Add Kill Switch section

Currently there's a nasty bug which doesn't allow users from navigating
from the "Kill Switch" section to any other section of the app (see bug
twpowertools:59), but everything else is working.

Change-Id: I3c71352b1899e4ddf9ba5886aa1434a5a1ed93eb
diff --git a/frontend/src/vma.js b/frontend/src/vma.js
index 07b0727..88563d5 100644
--- a/frontend/src/vma.js
+++ b/frontend/src/vma.js
@@ -1,9 +1,10 @@
 // We just import the components needed.
-import {button, dataTable, dialog, drawer, fab, iconButton, list, materialIcon, menu, select, textfield, topAppBar} from 'vue-material-adapter';
+import {button, checkbox, dataTable, dialog, drawer, fab, iconButton, list, materialIcon, menu, select, textfield, topAppBar} from 'vue-material-adapter';
 export default {
   install(vm) {
+    vm.use(checkbox);