
The Material Design Lite (MDL) button component is an enhanced version of the standard HTML <button> element. A button consists of text and/or an image that clearly communicates what action will occur when the user clicks or touches it. The MDL button component provides various types of buttons, and allows you to add both display and click effects.

Buttons are a ubiquitous feature of most user interfaces, regardless of a site's content or function. Their design and use is therefore an important factor in the overall user experience. See the button component's Material Design specifications page for details.

The available button display types are flat (default), raised, fab, mini-fab, and icon; any of these types may be plain (light gray) or colored, and may be initially or programmatically disabled. The fab, mini-fab, and icon button types typically use a small image as their caption rather than text.

To include an MDL button component:

 1. Code a <button> element. Include any desired attributes and values, such as an id or event handler, and add a text caption or image as appropriate.


 2. Add one or more MDL classes, separated by spaces, to the button using the class attribute.

<button class="mdl-button mdl-js-button mdl-button--raised">Save</button>

The button component is ready for use.


A button with the "raised" effect.

<button class="mdl-button mdl-js-button mdl-button--raised">Save</button>

A button with the "fab" effect.

<button class="mdl-button mdl-js-button mdl-button--fab">OK</button>

A button with the "icon" and "colored" effects.

<button class="mdl-button mdl-js-button mdl-button--icon mdl-button--colored">?</button>

Configuration options

The MDL CSS classes apply various predefined visual and behavioral enhancements to the button. The table below lists the available classes and their effects.

MDL classEffectRemarks
mdl-buttonDefines button as an MDL componentRequired
mdl-js-buttonAssigns basic MDL behavior to buttonRequired
(none)Applies flat display effect to button (default)
mdl-button--raisedApplies raised display effectMutually exclusive with fab, mini-fab, and icon
mdl-button--fabApplies fab (circular) display effectMutually exclusive with raised, mini-fab, and icon
mdl-button--mini-fabApplies mini-fab (small fab circular) display effectMutually exclusive with raised, fab, and icon
mdl-button--iconApplies icon (small plain circular) display effectMutually exclusive with raised, fab, and mini-fab
mdl-button--coloredApplies colored display effect (primary or accent color, depending on the type of button)Colors are defined in material.min.css
mdl-button--primaryApplies primary color display effectColors are defined in material.min.css
mdl-button--accentApplies accent color display effectColors are defined in material.min.css
mdl-js-ripple-effectApplies ripple click effectMay be used in combination with any other classes

Note: Disabled versions of all the available button types are provided, and are invoked with the standard HTML boolean attribute disabled. <button class="mdl-button mdl-js-button mdl-button--raised mdl-js-ripple-effect" disabled>Raised Ripples Disabled</button>. Alternatively, the mdl-button--disabled class can be used to achieve the same style but it does not disable the functionality of the element. This attribute may be added or removed programmatically via scripting.