change link
diff --git a/horaris.json b/horaris.json
index 3d84dd3..11dba99 100644
--- a/horaris.json
+++ b/horaris.json
@@ -1 +1 @@
-classes = '[{"nom" : "ÀLGEBRA MULTILINIAL", "hora" : "08:00-9:00", "aula" : "S02"}, {"nom" : "ÀLGEBRA MULTILINIAL2", "hora" : "09:00-10:00", "aula" : "S02"}, {"nom" : "ÀLGEBRA MULTILINIAL3", "hora" : "10:00-11:00", "aula" : "S02"}, {"nom" : "ÀLGEBRA MULTILINIAL4", "hora" : "11:00-12:00", "aula" : "S02"}, {"nom" : "ÀLGEBRA MULTILINIAL5", "hora" : "12:00-13:00", "aula" : "S02"}]';
\ No newline at end of file
+classes = '[{"nom" : "ÀLGEBRA MULTILINIAL", "hora" : "08:00-9:00", "aula" : "S02"}, {"nom" : "ÀLGEBRA MULTILINIAL2", "hora" : "09:00-10:00", "aula" : "S02"}, {"nom" : "ÀLGEBRA MULTILINIAL3", "hora" : "10:00-11:00", "aula" : "S02"}, {"nom" : "ÀLGEBRA MULTILINIAL4", "hora" : "11:00-12:00", "aula" : "S02"}, {"nom" : "ÀLGEBRA MULTILINIAL5", "hora" : "12:00-13:00", "aula" : "S02"}, {"nom" : "ÀLGEBRA MULTILINIAL6", "hora" : "13:00-14:00", "aula" : "S02"}, {"nom" : "ÀLGEBRA MULTILINIAL7", "hora" : "14:00-15:00", "aula" : "S02"}, {"nom" : "ÀLGEBRA MULTILINIAL8", "hora" : "15:00-16:00", "aula" : "S02"}, {"nom" : "ÀLGEBRA MULTILINIAL9", "hora" : "16:00-17:00", "aula" : "S02"}, {"nom" : "ÀLGEBRA MULTILINIAL10", "hora" : "17:00-18:00", "aula" : "S02"}]';
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/main.html b/main.html
index bf16a34..8c4de98 100644
--- a/main.html
+++ b/main.html
@@ -1,13 +1,12 @@
 <script type="text/javascript" src="./horaris.json"></script>
+<meta charset="utf-8">
         <h1>App de traçabilitat DAFME</h1>
-        <h2>Estructures Algebràiques</h2>
         <h2 id = "assignatura"></h2>
-        <h3>Aula S03</h3>
         <h3 id = "aula"></h3>
         <a href="#">No és així? Canvia-ho.</a>
@@ -17,8 +16,21 @@
         <h3 id="data"></h3>
         <a href="#">No és així? Canvia-ho.</a>
+        <form>
+			<label for="seient">Seient:</label><br>
+			<input type="text" id="seient" name="seient"><br>
+		</form>
+		<form id = "link" action =>
+		    <input type="submit" value="Continua"/>
+		</form>
+        	//var linkOutput = ""
+        	var linkOutput = ""
+        	//var linkOutput = ""
         	var mydata = JSON.parse(classes);
             var hora_actual = new Date();
@@ -45,9 +57,15 @@
 				if(h[0] == (hora_actual.getHours() - 1).toString()) {
 					document.getElementById("assignatura").innerHTML = mydata[i].nom;
+					document.getElementById("aula").innerHTML = "Aula " + mydata[i].aula;
+					linkOutput += "?entry.1063142948=" + mydata[i].aula;
             document.getElementById("data").innerHTML = data;
+            document.getElementById("link").action = linkOutput;