+    $incidenttype = self::getType($stype);
+    if ($incidenttype === false) return -1;
+    if ($alreadyTimestamp) {
+      $sfirstday = (int)$ifirstday;
+      $slastday = (int)$ilastday;
+    } else {
+      $firstday = new DateTime($ifirstday);
+      $sfirstday = (int)$firstday->getTimestamp();
+      $lastday = new DateTime($ilastday);
+      $slastday = (int)$lastday->getTimestamp();
+    }
+    if ($sfirstday >= $slastday) return 3;
+    $sbegins = (int)$begins;
+    $sends = (int)$ends;
+    if ($sbegins >= $sends) return 3;
+    $typedays = array_unique(array_map(function($el) {
+      return (int)$el;
+    }, $typedays));
+    foreach ($typedays as $typeday) {
+      if (!in_array($typeday, $workingTypes)) return 6;
+    }
+    $stypedays = json_encode($typedays);
+    if (!mysqli_query($con, "INSERT INTO recurringincidents (worker, creator, type, firstday, lastday, typedays, begins, ends, details) VALUES ($sworker, $screator, $stype, $sfirstday, $slastday, '$stypedays', $sbegins, $sends, '$sdetails')")) return -1;
+    return 0;
+  }*/ // NOTE: This was a first idea, to allow setting up recurring incidents like schedules, but we've changed how we'll handle them and so this is no longer useful.
+  public static function add($worker, $type, $details, $ifirstday, $ilastday, $begins, $ends, $creator = "ME", $typeDays, $days, $alreadyTimestamp = false) {
+    if ($alreadyTimestamp) {
+      $current = new DateTime();
+      $current->setTimestamp($ifirstday);
+      $lastday = new DateTime();
+      $lastday->setTimestamp($ilastday);
+    } else {
+      $current = new DateTime($ifirstday);
+      $lastday = new DateTime($ilastday);
+    }
+    $oneDay = new DateInterval("P1D");
+    $category = registry::getWorkerCategory($worker);
+    if ($category === false) return false;
+    $flag = true;
+    for (; $current->diff($lastday)->invert === 0; $current->add($oneDay)) {
+      $currentTimestamp = $current->getTimestamp();
+      $currentDay = (int)$current->format("N") - 1;
+      if (!in_array($currentDay, $days)) continue;
+      $calendarDays = registry::getDayTypes($currentTimestamp);
+      if ($calendarDays === false) return false;
+      if (isset($calendarDays[$category])) {
+        $typeDay = $calendarDays[$category];
+      } else if (isset($calendarDays[-1])) {
+        $typeDay = $calendarDays[-1];
+      } else {
+        $flag = false;
+        continue;
+      }
+      if (!in_array($typeDay, $typeDays)) continue;
+      if ($status = incidents::add($worker, $type, $details, $currentTimestamp, $begins, $ends, $creator, 1, true, false, false) !== 0) {
+        $flag = false;
+        continue;
+      }
+    }
+    return $flag;
+  }