TW Power Tools gRPC server and frontend.

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  1. 019a369 fix(deps): update dependency grpc-web to v1.5.0 by Renovate bot · 1 year, 2 months ago main
  2. df6d036 fix(deps): update dependency google-protobuf to v3.21.2 by Renovate bot · 1 year, 2 months ago
  3. 8788c16 chore(deps): update dependency json5 to v1.0.2 by Renovate bot · 1 year, 2 months ago
  4. 7273235 chore(deps): pin dependencies by Renovate bot · 1 year, 2 months ago
  5. 62f8b37 chore: Configure Renovate by Renovate bot · 1 year, 2 months ago


TWPT-server is the code for the TW Power Tools gRPC server and its frontend.

This repository is under active development, and is not ready yet for production.


To serve the frontend for development, follow these instructions:

  1. Run docker-compose -f up to start the gRPC API, database and Envoy proxy (which will translate gRPC-Web <-> gRPC).
  2. Run docker exec -i twpt-server_db_1 mysql -u root twpt < schema/common.sql and docker exec -i twpt-server_db_1 mysql -u root twpt < schema/kill-switch.sql.
  3. Run docker exec -it twpt-server_db_1 mysql -u root twpt and enter the following SQL sentence with your data to create the first authorized user: INSERT INTO KillSwitchAuthorizedUser (google_uid, email, access_level) VALUES ('', '{YOUR_EMAIL_ADDRESS}', 10);.
  4. Run docker-compose -f restart.
  5. Run npm install.
  6. Run make serve.


You can run the backend for development purposes by running go run . in the //cmd/serve folder. You may also build its docker image to allow it to interact with the frontend (since it needs Envy (the gRPC-Web proxy) to translate between gRPC and HTTP requests).


Use the docker-compose.yml file instead of and follow steps 1-4 from the "frontend" section to spin up the backend.

For the frontend, run make deploy in the //frontend folder to deploy the frontend to Firebase.