Update README.md
1 file changed
tree: 87aed4f887215d2a344425e60803c463137dbd68
  1. assistant/
  2. css/
  3. img/
  4. js/
  5. .gitignore
  6. .project
  7. api.php
  8. assistant_callback.php
  9. config.default.php
  10. config.php
  11. graf.php
  12. index.php
  13. login.php
  14. manifest.json
  15. README.md
  16. script_debug.js
  17. styles_debug.css

Graf Alternatiu de la FME

Independent interface for FME's graph

This project is an alternative read-only user-interface for FME's graph. It is compatible with mobile devices.

Things done

Search-bar with autocomplete Dialog for node statistics Easter-egg Basic limit-years Circle-mode

Things to do

Make limit-years prettier. Make statistics about the graph: biggest K_n, diameter, etc... Make zoom minimum even smaller so that circle-mode can fit in a window.