Image hiding with bits
diff --git a/php/request.php b/php/request.php
index 8def47f..845cdb1 100644
--- a/php/request.php
+++ b/php/request.php
@@ -11,8 +11,8 @@
 	if ($_POST['msg'] == "DENY REQ") $queries = ["UPDATE users SET requested=0 WHERE id=".(int)$_POST['user_id']]; 			// deny request
 	if ($_POST['msg'] == "CONF DEAD") {
 		$queries = ["INSERT INTO morts (id, quimatava, assassi, curs, grau) (SELECT id, quimata, (SELECT id FROM users WHERE quimata=".(int)$_POST['user_id']."), curs, grau FROM users WHERE id=".(int)$_POST['user_id'].")", 	// add to 'morts'
-					"UPDATE users SET requested=0, quimata=".(int)$_POST['user_quimata']." WHERE quimata=".(int)$_POST['user_id'], 	// assign new victim to killer
-					"UPDATE users SET quimata=0, mort=1 WHERE id=".(int)$_POST['user_id']]; 										// confirm victim dead/killed
+					"UPDATE users SET requested=0, quimata=".(int)$_POST['user_quimata'].", bits=".(int)rand(1,512)." WHERE quimata=".(int)$_POST['user_id'], 	// assign new victim to killer
+					"UPDATE users SET quimata=0, mort=1 WHERE id=".(int)$_POST['user_id']];		// confirm victim dead/killed										
 	// Fetch the information of the user
 	foreach ($queries as $query) {
diff --git a/php/utils.php b/php/utils.php
index 8148c92..abd519e 100644
--- a/php/utils.php
+++ b/php/utils.php
@@ -70,6 +70,7 @@
 					$user->requested = (int)$row[5];
 					$user->mort = (int)$row[6];
 					$user->md5password = $row[7];
+					$user->bits = $row[8];
 				} else {
 					$user = [];
 					$user["id"] = (int)$row[0];
@@ -80,6 +81,7 @@
 					$user["requested"] = (int)$row[5];
 					$user["mort"] = (int)$row[6];
 					$user["md5password"] = $row[7];
+					$user["bits"] = $row[8];
 				array_push($users, $user);
@@ -92,4 +94,11 @@
 		if ($id > 0) return $users[0];
 		else return $users;
+	// Number n to XXXXXXXXX with X = {0,1} binary format
+	function dec2bits($code) {
+		$bits = decbin($code);
+		while (strlen($bits) < 9) $bits = '0' . $bits;
+		return $bits;
+	}