blob: 5aa265849c527b9f3e9e21820652623960ade1da [file] [log] [blame]
* Remove child element(s)
* element.innerHTNL = '' has a performance penality!
* @see
* @see
* @param element
* @param forceReflow
const removeChildElements = (element, forceReflow = true) => {
// See:
while (element.lastChild) {
if(forceReflow) {
// See:
const d =; = 'none'; = d;
* Moves child elements from a DOM node to another dom node.
* @param source {HTMLElement}
* @param target {HTMLElement} If the target parameter is ommited, a document fragment is created
* @return {HTMLElement} The target node
* @example
* // Moves child elements from a DOM node to another dom node.
* moveElements(source, destination);
* @example
* // If the second parameter is ommited, a document fragment is created:
* let fragment = moveElements(source);
* @See:
const moveElements = (source, target) => {
if (!target) {
target = source.ownerDocument.createDocumentFragment();
while (source.firstChild) {
return target;
* Get the browser viewport dimensions
* @see
* @return {{windowWidth: number, windowHeight: number}}
const getWindowViewport = () => {
return {
viewportWidth: Math.max(document.documentElement.clientWidth || 0, window.innerWidth || 0),
viewportHeight: Math.max(document.documentElement.clientHeight || 0, window.innerHeight || 0)
* Check whether an element is in the window viewport
* @see
* @param top
* @param left
* @param bottom
* @param right
* @return {boolean} true if rectangle is inside window viewport, otherwise false
const isRectInsideWindowViewport = ({ top, left, bottom, right }) => {
const { viewportWidth, viewportHeight } = getWindowViewport();
return top >= 0 &&
left >= 0 &&
bottom <= viewportHeight &&
right <= viewportWidth;
* Get a list of parent elements that can possibly scroll
* @param el the element to get parents for
* @returns {Array}
const getScrollParents = el => {
const elements = [];
for (el = el.parentNode; el; el = el.parentNode) {
const cs = window.getComputedStyle(el);
if(!(cs.overflowY === 'hidden' && cs.overflowX === 'hidden')) {
if(el === document.body) {
let element = el.parentNode;
while (element) {
const cs = window.getComputedStyle(element);
if(!(cs.overflowY === 'hidden' && cs.overflowX === 'hidden')) {
if(element === document.body) {
element = element.parentNode;
return elements;
* Get a list of parent elements, from a given element to a given element
* @param {HTMLElement} from
* @param {HTMLElement} to
* @return {Array<HTMLElement>} the parent elements, not including from and to
const getParentElements = (from, to) => {
const result = [];
let element = from.parentNode;
while (element) {
if(element === to) {
element = element.parentNode;
return result;
* Position element next to button
* Positioning strategy
* 1. element.height > viewport.height
* let element.height = viewport.heigt
* let element.overflow-y = auto
* 2. element.width > viewport.width
* let element.width = viewport.width
* 3. position element below button, align left edge of element with button left
* done if element inside viewport
* 4. position element below button, align right edge of element with button right
* done if element inside viewport
* 5. positions element above button, aligns left edge of element with button left
* done if element inside viewport
* 6. position element above the control element, aligned to its right.
* done if element inside viewport
* 7. position element at button right hand side, aligns element top with button top
* done if element inside viewport
* 8. position element at button left hand side, aligns element top with button top
* done if element inside viewport
* 9. position element inside viewport
* 1. position element at viewport bottom
* 2. position element at button right hand side
* done if element inside viewport
* 3. position element at button left hand side
* done if element inside viewport
* 4. position element at viewport right
* 10. done
const tether = (controlledBy, element) => {
const controlRect = controlledBy.getBoundingClientRect();
// 1. will element height fit inside window viewport?
const { viewportWidth, viewportHeight } = getWindowViewport(); = 'auto';
// = 'hidden';
if(element.offsetHeight > viewportHeight) { = `${viewportHeight}px`; = 'auto';
// 2. will element width fit inside window viewport? = 'auto';
if(element.offsetWidth > viewportWidth) { = `${viewportWidth}px`;
const elementRect = element.getBoundingClientRect();
// element to control distance
const dy = -;
const dx = controlRect.left - elementRect.left;
// element rect, window coordinates relative to top,left of control
const top = + dy;
const left = elementRect.left + dx;
const bottom = top + elementRect.height;
const right = left + elementRect.width;
// Position relative to control
let ddy = dy;
let ddx = dx;
top: top + controlRect.height,
left: left,
bottom: bottom + controlRect.height,
right: right
})) {
// 3 position element below the control element, aligned to its left
ddy = controlRect.height + dy;
//console.log('***** 3');
else if(isRectInsideWindowViewport({
top: top + controlRect.height,
left: left + controlRect.width - elementRect.width,
bottom: bottom + controlRect.height,
right: left + controlRect.width
})) {
// 4 position element below the control element, aligned to its right
ddy = controlRect.height + dy;
ddx = dx + controlRect.width - elementRect.width;
//console.log('***** 4');
else if(isRectInsideWindowViewport({
top: top - elementRect.height,
left: left,
bottom: bottom - elementRect.height,
right: right
})) {
// 5. position element above the control element, aligned to its left.
ddy = dy - elementRect.height;
//console.log('***** 5');
else if(isRectInsideWindowViewport({
top: top - elementRect.height,
left: left + controlRect.width - elementRect.width,
bottom: bottom - elementRect.height,
right: left + controlRect.width
})) {
// 6. position element above the control element, aligned to its right.
ddy = dy - elementRect.height;
ddx = dx + controlRect.width - elementRect.width;
//console.log('***** 6');
else if(isRectInsideWindowViewport({
top: top,
left: left + controlRect.width,
bottom: bottom,
right: right + controlRect.width
})) {
// 7. position element at button right hand side
ddx = controlRect.width + dx;
//console.log('***** 7');
else if(isRectInsideWindowViewport({
top: top,
left: left - controlRect.width,
bottom: bottom,
right: right - controlRect.width
})) {
// 8. position element at button left hand side
ddx = dx - elementRect.width;
//console.log('***** 8');
else {
// 9. position element inside viewport, near controlrect if possible
//console.log('***** 9');
// 9.1 position element near controlrect bottom
ddy = dy - bottom + viewportHeight;
if(top + controlRect.height >= 0 && bottom + controlRect.height <= viewportHeight) {
ddy = controlRect.height + dy;
else if(top - elementRect.height >= 0 && bottom - elementRect.height <= viewportHeight) {
ddy = dy - elementRect.height;
if(left + elementRect.width + controlRect.width <= viewportWidth) {
// 9.2 Position element at button right hand side
ddx = controlRect.width + dx;
//console.log('***** 9.2');
else if(left - elementRect.width >= 0) {
// 9.3 Position element at button left hand side
ddx = dx - elementRect.width;
//console.log('***** 9.3');
else {
// 9.4 position element at (near) viewport right
const r = left + elementRect.width - viewportWidth;
ddx = dx - r;
//console.log('***** 9.4');
// 10. done = `${element.offsetTop + ddy}px`; = `${element.offsetLeft + ddx}px`;
//console.log('***** 10. done');
* Check if the given element can receive focus
* @param {HTMLElement} element the element to check
* @return {boolean} true if the element is focusable, otherwise false
const isFocusable = (element) => {
if (element.hasAttribute('tabindex')) {
const tabindex = element.getAttribute('tabindex');
if (!Number.isNaN(tabindex)) {
return parseInt(tabindex) > -1;
if (element.hasAttribute('contenteditable') &&
element.getAttribute('contenteditable') !== 'false') {
return true;
// natively focusable, but only when enabled
const selector = /input|select|textarea|button|details/i;
const name = element.nodeName;
if (selector.test(name)) {
return element.type.toLowerCase() !== 'hidden' && !element.disabled;
// anchors and area must have an href
if (name === 'A' || name === 'AREA') {
return !!element.href;
if (name === 'IFRAME') {
// Check visible iframe
const cs = window.getComputedStyle(element);
return cs.getPropertyValue('display').toLowerCase() !== 'none';
return false;
* Get a list of offset parents for given element
* @see
* @param el the element
* @return {Array} a list of offset parents
const offsetParents = (el) => {
const elements = [];
for (; el; el = el.offsetParent) {
if(!elements.find(e => e === document.body)) {
return elements;
* Finds the common offset ancestor of two DOM nodes
* @see
* @see
* @param a
* @param b
* @return {Element} The common offset ancestor of a and b
const commonOffsetAncestor = (a, b) => {
const parentsA = offsetParents(a);
const parentsB = offsetParents(b);
for (let i = 0; i < parentsA.length; i++) {
if (parentsA[i] !== parentsB[i]) return parentsA[i-1];
* Calculate position relative to a target element
* @see
* @param target
* @param el
* @return {{top: number, left: number}}
const calcPositionRelativeToTarget = (target, el) => {
let top = 0;
let left = 0;
while(el) {
top += (el.offsetTop - el.scrollTop + el.clientTop) || 0;
left += (el.offsetLeft - el.scrollLeft + el.clientLeft) || 0;
el = el.offsetParent;
if(el === target) {
return { top: top, left: left };
export {