Afegit numbersfirst
diff --git a/apuntsfme.dtx b/apuntsfme.dtx
index b5bc572..5201352 100644
--- a/apuntsfme.dtx
+++ b/apuntsfme.dtx
@@ -256,8 +256,10 @@
 %\DeclareMathOperator{\tr}{tr} % Already in physics
 %\DeclareMathOperator{\grad}{grad} % Already in physics
@@ -354,6 +356,57 @@
 % \subsubsection{Babel}
 % TODO add english support and make it the default
 %    \begin{macrocode}
+    \newtheoremstyle{break}% name
+    {}%         Space above, empty = `usual value'
+    {}%         Space below
+    {}% Body font
+    {}%         Indent amount (empty = no indent, \parindent = para indent)
+    {\bfseries}% Thm head font
+    {}%        Punctuation after thm head
+    {5pt plus 1pt minus 1pt}% Space after thm head: \newline = linebreak
+    {\thmnumber{#2}. \thmname{#1.}\thmnote{ {\it #3.}\newline}}%         Thm head spec
+    \newtheoremstyle{demo}% name
+    {}%         Space above, empty = `usual value'
+    {}%         Space below
+    {}% Body font
+    {}%         Indent amount (empty = no indent, \parindent = para indent)
+    {\it}% Thm head font
+    {}%        Punctuation after thm head
+    {5pt plus 1pt minus 1pt}% Space after thm head: \newline = linebreak
+    {#1\thmnote{ #3}.}%         Thm head spec
+    \newtheoremstyle{breakthm}% name
+    {}%         Space above, empty = `usual value'
+    {}%         Space below
+    {}% Body font
+    {}%         Indent amount (empty = no indent, \parindent = para indent)
+    {\bfseries}% Thm head font
+    {}%        Punctuation after thm head
+    {\newline}% Space after thm head: \newline = linebreak
+    {\thmnumber{#2}. \thmname{#1.}\thmnote{ {\it #3.}}\addcontentsline{toc}{subsection}{#3}}%         Thm head spec
+    \newtheoremstyle{normal}% name
+    {}%         Space above, empty = `usual value'
+    {}%         Space below
+    {}% Body font
+    {}%         Indent amount (empty = no indent, \parindent = para indent)
+    {\bfseries}% Thm head font
+    {}%        Punctuation after thm head
+    {5pt plus 1pt minus 1pt}% Space after thm head: \newline = linebreak
+    {\thmnumber{#2}. \thmname{#1.}\thmnote{ {\it #3.}}}%         Thm head spec
+    \newtheoremstyle{autodefi}% name
+    {}%         Space above, empty = `usual value'
+    {}%         Space below
+    {}% Body font
+    {}%         Indent amount (empty = no indent, \parindent = para indent)
+    {\bfseries}% Thm head font
+    {}%        Punctuation after thm head
+    {5pt plus 1pt minus 1pt}% Space after thm head: \newline = linebreak
+    {\index{#3((defi:#2))}\label{defi:#2}\thmnumber{#2}. \thmname{#1.}}% Thm head specko