| public static function wellFormed($i) { |
| return (isset($i[0]) && isset($i[1]) && $i[0] <= $i[1]); |
| public static function measure($i) { |
| // Does A overlap B? (with "$open = true" meaning [0, 100] does not overlap [100, 200]) |
| public static function overlaps($a, $b, $open = true) { |
| return ($open ? ($a[0] < $b[1] && $a[1] > $b[0]) : ($a[0] <= $b[1] && $a[1] >= $b[0])); |
| public static function isSubset($a, $b) { |
| return ($a[0] >= $b[0] && $a[1] <= $b[1]); |
| // Intersect A and B and return the corresponding interval |
| public static function intersect($a, $b) { |
| $int = [max($a[0], $b[0]), min($a[1], $b[1])]; |
| return (self::wellFormed($int) ? $int : false); |
| // Return measure of the intersection |
| public static function measureIntersection($a, $b) { |
| return self::measure(self::intersect($a, $b)); |