blob: 5f94445727b4bcb7ec000a1a863bd845e990456b [file] [log] [blame]
set xlabel "Casos actius per 10^5 habitants"
set ylabel "Mitjana taxa de creixement darrers 7 dies"
set title font "Helvetica,20"
set yrange[0:5]
set xrange[0:4500]
set samples 400
set key off
set tics out scale 0.5,0.2
min(a, b) = (a < b ? a : b)
# The different colored areas correspond to the classification of the EPG values defined on page 8 at
lastUpdated = system("tail -n 1 ".fileName." | awk '{print $1;}'")
graphTitle = name
graphDataFile = fileName
load "includes/plotSingleGraph.gnu"