Added more information to

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 # covid-19
-This is the code for, which contains graphs which determine the level of risk in which each Catalan territory is due to the COVID-19, based on the work of the [BIOCOMSC]( group at the Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC).
+This is the code for, which contains graphs which determine the level of risk of each Catalan health area due to the COVID-19, based on the work of the [BIOCOMSC]( group at the Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC).
 **DISCLAIMER**: The data shown in the website might be wrong due to a wrong implementation.
+## Installation
+This software is meant to be used with Apache2 in order to serve a website including the last Covid-19 data.
+To install it, follow these steps:
+1. Clone this repo in a web directory by running `git clone "ssh://"`.
+2. Set up a cron script which sets the working directory to `covid19/cron` and runs the `bash generate.bash` command every day early in the morning.
+   *** promo
+   **Note:** For this, you can run `crontab -e` and place the following line at the end of the document: `0 2 * * * (cd /path/to/covid19/cron/ && bash generate.bash)`
+   ***
+Each day, the `generate.bash` script will generate the graphs at the `covid19/output` folder.
+*** promo
+You can manually call the `bash generate.bash` command anytime from the `covid19/cron` directory in order to manually generate the graphs.
+## Description of the different files
+This is what each file does:
+* `index.html`: a web accessible document which includes a disclaimer text, a key for the graphs, and the generated graphs themselves.
+* `cron` folder: a non-web accessible folder which contains programs which ultimately generate the graphs.
+* `cron/generate.bash`: a Bash script which orchestrates all the other programs in the folder in order to generate the graphs.
+* `cron/generateData.php`: a PHP script which extracts the Covid-19 data from the *Generalitat de Catalunya*'s API and analyzes that data to generate the ρ<sub>7</sub> and IA<sub>14</sub> values needed by `cron/generateGraphs.gnu`.
+* `cron/generateGraphs.gnu`: a gnuplot script which generates the graphs with the data which has been provided by the `cron/generateData.php`. It uses the helper script `cron/plot.gnu`.
diff --git a/index.php b/index.php
index 2e9133d..c77f7c0 100644
--- a/index.php
+++ b/index.php
@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@
     <div class="note">
       <p><b>Nota</b>: La implementació que s'ha realitzat per calcular les dades podria ser incorrecta ja que no ha estat revisada per cap tercer, així que les gràfiques d'aquesta pàgina podrien ser incorrectes.
       <p>Les dades s'obtenen diretament de l'API de la Generalitat de Catalunya, però <a href="">segons el grup BIOCOMSC de la UPC</a>, les dades corresponents a l'última setmana no són fiables. Tot i així, es continuen graficant en aquesta pàgina totes les dades disponibles per tal de donar una fita inferior dels valors finals en les dades de l'última setmana.</p>
-      <p>Es pot trobar el codi font complet del càlcul i generació de les gràfiques <a href="">aquí</a>.</p>
+      <p>Es pot trobar el codi font complet del càlcul i generació de les gràfiques <a href="">aquí</a>.</p>
     <img class="graphs" src="output/graph.svg">