Display the battery level in a set of five unicode squares (U+25A0).
It also changes color for more accuracy and to distinguish between charging, discharging, charged, and AC statuses.
You can also specify your own set of colors.
Left-clicking briefly shows the battery level in percent.
chmod +x batterybar
)[batterybar] command=$SCRIPT_DIR/batterybar label=bat: interval=5 markup=pango min_width=bat: ■■■■■ # Discharging colors low to high #C1=#FF0027 #C2=#FF3B05 #C3=#FFB923 #C4=#FFD000 #C5=#E4FF00 #C6=#ADFF00 #C7=#6DFF00 #C8=#10BA00 #CHARGING_COLOR=#00AFE3 #FULL_COLOR=#FFFFFF #AC_COLOR=#535353