Code reorganization
Code in script.js has been cleaned, separated between tasks and added to the new JS files.
diff --git a/js/script.js b/js/script.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 1b4a36f..0000000
--- a/js/script.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,249 +0,0 @@
-var s, graf;
-function xhr(method, url, params, callback) {
- var http = new XMLHttpRequest();
- if (method == "POST") {
-, url, true);
- } else {
- if (params != "") {
-, url+"?"+params, true);
- } else {
-, url, true);
- }
- }
- http.onload = function() {
- if(this.status != 200) {
- console.warn("Attention, status code "+this.status+" when loading via xhr url "+url);
- }
- callback(this.responseText, this.status);
- };
- if (method == "POST") {
- http.setRequestHeader("Content-type","application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
- http.send(params);
- } else {
- http.send();
- }
-function altSearchBar() {
- if (document.querySelector(".md-google-search__metacontainer").style.display == "none") {
- document.querySelector(".md-google-search__metacontainer").style.display = "block";
- document.querySelector("#search i").innerText = "fullscreen";
- } else {
- document.querySelector(".md-google-search__metacontainer").style.display = "none";
- document.querySelector(".autocomplete-container").style.display = "none";
- document.querySelector("#search i").innerText = "search";
- }
-var seq = [38, 38, 40, 40, 37, 39, 37, 39, 65, 66, 13];
-var cur = 0;
-function justdoit() {
- s.graph.nodes().forEach(function(n) {
- switch(n.color) {
- case "#d61c08":
- n.color = "#0159aa";
- break;
- case "#0159aa":
- n.color = "#0ca80a";
- break;
- case "#0ca80a":
- n.color = "#d61c08";
- break;
- }
- });
- s.refresh();
- setTimeout(justdoit, 333);
-var dialog = {
- fill: function(data, text, html=false) {
- var el = document.querySelectorAll("*[data-fill=\""+data+"\"]");
- for (var i in el) {
- if (html === true) {
- el[i].innerHTML = text;
- } else {
- el[i].innerText = text;
- }
- }
- },
- show: function(id, neighbors) {
- var neighbors = Object.values(neighbors);
- this.fill("name", graf.nodes[id].name);
- this.fill("year", graf.nodes[id].year);
- this.fill("sex", graf.nodes[id].sex);
- this.fill("id", "#"+id);
- this.fill("n-edges", neighbors.length);
- var list = "";
- neighbors.forEach(function (a) {
- list += "<li><b>"+graf.nodes[id].name+" - "+a.label+":</b> "+(graf.edges[id+"_"] ? graf.edges[id+"_"].votes : graf.edges["_"+id].votes)+" vots</li>";
- });
- this.fill("edges", list, true);
- if (window.innerWidth > 700) {
- document.querySelector("#dialog").style.display = "block";
- document.querySelector("#backdrop-container").style.display = "block";
- } else {
- document.querySelector("#summary-dialog").style.display = "block";
- }
- },
- close: function() {
- document.querySelector("#dialog").style.display = "none";
- document.querySelector("#summary-dialog").style.display = "none";
- document.querySelector("#backdrop-container").style.display = "none";
- s.graph.nodes().forEach(function(n) {
- n.color = n.originalColor;
- });
- s.graph.edges().forEach(function(e) {
- e.color = "#fff";
- });
- s.refresh();
- },
- max: function() {
- document.querySelector("#summary-dialog").style.display = "none";
- document.querySelector("#dialog").style.display = "block";
- },
- min: function() {
- document.querySelector("#dialog").style.display = "none";
- document.querySelector("#summary-dialog").style.display = "block";
- }
-function init() {
- sigma.classes.graph.addMethod("neighbors", function(nodeId) {
- var k,
- neighbors = {},
- index = this.allNeighborsIndex[nodeId] || [];
- for (k in index) {
- neighbors[k] = this.nodesIndex[k];
- }
- return neighbors;
- });
- s = new sigma({
- renderers: [{
- container: "graf",
- type: "webgl"
- }],
- settings: {
- defaultEdgeColor: "#fff",
- edgeColor: "default",
- defaultLabelColor: "#fff",
- autoRescale: false,
- zoomMax: 10,
- //enableEdgeHovering: true,
- font: "Roboto",
- labelThreshold: 5
- }
- });
- xhr("GET", "api.php", "action=getgraf", function(responseText, status) {
- graf = JSON.parse(responseText);
- console.log(graf);
- for (var i in graf.nodes) {
- var ncolor = (graf.nodes[i].sex == "F" ? "#d61c08" : (graf.nodes[i].sex == "M" ? "#0159aa" : "#0ca80a"));
- s.graph.addNode({
- id: graf.nodes[i].id,
- label: graf.nodes[i].name,
- x: graf.nodes[i].x,
- y: graf.nodes[i].y,
- size: 10,
- color: ncolor,
- originalColor: ncolor
- });
- }
- for (var i in graf.edges) {
- s.graph.addEdge({
- id: i,
- source: graf.edges[i].a,
- target: graf.edges[i].b,
- size: Math.min(4, Math.max((7/(2*Math.pow(20, 2)))*Math.pow(graf.edges[i].votes, 2) + 1/2, 0.5))
- });
- }
- s.bind('clickNode', function(e) {
- var nodeId =,
- toKeep = s.graph.neighbors(nodeId);
- //toKeep[nodeId] =;
- s.graph.nodes().forEach(function(n) {
- if (toKeep[] || == nodeId) {
- n.color = n.originalColor;
- } else {
- n.color = '#333';
- }
- });
- s.graph.edges().forEach(function(e) {
- if ((e.source == nodeId || == nodeId) && (toKeep[e.source] || toKeep[])) {
- e.color = '#fff';
- } else {
- e.color = '#333';
- }
- });
- s.refresh();
-, toKeep);
- });
- document.querySelector("#quit-dialog").addEventListener("click", dialog.close);
- document.querySelector("#quit2-dialog").addEventListener("click", dialog.close);
- document.querySelector("#max-dialog").addEventListener("click", dialog.max);
- document.querySelector("#min-dialog").addEventListener("click", dialog.min);
- document.querySelector("#zoomin").addEventListener("click", function() {
- ratio: Math.max("zoomMin"), / Math.sqrt(2))
- });
- });
- document.querySelector("#zoomout").addEventListener("click", function() {
- ratio: Math.min("zoomMax"), * Math.sqrt(2))
- });
- });
- document.addEventListener("keydown", function() {
- if (event.key == "f" &&"id") != "search-input") altSearchBar();
- if (event.which == seq[cur]) {
- if (cur < seq.length) {
- ++cur;
- if (cur == seq.length) {
- justdoit();
- }
- }
- } else cur = 0;
- })
- document.querySelector("#search").addEventListener("click", altSearchBar);
- if (window.innerWidth > 700) altSearchBar();
- s.refresh();
- autocomplete(document.querySelector("#search-input"), graf.nodes, "search");
- });
-function cameraGoto(nodeX, nodeY) {
- { x: nodeX, y: nodeY, ratio: 1 },
- { duration: s.settings('animationsTime') || 300 }
- );
-window.addEventListener("load", init);