Fenòmens: minor changes to lab p4

- Modified gnuplot code.
- Changed |run.bash| so it can be executed standalone to interface with
  the mc2 program with a lot of possible options (run
  `./run.bash --help`).
- Added some more temperatures to runAll.bash in order to get better
  precision around the critical temperature.

Change-Id: I4c8bd84eeccd9d444981e885ba41b9fd6fc75481
diff --git a/quad10/fenomens/lab/p4/graphs/dependenciaEnL.gnu b/quad10/fenomens/lab/p4/graphs/dependenciaEnL.gnu
index ec68f46..8061b30 100755
--- a/quad10/fenomens/lab/p4/graphs/dependenciaEnL.gnu
+++ b/quad10/fenomens/lab/p4/graphs/dependenciaEnL.gnu
@@ -4,24 +4,64 @@
 datafilepost = '.dat'
 LS = ARG1
-set terminal svg dashed size 600, 600 font "Computer Modern,Tinos,Helvetica,15"
+graphStyle = "with linespoints pointsize 0.7"
+svgTerminal = "set terminal svg dashed size 800, 800 font \"Computer Modern,Tinos,Helvetica,15\""
+pngTerminal = "set terminal pngcairo size 800, 800 font \"Computer Modern,Tinos,Helvetica,15\""
-set title "Capacitat calorífica"
-set output outputfile.'_capacitat_calorifica.svg'
-plot for [L in LS] datafilepre . L . datafilepost using 2:10 with linespoints title "L = ".L
+set xlabel "Temperatura (K)"
+set yrange [*<0:0<*]
+# ------------------------------------
+# Gràfica per la capacitat calorífica:
+# ------------------------------------
+set title "Capacitat calorífica per diferents valors d'L"
-set title "Susceptibilitat magnètica"
-set output outputfile.'_susceptibilitat_magnetica.svg'
-plot for [L in LS] datafilepre . L . datafilepost using 2:11 with linespoints title "L = ".L
+set output outputfile.'capacitat_calorifica.svg'
+plot for [L in LS] datafilepre . L . datafilepost using 2:10 @graphStyle title "L = ".L
-set title "Energia"
-set output outputfile.'_energia.svg'
+set output outputfile.'capacitat_calorifica.png'
+# ----------------------------------------
+# Gràfica per la susceptibilitat magnètica
+# ----------------------------------------
+set title "Susceptibilitat magnètica per diferents valors d'L"
+set output outputfile.'susceptibilitat_magnetica.svg'
+plot for [L in LS] datafilepre . L . datafilepost using 2:11 @graphStyle title "L = ".L
+set output outputfile.'susceptibilitat_magnetica.png'
+# ---------------------
+# Gràfica per l'energia
+# ---------------------
+set title "Energia per diferents valors d'L"
+set output outputfile.'energia.svg'
 set key bottom right
-plot for [L in LS] datafilepre . L . datafilepost using 2:($3/(L**2)) with linespoints title "<E>/N, L = ".L, \
-     for [L in LS] datafilepre . L . datafilepost using 2:(-sqrt($4)/(L**2)) with linespoints title "-sqrt(<E^2>)/N, L = ".L
+plot for [L in LS] datafilepre . L . datafilepost using 2:($3/(L**2)) @graphStyle title "<E>/N, L = ".L, \
+     for [L in LS] datafilepre . L . datafilepost using 2:(-sqrt($4)/(L**2)) @graphStyle title "-sqrt(<E^2>)/N, L = ".L
-set title "Magnetització"
-set output outputfile.'_magnetitzacio.svg'
+set output outputfile.'energia.png'
+# ----------------------------
+# Gràfica per la magnetització
+# ----------------------------
+set title "Magnetització per diferents valors d'L"
+set output outputfile.'magnetitzacio.svg'
 set key top right
-plot for [L in LS] datafilepre . L . datafilepost using 2:($7/(L**2)) with linespoints title "<|M|>/N, L = ".L, \
-     for [L in LS] datafilepre . L . datafilepost using 2:(sqrt($8)/(L**2)) with linespoints title "sqrt(<M^2>)/N, L = ".L
+plot for [L in LS] datafilepre . L . datafilepost using 2:($7/(L**2)) @graphStyle title "<|M|>/N, L = ".L, \
+     for [L in LS] datafilepre . L . datafilepost using 2:(sqrt($8)/(L**2)) @graphStyle title "sqrt(<M^2>)/N, L = ".L
+set output outputfile.'magnetitzacio.png'