blob: be9b69c8a406495f0e84066979f0a29a4f4eecef [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env -S gnuplot -c
outputfile = 'depEnSeed' # Nom de la imatge resultant (sense extensió)
datafilepost = '.ev'
L = ARG2
do for [IDX = 0:1] {
if (IDX == 0) {
set terminal cairolatex size 8.5cm, 11cm
set output outputfile.'.tex'
} else {
set terminal svg dashed size 600, 1200 font "Computer Modern,Tinos,Helvetica,15"
set output outputfile.'.svg'
set multiplot layout 2,1
set key outside top horizontal
set xlabel "Iteracions MC"
set ylabel '$\langle e \rangle$'
set yrange [-2:0]
plot for [S in SEEDS] S . datafilepost using 1:($2/(L*L)) with lines title sprintf('$S = %s$', S)
set xlabel "Iteracions MC"
set ylabel '$\langle m \rangle$'
set yrange [-1:1]
plot for [S in SEEDS] S . datafilepost using 1:($3/(L*L)) with lines title sprintf('$S = %s$', S)
unset multiplot