Minor bug fixes and code formatting, and limit-years style modified a little bit
diff --git a/js/graf.js b/js/graf.js
index 155ce2d..16f8645 100644
--- a/js/graf.js
+++ b/js/graf.js
@@ -1,203 +1,202 @@
 // *********** HERE STARTS graf.js *************


-window.addEventListener("load", initGraf);


 // s is the sigma graph

 // graf is the JSON graph

 var s, graf;


 // query dario JSON for the graph information

 function xhr(method, url, params, callback) {

-	var http = new XMLHttpRequest();

-	if (method == "POST") {

-		http.open(method, url, true);

-	} else {

-		if (params != "") {

-			http.open(method, url+"?"+params, true);

-		} else {

-			http.open(method, url, true);

-		}

-	}

-	http.onload = function() {

-		if(this.status != 200) {

-			console.warn("Attention, status code "+this.status+" when loading via xhr url "+url);

-		}

-		callback(this.responseText, this.status);

-	};

-	if (method == "POST") {

-		http.setRequestHeader("Content-type","application/x-www-form-urlencoded");

-		http.send(params);

-	} else {

-		http.send();

-	}

+  var http = new XMLHttpRequest();

+  if (method == "POST") {

+    http.open(method, url, true);

+  } else {

+    if (params != "") {

+      http.open(method, url+"?"+params, true);

+    } else {

+      http.open(method, url, true);

+    }

+  }

+  http.onload = function() {

+    if(this.status != 200) {

+      console.warn("Attention, status code "+this.status+" when loading via xhr url "+url);

+    }

+    callback(this.responseText, this.status);

+  };

+  if (method == "POST") {

+    http.setRequestHeader("Content-type","application/x-www-form-urlencoded");

+    http.send(params);

+  } else {

+    http.send();

+  }




 function initGraf() {

-	// create new methods for sigma library

-	updateSigma();


-	// create graf, s is the sigma graf

-	s = new sigma({

-		renderers: [{

-			container: "graf",

-			type: "webgl"

-		}],

-		settings: {

-			defaultEdgeColor: "#fff",

-			edgeColor: "default",

-			defaultLabelColor: "#fff",

-			autoRescale: false,

-			zoomMax: 30,

-			// enableEdgeHovering: true,

-			font: "Roboto",

-			labelThreshold: 5

-		}

-	});

+  // create new methods for sigma library

+  updateSigma();



-	// query for JSON for graph data

-	xhr("GET", "api.php", "action=getgraf", function(responseText, status) {

-		// graf is the JSON data

-		graf = JSON.parse(responseText);


-		// does graf.nodes have a size attribute?

-		var rectBorrar = [[0,0], [0,0], [0,0], [0,0]];

-		for (var i in graf.nodes) {

-			if (graf.nodes[i].name == "Erase")    rectBorrar[0] = [ graf.nodes[i].x , graf.nodes[i].y ];

-			if (graf.nodes[i].name == "Borrar")   rectBorrar[1] = [ graf.nodes[i].x , graf.nodes[i].y ];

-			if (graf.nodes[i].name == "Esborrar") rectBorrar[2] = [ graf.nodes[i].x , graf.nodes[i].y ];

-			if (graf.nodes[i].name == "Delete")   rectBorrar[3] = [ graf.nodes[i].x , graf.nodes[i].y ];

-		}


-		var sizegraf = 0;

-		for (var i in graf.nodes) {

-			if ( isInRect(graf.nodes[i].x, graf.nodes[i].y, rectBorrar) ) continue;	

-			sizegraf++;

-		}		

-		var nnode = 0;

-		for (var i in graf.nodes) {

-			var ncolor = null;


-			if(graf.nodes[i].sex =="F") ncolor = "#d61c08";

-			else if(graf.nodes[i].sex == "M") ncolor = "#0159aa";

-			else ncolor = "#0ca80a";


-			// post-processing for year corrections

-			if(1970 < graf.nodes[i].year && graf.nodes[i].year < 2004) graf.nodes[i].year += 18;


-			var newX = 5000*Math.cos( 2*Math.PI*nnode/sizegraf );

-			var newY = 5000*Math.sin( 2*Math.PI*nnode/sizegraf );	


-			if (isInRect(graf.nodes[i].x, graf.nodes[i].y, rectBorrar) ) continue;	


-			s.graph.addNode({

-				// we add color, originalColor, size, originalX..Y, circleX..Y atributes

-				id: graf.nodes[i].id,

-				year: graf.nodes[i].year,

-				sex: graf.nodes[i].sex,

-				label: graf.nodes[i].name,

-				x: graf.nodes[i].x,

-				y: graf.nodes[i].y, 

-				circleX: newX,

-				circleY: newY,

-				originalX: graf.nodes[i].x,

-				originalY: graf.nodes[i].y, 

-				size: 10,

-				color: ncolor,

-				originalColor: ncolor

-			});

-			nnode++;


-		}


-		for (var i in graf.edges) {

-			if (isInRect(graf.nodes[graf.edges[i].a].x, graf.nodes[graf.edges[i].a].y, rectBorrar)) continue;	

-			if (isInRect(graf.nodes[graf.edges[i].b].x, graf.nodes[graf.edges[i].b].y, rectBorrar)) continue;	


-			s.graph.addEdge({

-				id: i,

-				source: graf.edges[i].a,

-				target: graf.edges[i].b,

-				size: Math.min(4, Math.max((7/(2*Math.pow(20, 2)))*Math.pow(graf.edges[i].votes, 2) + 1/2, 0.5))

-			});


-		}


-		s.bind('clickNode', function(e) {			

-			var nodeId = e.data.node.id,

-				toKeep = s.graph.neighbors(nodeId);

-				// toKeep[nodeId] = e.data.node;



-			s.graph.nodes().forEach(function(n) {

-				if (toKeep[n.id] || n.id == nodeId) {

-					n.color = n.originalColor;

-				} else {

-					n.color = '#333';

-				}

-			});


-			s.graph.edges().forEach(function(e) {

-				if ((e.source == nodeId || e.target == nodeId) && (toKeep[e.source] || toKeep[e.target])) {

-					e.color = '#fff';

-				} else {

-					e.color = '#333';

-				}

-			});


-			if (circleMode) {

-				s.graph.nodes().forEach(function (n) {

-					n.x = n.circleX;

-					n.y = n.circleY;

-					n.size = 10;

-				});


-				e.data.node.x = 0;

-				e.data.node.y = 0;

-				e.data.node.size = 30;

-			}


-			s.refresh();


-			dialog.show(nodeId, toKeep);

-		});

+  // create graf, s is the sigma graf

+  s = new sigma({

+    renderers: [{

+      container: "graf",

+      type: "webgl"

+    }],

+    settings: {

+      defaultEdgeColor: "#fff",

+      edgeColor: "default",

+      defaultLabelColor: "#fff",

+      autoRescale: false,

+      zoomMax: 30,

+      // enableEdgeHovering: true,

+      font: "Roboto",

+      labelThreshold: 5

+    }

+  });



-		s.refresh();

-		initSearchBar();

+  // query for JSON for graph data

+  xhr("GET", "api.php", "action=getgraf", function(responseText, status) {

+    // graf is the JSON data

+    graf = JSON.parse(responseText);


-		autocomplete(document.querySelector("#search-input"), graf.nodes, "search");

-	});

+    // does graf.nodes have a size attribute?

+    var rectBorrar = [[0,0], [0,0], [0,0], [0,0]];

+    for (var i in graf.nodes) {

+      if (graf.nodes[i].name == "Erase")    rectBorrar[0] = [ graf.nodes[i].x , graf.nodes[i].y ];

+      if (graf.nodes[i].name == "Borrar")   rectBorrar[1] = [ graf.nodes[i].x , graf.nodes[i].y ];

+      if (graf.nodes[i].name == "Esborrar") rectBorrar[2] = [ graf.nodes[i].x , graf.nodes[i].y ];

+      if (graf.nodes[i].name == "Delete")   rectBorrar[3] = [ graf.nodes[i].x , graf.nodes[i].y ];

+    }


+    var sizegraf = 0;

+    for (var i in graf.nodes) {

+      if ( isInRect(graf.nodes[i].x, graf.nodes[i].y, rectBorrar) ) continue;

+      sizegraf++;

+    }

+    var nnode = 0;

+    for (var i in graf.nodes) {

+      var ncolor = null;


+      if(graf.nodes[i].sex =="F") ncolor = "#d61c08";

+      else if(graf.nodes[i].sex == "M") ncolor = "#0159aa";

+      else ncolor = "#0ca80a";


+      // post-processing for year corrections

+      if(1970 < graf.nodes[i].year && graf.nodes[i].year < 2004) graf.nodes[i].year += 18;


+      var newX = 5000*Math.cos( 2*Math.PI*nnode/sizegraf );

+      var newY = 5000*Math.sin( 2*Math.PI*nnode/sizegraf );


+      if (isInRect(graf.nodes[i].x, graf.nodes[i].y, rectBorrar) ) continue;


+      s.graph.addNode({

+        // we add color, originalColor, size, originalX..Y, circleX..Y atributes

+        id: graf.nodes[i].id,

+        year: graf.nodes[i].year,

+        sex: graf.nodes[i].sex,

+        label: graf.nodes[i].name,

+        x: graf.nodes[i].x,

+        y: graf.nodes[i].y,

+        circleX: newX,

+        circleY: newY,

+        originalX: graf.nodes[i].x,

+        originalY: graf.nodes[i].y,

+        size: 10,

+        color: ncolor,

+        originalColor: ncolor

+      });

+      nnode++;


+    }


+    for (var i in graf.edges) {

+      if (isInRect(graf.nodes[graf.edges[i].a].x, graf.nodes[graf.edges[i].a].y, rectBorrar)) continue;

+      if (isInRect(graf.nodes[graf.edges[i].b].x, graf.nodes[graf.edges[i].b].y, rectBorrar)) continue;


+      s.graph.addEdge({

+        id: i,

+        source: graf.edges[i].a,

+        target: graf.edges[i].b,

+        size: Math.min(4, Math.max((7/(2*Math.pow(20, 2)))*Math.pow(graf.edges[i].votes, 2) + 1/2, 0.5))

+      });


+    }


+    s.bind('clickNode', function(e) {

+      var nodeId = e.data.node.id,

+      toKeep = s.graph.neighbors(nodeId);

+      // toKeep[nodeId] = e.data.node;



+      s.graph.nodes().forEach(function(n) {

+        if (toKeep[n.id] || n.id == nodeId) {

+          n.color = n.originalColor;

+        } else {

+          n.color = '#333';

+        }

+      });


+      s.graph.edges().forEach(function(e) {

+        if ((e.source == nodeId || e.target == nodeId) && (toKeep[e.source] || toKeep[e.target])) {

+          e.color = '#fff';

+        } else {

+          e.color = '#333';

+        }

+      });


+      if (circleMode) {

+        s.graph.nodes().forEach(function (n) {

+          n.x = n.circleX;

+          n.y = n.circleY;

+          n.size = 10;

+        });


+        e.data.node.x = 0;

+        e.data.node.y = 0;

+        e.data.node.size = 30;

+      }


+      s.refresh();


+      dialog.show(nodeId, toKeep);

+    });


+    initDialog();

+    initCamera();

+    initSearchBar();


+    s.refresh();

+    autocomplete(document.querySelector("#search-input"), graf.nodes, "search");

+  });



 function updateSigma() {

-	// returns set of neighouts

-	sigma.classes.graph.addMethod("neighbors", function(nodeId) {

-		var k,

-		neighbors = {},

-		index = this.allNeighborsIndex[nodeId] || [];

+  // returns set of neighouts

+  sigma.classes.graph.addMethod("neighbors", function(nodeId) {

+    var k,

+    neighbors = {},

+    index = this.allNeighborsIndex[nodeId] || [];


-		for (k in index) {

-			neighbors[k] = this.nodesIndex[k];

-		}

+    for (k in index) {

+      neighbors[k] = this.nodesIndex[k];

+    }


-		return neighbors;

-	});


-	// returns number of neighbours from a set of years

-	sigma.classes.graph.addMethod("numNeighborsFromYears", function(nodeId, showYearsCopy) {

-		var k,

-		neighbors = 0,

-		index = this.allNeighborsIndex[nodeId] || [];

+    return neighbors;

+  });


-		for (k in index) {

-			if(this.nodesIndex){

-				if (showYearsCopy.has("" + this.nodesIndex[k].year)) neighbors++;

-				else if (this.nodesIndex[k].year == 0) neighbors++;

-			}

-		}


-		return neighbors;

-	});

\ No newline at end of file
+  // returns number of neighbours from a set of years

+  sigma.classes.graph.addMethod("numNeighborsFromYears", function(nodeId, showYearsCopy) {

+    var k,

+    neighbors = 0,

+    index = this.allNeighborsIndex[nodeId] || [];


+    for (k in index) {

+      if(this.nodesIndex){

+        if (showYearsCopy.has("" + this.nodesIndex[k].year)) neighbors++;

+        else if (this.nodesIndex[k].year == 0) neighbors++;

+      }

+    }


+    return neighbors;

+  });
