blob: a70ade36f895cdb350df9f666314297d06e69be4 [file] [log] [blame]
package main
import (
const (
monorailEndpointURL = ""
vulnzProject = "vulnz"
doNotPublishLabel = "DoNotPublish"
restrictedLabel = "Restrict-View-Commit"
// Days after which the report for a fixed vulnerability will be automatically
// published.
deadlineAfterFixed = 30 * 24 * time.Hour
// Grace period added to the deadlines
gracePeriod = 1 * 24 * time.Hour
// Time to warn about the automatic disclosure before it happens
warningPeriod = 5 * 24 * time.Hour
// Layouts returned by the monorail package
dateTimeLayout = "2006-01-02T15:04:05"
dateLayout = "2006-01-02"
type VulnerabilityReport struct {
// ID of the vulnerability report/issue in Monorail
IssueId int64
// Title of the report
Title string
// Issue status
Status string
// Date that the status was modified
StatusModified time.Time
// Date when the vulnerability report was sent to the vendor
Reported time.Time
// Number of days since the reported date when the vulnerability should be automatically disclosed
DeadlineDays int
// DeadlineDays, converted to time.Duration
DeadlineDuration time.Duration
// Date when the vulnerability report should be published if it has been fixed
PublishDateIfFixed time.Time
// Deadline when the vulnerability report should be published if not fixed
DeadlineTime time.Time
HasDoNotPublishLabel bool
HasRestrictedLabel bool
type Action struct {
MustPerform bool
// |Reason| can be `disclosureDeadline` (the deadline has been exceeded), `fixedDeadline` (the issue has been fixed and |deadlineAfterFixed| has passed)
Reason string
// |Type| can be `warning` (warning before actually disclosing the report), `disclosure` (the report is actually disclosed)
Type string
func parseIssue(issue *monorail.ProtoApiPb2V1IssueWrapper) (*VulnerabilityReport, error) {
report := VulnerabilityReport{IssueId: issue.Id}
report.Title = issue.Title
report.Status = issue.Status
var err error
report.StatusModified, err = time.Parse(dateTimeLayout, issue.StatusModified)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
deadlineFound := false
reportedFound := false
for _, field := range issue.FieldValues {
if field.FieldName == "Deadline" {
deadlineFound = true
report.DeadlineDays, err = strconv.Atoi(field.FieldValue)
report.DeadlineDuration = time.Duration(report.DeadlineDays) * 24 * time.Hour
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Error parsing Deadline field: %v")
if field.FieldName == "Reported" {
reportedFound = true
report.Reported, err = time.Parse(dateLayout, field.FieldValue)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Error parsing Reported field: %v")
if !deadlineFound {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("The Deadline field isn't set.")
if !reportedFound {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("The Reported field isn't set.")
report.PublishDateIfFixed = report.StatusModified.Add(deadlineAfterFixed + gracePeriod)
report.DeadlineTime = report.Reported.Add(report.DeadlineDuration + gracePeriod)
report.HasDoNotPublishLabel = slices.Contains(issue.Labels, doNotPublishLabel)
report.HasRestrictedLabel = slices.Contains(issue.Labels, restrictedLabel)
return &report, nil
func logIssue(message string, report *VulnerabilityReport) {
log.Printf("[Issue %d] %s", report.IssueId, message)
// |actionType| can be one of the types allowed in |Action.Type|.
func getActionPartial(report *VulnerabilityReport, actionType string) *Action {
now := time.Now()
isWarning := actionType == "warning"
// Take into account that warnings are published in advance (according to warningPeriod)
var (
publishDateIfFixed time.Time
deadlineTime time.Time
if isWarning {
publishDateIfFixed = report.PublishDateIfFixed.Add(-warningPeriod)
deadlineTime = report.DeadlineTime.Add(-warningPeriod)
} else {
publishDateIfFixed = report.PublishDateIfFixed
deadlineTime = report.DeadlineTime
if report.Status == "Fixed" || report.Status == "Verified" {
if (!isWarning && publishDateIfFixed.Before(now)) || (isWarning && dateEqual(publishDateIfFixed, now)) {
return &Action{
MustPerform: true,
Reason: "fixedDeadline",
Type: actionType,
return &Action{MustPerform: false}
if (!isWarning && deadlineTime.Before(now)) || (isWarning && dateEqual(deadlineTime, now)) {
return &Action{
MustPerform: true,
Reason: "disclosureDeadline",
Type: actionType,
return &Action{MustPerform: false}
// Get the actions that should be performed today on |report|
func getTodayActions(report *VulnerabilityReport) []*Action {
// By default, all the actions will be set to |false|
var actions []*Action
// Do not publish any issue which has the DoNotPublish label set!
if report.HasDoNotPublishLabel {
logIssue(fmt.Sprintf("The %s label is set. Skipping.\n", doNotPublishLabel), report)
return actions
// Check that the report is not already published
if !report.HasRestrictedLabel {
logIssue(fmt.Sprintf("The %s label isn't set (so in theory it shouldn't have been returned by the query). Skipping.\n", restrictedLabel), report)
return actions
warningAction := getActionPartial(report, "warning")
if warningAction.MustPerform {
actions = append(actions, warningAction)
disclosureAction := getActionPartial(report, "disclosure")
if disclosureAction.MustPerform {
actions = append(actions, disclosureAction)
return actions
func newRequestExponentialBackOff() *backoff.ExponentialBackOff {
b := backoff.NewExponentialBackOff()
b.InitialInterval = 500 * time.Millisecond
b.RandomizationFactor = 0.5
b.Multiplier = 1.5
b.MaxInterval = 30 * time.Second
b.MaxElapsedTime = 5 * time.Minute
return b
func publishReportAttempt(message string, report *VulnerabilityReport, action *Action, monorailSvc *monorail.Service, ctx context.Context) error {
ctxRequest, cancel := context.WithDeadline(ctx, time.Now().Add(45*time.Second))
defer cancel()
comment := monorail.ProtoApiPb2V1IssueCommentWrapper{
Content: message,
if action.Type == "disclosure" {
// Remove the label which restricts the bug from public view
labels := make([]string, 1)
labels[0] = "-" + restrictedLabel
comment.Updates = &monorail.ProtoApiPb2V1Update{Labels: labels}
_, err := monorailSvc.Issues.Comments.Insert(vulnzProject, report.IssueId, &comment).SendEmail(true).Context(ctxRequest).Do()
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("The request to insert the comment failed: %v", err)
logIssue(fmt.Sprintf("Added comment (type: %s, reason: %s)", action.Type, action.Reason), report)
return nil
func publishReport(message string, report *VulnerabilityReport, action *Action, monorailSvc *monorail.Service, ctx context.Context) error {
exp := newRequestExponentialBackOff()
err := backoff.Retry(func() error {
return publishReportAttempt(message, report, action, monorailSvc, ctx)
}, exp)
return err
func postTweet(report *VulnerabilityReport, twtrClient *gotwi.Client, ctx context.Context) error {
truncatedBugTitle := truncateStringWithEllipsis(report.Title, 240-(2+1+6+1+1+20))
url := fmt.Sprintf("", report.IssueId)
tweetText := fmt.Sprintf("🦋 b/%d %s %s", report.IssueId, truncatedBugTitle, url)
body := &types.CreateInput{
Text: gotwi.String(tweetText),
_, err := managetweet.Create(ctx, twtrClient, body)
if err == nil {
logIssue(fmt.Sprintf("Tweeted: %s", tweetText), report)
return err
func performAction(report *VulnerabilityReport, action *Action, monorailSvc *monorail.Service, twtrClient *gotwi.Client, ctx context.Context) error {
var message string
if action.Reason == "fixedDeadline" {
deadlineAfterFixedInt := deadlineAfterFixed / (24 * time.Hour)
if action.Type == "warning" {
message = fmt.Sprintf("This report will be published in %d days, since at that time %d days will have passed since the vulnerability was fixed.\n\n_Please add the `%s` label if you want to stop the automatic disclosure._", warningPeriod/(24*time.Hour), deadlineAfterFixedInt, doNotPublishLabel)
} else {
message = fmt.Sprintf("**The vulnerability was fixed %d days ago** -- automatically publishing the vulnerability report.", deadlineAfterFixedInt)
} else if action.Reason == "disclosureDeadline" {
if action.Type == "warning" {
message = fmt.Sprintf("This report will be published in %d days, since at that time %d days will have passed since the vulnerability was reported.\n\n_Please add the `%s` label if you want to stop the automatic disclosure._", warningPeriod/(24*time.Hour), report.DeadlineDays, doNotPublishLabel)
} else {
message = fmt.Sprintf("**The %d-day deadline has been exceeded** -- automatically publishing the vulnerability report.", report.DeadlineDays)
err := publishReport(message, report, action, monorailSvc, ctx)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Error trying to perform action type %s, for reason %s: %v", action.Type, action.Reason, err)
if twtrClient != nil && action.Type == "disclosure" {
err := postTweet(report, twtrClient, ctx)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Error trying to publish tweet: %v", err)
return nil
func handleIssue(issue *monorail.ProtoApiPb2V1IssueWrapper, monorailSvc *monorail.Service, twtrClient *gotwi.Client, ctx context.Context) error {
report, err := parseIssue(issue)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Error parsing issue: %v", err)
actions := getTodayActions(report)
for _, action := range actions {
err = performAction(report, action, monorailSvc, twtrClient, ctx)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Error handling %s action: %v", action.Type, err)
return nil
func main() {
log.Println("Starting vulnzybot...")
ctx := context.Background()
credentials, ok := os.LookupEnv("GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS")
if !ok {
log.Println("GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS environment variable is not set.")
monorailSvc, err := monorail.NewService(ctx, option.WithEndpoint(monorailEndpointURL), option.WithCredentialsFile(credentials))
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Can't create Monorail service: %v", err)
twtrToken, okToken := os.LookupEnv("TWITTER_OAUTH_TOKEN")
twtrSecret, okSecret := os.LookupEnv("TWITTER_OAUTH_TOKEN_SECRET")
var twtrClient *gotwi.Client
if okToken && okSecret {
in := &gotwi.NewClientInput{
AuthenticationMethod: gotwi.AuthenMethodOAuth1UserContext,
OAuthToken: twtrToken,
OAuthTokenSecret: twtrSecret,
twtrClient, err = gotwi.NewClient(in)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Can't create Twitter client: %v", err)
var listResponse *monorail.ProtoApiPb2V1IssuesListResponse
exp := newRequestExponentialBackOff()
err = backoff.Retry(func() error {
var err error
listResponse, err = monorailSvc.Issues.List(vulnzProject).Can("all").Q("Type=VulnerabilityReport Restrict=View-Commit").MaxResults(100000).Do()
return err
}, exp)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Can't list issues: %v", err)
for _, issue := range listResponse.Items {
err := handleIssue(issue, monorailSvc, twtrClient, ctx)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("[Issue %v] Error while handling issue: %v", issue.Id, err)